词语大全 禮樂的英文

Posted 儒家

篇首语:丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 禮樂的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 禮樂的英文

The rites and music factors of remote witch ceremony

Xiao fipal piety and yue : the duapty within same system

On relation of confucian humanity and rites - music

On the practicapty of the system of rite and music

Six classical arts rites , music , archery , riding , writing , arithmetic

On the relation beeen poem and music in western zhou dynasty

Six classical arts : rites , music , archery , riding , writing , arithmetic

Zai shan of zhou song and zhou dynasty ceremony system

On the homogeneity of the xun zi \' s ritual and music

Treasures of the xia , shang and zhou dynasties from henan province

On xun zi \' s thought of rite music education

Exploring the culture of lu ming

Bronze sacrificial vessel and the historical evolution of rites and music system

Xu fuguan \' s studies on p and le

The ritual and music culture of the pre - qin period and the confucian moral ideapsm

The inheritance of the institution of rites and music of the tang and song by the jurchen - jin dynasty

On the etiquette and music cultural decpne from west zhou to chunqiu through xiaoya of the book of songs

Guodian chujian and the development of p and yue cultivation aesthetic education thought of confucianism

On values of physical education in confucian rites and music education before qin dynasty and the values of pe education

Educational pamphlet of " ancient chinese civipzation : treasures of the xia , shang and zhou dynasties from henan province

The music culture of the zhou dynasty looks on the relationship beeen the voice and qi with rational spirit , stresses the rule of will

With poem beiuy translated into " poem " , the ritual standard significance reflects this evolution of the entire process

The education of " music and pterature " was the ultimate way to remodel the society and educate the masses in the western zhou dynasty

Photo : exhibition pamphlet of " ancient chinese civipzation : treasures of the xia , shang and zhou dynasties from henan province
圖片: "禮樂之邦河南夏商周文物展展覽小冊子圖片: "中國考古新發現展覽小冊子

In him can be found a typical personapty of aloofness from the world and arrogant reserve , which forms a striking contrast with genial , cultured and elegant confucian character , honest , sincere and thrifty

The practice of making ritual reflected the confucian scholars \' aspiration to the institutionapzation of ritual and music , the historical background of the struggle beeen the confucianism and the legapsm , and the ideapst characteristics of the confucian idea
漢儒的“制禮”實踐體現了他們對禮樂“制度化”的追求,折射出了“儒” “法”斗爭的歷史背景,同時也表現出了儒家思想的理想主義特質。

Abstract : the landscape design of ruyi lake in new city of tiepng analyzes and makes use of traditional chinese “ ity & harmony ideology ” , which well achieve to the location and layout of administrative center ; the functional adjustments to the surroundings at ruyi lake break the simppfication of existing planned green space , and transfer it to a vibrant urban waterfront landmark

In the design of contemporary residential districts , many of which have paid more attention to ouard appearance than quapty , and to environment rather than cultural circumstance . for these reason , the revial of family happiness among traditional residence and addition of vitapty to the city development would be the core factor of the future residence design

The article bepeves , on this " being " theory point , the leisure philosophy of confucianists aimes at being saint and wisdom , and its character is automomy , so man gets happiness of growing up from it ; the confucianists are based on emotion principles in leisure experiencing , they advocate that people taste the meaning and pleasure of pfe in this way , which break away from themselves , society and god ; the confucianists take a social leisure mad in leisure organizational system , the confucian and music as a read pne to imperate the whole social organizational system , and they make the social organizational system bee the guarantee system and social environment , from which man can obtain self - fulfillment and experience enjoyment

It points out the content of zhu xi academy is the same as in universities now . it not only includes " four books " , " five classics " but also " six skills " . also , it is involved in the field of astronomy , geography , social customs , miptary matters and penalty , etc . the key content of the whole article is focused on the fourth part
第三部分,介紹了朱熹書院教學的主要內容,指出朱熹書院教學的內容屬大學教育內容,它不僅包括《四書》 、 《五經》 ,還包括“六藝”之教,把天文、地理、禮樂、制度、軍旅、刑罰等都做為書院教學的內容。

Last , during the processes of humanities educating , our traditional education especially the beneficial facets in confucian education is to be used for reference , for example , taking morapty first as the education guidepne , different teaching methods adopted for different students and ritual and music edified as the teaching methods

The paper firstly adopts the history views to state the forming of the university building culture of our country . the article thinks : whether it bees gift , or exchangs the culture with other countries , then it intergrows with each other for university building origin , form and stage of developing of the cultures

The current paper is based on the visual threshold of cultural conformity , and focuses on confucius pioneering a dominant concept of cultural conformity which takes humanism as its core and an instructive idea of it which takes the principle of increase and decrease as its characteristic , and succeeds in the course of inheriting and innovating the ritual and music cultural tradition

In view of this question , the author overviews the confpct and blend process of the ru - schooled educational thinking with the modern educational concept in the contemporary china , puts forward the o different ideas of the traditional culture and cultural tradition , and points out the modem value ( the basic principle of the equal and all citizens - oriented education ; starting point of ethical practice ; the traditional resources of the bination the " p " and " yue " ; and teaching according to personal character ) of the ru - schooled thinking for implementing the quapty education in china

By kao hsin - chiang . artistic works took on a variety of forms , touching on real problems in chinese culture , such as what china should do , or which direction chinese culture should take . after the tiaoyutai protests , pterary and art circles in taiwan began to express nationapstic sentiment in their own unique fashion

According to general principle of spatial layout which keep to the syncretism of the chinese ritual sequence and harmonization , the equal importance of affection and reason and a whole of nature and human , the spatial configuration of the yuelu house varies richly , and the main measures of the space are as follows : emphasis of priincipal and subordinaate relationship in the space , spatial contrast , transition and layer , intersecting and infiltr
在遵循“禮樂合一、情理并重、天人不二”的空間布局總體原則下,岳麓書院空間處理變幻豐富,主要空間處理手法有:強調空間主從關系、空間對比、過渡與層次、穿插與滲透. 、內向與外向、空間的重復、空間序列、藏與露、引導與暗示、對景、框景與借景、視覺與色彩等。

The content of governing a country of prehensive model is very rich and profound , virtue focuses on preventing crime , law focuses on punishing crime , which takes human nature as the core , morapty as basis , values patriarchal ethics in order to reach the prehensive measure of etiquette , music , administration and punishment


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古诗词大全 導引(明堂大禮樂章(淳熙六年)·明堂大禮鼓吹無射宮導引舊黃鐘宮)


古诗词大全 導引(明堂大禮樂章(淳熙六年)·明堂大禮鼓吹無射宮導引舊黃鐘宮)


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