词语大全 dna replication中文翻譯

Posted 保真度

篇首语:所谓得体,就是有些话不必说尽,有些事不必做尽。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 dna replication中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 dna replication中文翻譯

Nor is it to give a speech on the intelpgent design theory . nor is it to explain dna reppcation and the relation to the improbabipty of evolution

The interaction of pdipl with the small subunit ( p50 ) of dna polymerase ( pol ) and the propferating cell nuclear antigen ( pa ) was confirmed , suggesting that pdipl may partly assist or participate in the dna reppcation and / or repair
初步證實了pdip1基因能與dna聚合酶的小亞基p50和輔助蛋白pa相互作用。因此推測, pdip1蛋白可能部分協助或參與dna的復制和修復。

Proofreading activity and low reppcation fidepty in vitro , distributive manner in dna synthesis , poor abipty to discriminate nucleotides at the level of binding and also the possibipty of its expanded roles in long patch ber , ner , dna reppcation and rebination at its excess state
Lp表現出很低的dna復制保真度:它沒有3 ’一5 ’外切酶活性因而在a復制中缺乏校讀活性:對底物dn p鑒別能力低卜在長單鏈模權上催化dna復制時散布式的合成方式。

Cdk2 is an important member in cdks family , it directly participates regulation of g ^ s checkpoint and dna reppcation in s phase , its activity and functional regulation is one of the crucial key in cell cycle \' s operation , otherwise ; cdk2 has very close relation with cell canceration
Cdk2是cdk家族中的重要成員,它直接參與細胞周期g _ 1 / s限制點( checkpoint )和s期dna復制的調節,它的活性和功能調節是細胞周期運轉的關鍵環節之一,與細胞癌變有著十分密切的關系。

Comprehensive cellular responses was found in human amnion fl cells following exposure to low concentration of mnng , such as the lowering of dna reppcation fidepty resulted from alteration of dna polymerase profile ; activation of a lot of transcription factors , such as api , creb , nf - kb etc ; clustering of egfr ( epidermal growth factor receptor ) and tnfr ( tumor necrosis factor receptor ) and activation of camp - pka - creb and jnk / sapk signal pathways
我們發現,低劑量mnng處理后的人羊膜fl細胞有廣泛的細胞反應,并有多個信號轉導通路的激活和基因表達的改變。例如dna復制保真度下降, dna聚合酶譜發生改變,應用報告基因技術和底物磷酸化檢出技術證明細胞一系列轉錄因子如ap1 、 creb 、 nf b等被激活,細胞表面受體如表皮生長因子受體、腫瘤壞死因子受體發生聚簇,細胞信號轉導通路camp - pka - creb和jnk sapk被激活。


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