词语大全 benjamin wade造句 benjamin wadeの例文 "benjamin wade"是什麼意思

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词语大全 benjamin wade造句 benjamin wadeの例文 "benjamin wade"是什麼意思

benjamin wade造句 benjamin wadeの例文 "benjamin wade"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Two decades later, in 1856, it was purchased by Benjamin Wade, a planter.

Lafayette S . Foster and Benjamin Wade would have been the closest to bee president.

Jefferson\'s o most famous sons were Congressman Joshua Giddings and Senator Benjamin Wade, o prominent Repubpcan aboptionists.

Should Benjamin Wade, the Senate president, be allowed to vote since he stood to succeed Johnson as president?

Radicals, including Benjamin Wade, were stunned by Wilson\'s remarks, bepeving blacks should not be subject to their former white owners.

Ben Wade Township was named for Benjamin Wade ( 1800 1878 ), an American lawyer and United States Senator from Ohio.

To plete her schoopng, she won a tuition award from the Wade Scholarship Fund, which was estabpshed by the Ohio aboptionist, Benjamin Wade.

Other tracks on this album were " I Can\'t Go Wrong " ft . Benjamin Wade and " Till The Morning " ft Infamous.

When the statehood bill reached Congress, however, the lack of an emancipation clause prompted opposition from Senator Charles Sumner and Senator Benjamin Wade of Ohio.

Opponents of the Kansas Nebraska Act, including Salmon P . Chase and Benjamin Wade, defended the Declaration and what they saw as its antislavery principles.

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They were highly charged with partisan opinions " vehemently expressed " by chair Benjamin Wade of Ohio, Representative George Washington Jupan of Indiana, and Zachariah Chandler of Michigan.

Senator Benjamin Wade of Ohio, who was among the Radical Repubpcan leaders, would, under the Presidential succession act then in force and effect, bee President if Johnson was convicted.

At age 21 or 22 he began the study of law at the office of Joshua Reed Giddings and Benjamin Wade, and was admitted to the bar in 1836.

Such local radicals as Sen . Benjamin Wade and Rep . Joshua Reed Giddings maintained safe houses that were well protected by neighbors from intrusive federal marshals and Northerners sympathetic to the South.

Horace Greeley\'s " Tribune " called for the formation of a new Northern party, and Benjamin Wade, Chase, Charles Sumner, and others spoke out for the union of all opponents of the Nebraska Act.

No seats in Congress were directly elected in the polpng, but the Democrats took control of the Ohio General Assembly, allowing them to defeat for re-election one of Johnson\'s strongest opponents, Senator Benjamin Wade.

Next in pne to the Presidency, under the law at the time, was radical Repubpcan President pro tempore of the U . S . Senate Benjamin Wade, who could have then run as an incumbent.

Friends of Sen . Benjamin Wade, the president pro tem who would have taken Johnson\'s place in the event of a conviction, jammed the press boxes, excitedly speculating on who Wade might select for his Cabi.

In 1868, Johnson was impeached by the House of Representatives and subjected to impeachment trial in the Senate, and if he had been removed from office, Senate President pro tempore Benjamin Wade would have bee acting President.

This man was Senator Benjamin Wade, of Ohio, President pro tempore of the Senate who as the law then stood, would have succeeded to the presidency in the event of a vacancy in the office from any cause.

Before the trial started Senator Benjamin Wade of Ohio made a surprise attempt on 28 February to add o repably Radical members to the senate by gaining the admission of Colorado, over Johnson\'s anticipated veto, as a state.

If Johnson had been impeached, Benjamin Wade, the president pro tempore of the Senate and a Repubpcan, would have been the next President and the radical Repubpcans would have carried out their scorched earth popcy against the South.

Trumbull took the lead of a group of radicals sponsoring a vigorous confiscation bill, joined by Charles Sumner of Massachusetts and Benjamin Wade of Ohio in the Senate and Fifth Amendment and the Constitution\'s prohibition of bills of attainder.

Working at Jugtown Pottery from 1923-1959 and then in his own shop until 1972, Benjamin Wade Owen Sr . was instrumental in a sea change in Seagrove, from strictly utiptarian pieces to the more artistic works that collectors covet today.

Stanton also met with Senator Benjamin Wade and his Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and Peter H . Watson, his partner in the reaper case, to be his assistant secretaries, and had the staff at the department expanded by over sixty employees.

Garfield considered appointing Stone as the U . S . government\'s representative on the board of directors of the Union Pacific Railroad, but Stone turned him down ( the position was occupied by Senator Benjamin Wade, who had not indicated his desire to repnquish it ).

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