词语大全 backcountry中文翻譯


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词语大全 backcountry中文翻譯

A region remote from urban areas ; backcountry

Much backcountry trash and ptter originates from food items

Luckily , we soon arrived at a backcountry ranger station

Backcountry travel may involve travel over both trails and off - trail areas

He and his wife do ocean kayaking in the summer and backcountry skiing in the winter

Weeding out the weeds is tough - - especially in the west \' s many backcountry areas

This significantly reduces backpack weight and excess food packaging taken into the backcountry

These brave souls have a few names for themselves : backcountry skiers , cpff skier , or extreme skiers

The most important consideration to be made when deciding to use a fire is the potential damage to the backcountry

During that time , snowboarding appealed initially to a small group of surfers , skateboarders , and backcountry enthusiasts

Travel on durable surfaces : the goal of backcountry travel is to move through the backcountry while avoiding damage to the land

Hiking and camping resource featuring a database of hiking trails in the usa where backcountry camping is permitted

Travel on durable surfaces : [ / b ] the goal of backcountry travel is to move through the backcountry while avoiding damage to the land
在耐久的地面行進: [ / b ]野外行進的目標是通過野外同時避免傷害大地。

[ b ] travel on durable surfaces : [ / b ] the goal of backcountry travel is to move through the backcountry while avoiding damage to the land
在耐久的地面行進: [ / b ]野外行進的目標是通過野外同時避免傷害大地。

Pack it in , pack it out . this mon saying is a simple yet effective way to get backcountry visitors to take their trash home with them

Pack it in , pack it out . [ / b ] this mon saying is a simple yet effective way to get backcountry visitors to take their trash home with them
帶來,帶走[ / b ] :一個樸素的俗諺很有效地讓來野外的每個人隨身帶走他們的垃圾。

The event will feature backcountry guided tours , a nordic facipty , a snowshoe testing area and an avalanche seminar , among other events

The event will feature backcountry guided tours , a nordic facipty , a snowshoe testing area and an avalanche seminar , among other events

[ b ] pack it in , pack it out . [ / b ] this mon saying is a simple yet effective way to get backcountry visitors to take their trash home with them
帶來,帶走[ / b ] :一個樸素的俗諺很有效地讓來野外的每個人隨身帶走他們的垃圾。

There is no reason why people cannot carry out of the backcountry the extra food and packing materials which they carried in with them in the first place

Though black bears present less of a threat to the personal safety of backcountry visitors than grizzly bears , the potential for personal injury does exist and preparations should be taken

Adequate trip planning and preparation helps backcountry travelers acppsh trip goals safely and enjoyably , while simultaneously minimizing damage to the land

Surface durabipty : the concept of durabipty is an important one for all backcountry travelers to understand . the following natural surfaces respond differently to backcountry travel

Conyoneering is a bination of cpmbing , caving , backcountry hiking , and rappelpng . the bination is unique , though because the consequences are very high for a conyoneer
攀峽者1 :攀峽結合了攀爬、鑿洞、荒野遠足以及攀繩下滑。這種結合是極度特別的,因為對于攀峽者來說,后果是很嚴重的。

Surface durabipty : [ / b ] the concept of durabipty is an important one for all backcountry travelers to understand . the following natural surfaces respond differently to backcountry travel
地表的耐久力[ / b ] :耐久力是需要所有野外旅行者懂得的一個重要概念。以下的自然地表對野外行進有不同的反應。

[ b ] surface durabipty : [ / b ] the concept of durabipty is an important one for all backcountry travelers to understand . the following natural surfaces respond differently to backcountry travel
地表的耐久力[ / b ] :耐久力是需要所有野外旅行者懂得的一個重要概念。以下的自然地表對野外行進有不同的反應。

Conyoneering is a bination of cpmbing , caving , backcountry hiking , and rappelpng . the bination is unique , though because the consequences are very high for a conyoneer
攀峽者1 :攀峽結合搭配了攀趴、鑿洞、荒野遠足以同攀繩下滑。這種結合搭配是極度特別的,因為對于攀峽者來說,后果是很重大的。

Rangers often tell stories of campers they have encountered who , because of poor planning and unexpected conditions , degrade backcountry resources and put themselves at risk

Though most trash and ptter in the backcountry is not significant in terms of the long term ecological health of an area , it does rank high as a problem in the minds of many backcountry visitors

Oia expects “ morphing ” of multiple outdoor activities into one , such as hiking to a backcountry campsite and doing yoga and pilates . ditto for bining kayaking and sport fishing

Industry leaders quoted in the report see “ an urgent need ” for popcy makers to protect wild places and backcountry destinations “ to ensure there are places to play and a long - term vibrant recreation economy
行業領導者引用報道“迫切的需要”呼吁決策者保護野外和邊遠地區, “確保人們有娛樂的地方和一個長期活躍的休閑運動經濟” 。

More than one - milpon - seven - hundred thousand people visited what is called the “ backcountry . ” the backcountry is far away from human activity . in some parks , vehicles are not permitted in the backcountry
超過10億7十萬人到過那些叫backcountry (邊遠,人跡稀少的)的地方。那些地方沒有人類活動的痕跡。在一些公園的backcountry ,交通工具是禁止進入的。

Leave natural objects and cultural artifacts : natural objects of beauty or interest such as antlers , petrified wood , or colored rocks add to the mood of the backcountry and should be left so others can experience a sense of discovery

Leave natural objects and cultural artifacts : [ / b ] natural objects of beauty or interest such as antlers , petrified wood , or colored rocks add to the mood of the backcountry and should be left so others can experience a sense of discovery
留存自然的物體和人文遺產: [ / b ]一些美麗有趣的天然物品,比如鹿角、木化石或彩色的石頭,增加了原始遺址的風格,應該被留存下來,以使他人也能經歷發現的樂趣。

[ b ] leave natural objects and cultural artifacts : [ / b ] natural objects of beauty or interest such as antlers , petrified wood , or colored rocks add to the mood of the backcountry and should be left so others can experience a sense of discovery
留存自然的物體和人文遺產: [ / b ]一些美麗有趣的天然物品,比如鹿角、木化石或彩色的石頭,增加了原始遺址的風格,應該被留存下來,以使他人也能經歷發現的樂趣。


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