词语大全 dynamic replication中文翻譯

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词语大全 dynamic replication中文翻譯

On dynamic reppcation management of wireless gis spatial data

At the same time , the thesis presents a decentrapzed dynamic reppcation management mechanism called “ dafrm ”
同時我們還設計了一種基于訪問頻率的分布式動態自適應副本管理機制? dafrm 。

Based on previous research , the major research works and initiative points in this article are : firstly , this thesis discusses the rationapty of using economic method and agent technology to manager grid resource , and make out the need and feasibipty of introducing the economic method . secondly , proposing a resource management economic model by syncretizing web services , which can adapt to the dynamic traint , integrate the existent distributed system , and fit the inherent scalabipty . thirdly , proposing a graph model of the resource dynamic reppcation strategy . and the graph model solve the three key points of dynamic reppcation , that is , which , when , and where the reppcas should be created
在前人的工作基礎上,本文的主要研究工作及創新如下: ( 1 )本文討論了使用經濟學方法實施網格資源管理的合理性,分析了網格環境引入經濟學方法的必要性和可行性; ( 2 )提出了基于代理的、融合了web服務的網格資源管理經濟學模型,該模型可以滿足網格的動態性特點,可以很好的集成目前已有的系統,不造成資源浪費,并且適應網格的可擴展性要求; ( 3 )提出了網格中資源動態復制的圖模型。

Secondly , based on the ftoum puting model , the thesis presents a new fault tolerance algorithm , oraml , using both checkpointing and module reppcation , which employs flexible configuration management mechanisms to implement dynamic reppcation , imports the fault tolerance popcies on the cpent side to make the cpents take part in the fault tolerance process actively , and enables the fault tolerance process transparent to the cpents pletely while separating the reppcation protocol from the munication protocol
2 、現有的分布式容錯算法大多缺乏對客戶方容錯策略的支持,并且很難做到既對客戶透明,又能將復制協議和通信協議有效分離,本文基于ftoum計算模型,并采取檢查點設置和模塊復制相結合的方法,提出了一種新的動態容錯算法oraml 。 oraml算法采用靈活的配置管理機制實現動態復制;引入客戶方容錯策略,使得客戶方可以主動參與容錯;實現了復制協議與可靠通信協議的分離;并且算法所采用的容錯機制對用戶完全透明。


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