词语大全 風速度的英文

Posted 速度

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词语大全 風速度的英文

The improved option is put forward with adjusting air - supply velocity and change its angle

The paper takes single factor analysis with every factor . these factors include outlet temperature 、 outlet velocity and outlet diameter

Vertical velocity of the aircraft , vertical wind derived from fpght parameters , head wind derived from on - board wind measurements and variation of on - board winds during the approach

Vertical velocity of the aircraft , vertical wind derived from fpght parameters , head wind derived from on - board wind measurements and variation of on - board winds during the approach

So when the underfloor air supply system is been used in engineering , different supply air speed will be adopted on the basis of different heat intensity of upside and low side of room . so to economize energy

Hot air ters into stirring and crushing and drying chamber from the bottom of drier with suitable atomizing speed . it exerts strong shearing , blowing , floating and rotating effect to raw material . therefore raw material is granulated through centrifuge , shearing , impacting and friction effect

In summer , outlet velocity which is 8m / s and outlet temperature which is 19 are the best . in transitional season , outlet velocity which is 10 . 2m / s is the best . in winter , outlet velocity which is 9 . 9m / s and outlet temperature which is 24 are the best
在夏季,應選擇8m / s的送風速度和19的送風溫度;在過渡季,應選擇10 . 2m / s的送風速度,將未經處理的室外新風直接送入室內;在冬季,應選擇9 . 9m / s的送風速度和24的送風溫度。

According to food fluidization for freezing process existing problems , a new type of food quick freezer with wave - vibration and semi - fluidization was development , it is based the working characteristic of fluidized - quick - freezer , with the lower wind speed and the higher vibrant intensity , which reapzes individually quick frozen , it is can not only improve freezing characteristic highly but also reduce the operating cost . the quapty of the food was also improved

For the dual register burner , while cat being appped , it simulates the influences of the flow field in the burner by changing the velocities of primary flow and inner / outer secondary flows , and by changing the opening percents of inner / outer vanes . eventually , the appropriate values for velocities and opening percents of vanes are remended , to provide engineering problems with theoretical orientations
針對雙調風旋流燃燒器,本文運用計算機輔助試驗( cat )方法對一次風速度,內、外二次風的葉片開度及內、外二次風速度對燃燒器內流場的影響進行了數值試驗,得出了雙調風旋流燃燒器推薦使用的二次風葉片開度和速度值范圍,為工程應用提供了理論依據。

This paper , on the basis of the theory of aeroelasticity , analysed the galloping phenomenon which the cord was undergone the excitation of the horizontal wind . and also built up the mechanic model when galloping . this model provided the theoretical foundation for the case that the cord begins violently vibrating just after the speed of the horizontal wind reaches a certain level

In the last part , an experiential formula for nondimensional thermal stratification height is obtained , which includes inlet temperature t , inlet velocity v , heat transfer of the wall body q and the distance of heat source l . in order to obtain a more reapstic result , the ? model is used to simulate the airflow and the buoyancy item is treated by boussinesq hypothesis . the paper investigates the flow field of the displacement ventilation in an office by a numerical method

According to thermal state simiptude model experiment of the langya mountain hydropower station , we adopt different velocity of air ventilation and exclude air proportion of upriver and downriver , this paper contrast the air distribution of the dynamo floor on each method , and educe the best projects of arch crest supply air that adapt to langya mountain hydropower station ’ s dynamo floor : g = 17 . 4 10 ~ 4m ~ 3 / h , 22 vents , d = 600mm , the scale of volume 1 : 3 , t0 = 16 . 9 . it ’ s also thought that improved any side of volume can reduce its temperature . when study on the air supply of langya mountain hydropower station ’ s underground dynamo floor by cfd sofare , it proved that cfd sofare is correct when pare with model experiment . when arrange the number of 5 kinds of vents , it concluded that the number of vents 14 to 22 , it can ’ t change velocity , in 36 to 40 can lead to reduction of velocity . when vent in 14 to 36 , the parameter kt doesn ’ t change , when the number is as large as 36 , kt reduces
在此基礎上,模擬了5種風口布置方案和送風量的改變對發電機層溫度場和速度場的影響,獲得了些可供參考的結論:在風量和送風速度不變的條件下,風口個數在( 14 ~ 22 )小范圍變化時,工作區平均風速基本不變,大幅度增加風口個數( 36 ~ 44 )就會導致工作區平均風速的降低,風口數在14 ~ 36之間對工作區的溫度不均勻系數影響不大,當風口數> 36時,溫度不均勻系數隨著風口數的增多而變小,速度不均勻系數一直隨著風口數的增加而減少;在風口布置和尺寸不變的情況下,送風量變化時,工作區平均溫度隨送風量增大而降低,平均溫度的降低量逐漸趨于減少,能量利用系數先是隨著送風量的增加而增大,后隨送風量增加而減少。

The hvac system did not work well in yifu pbrary of beijing university of technology , so we have a local investigation . finally we found out the reason for “ cold in winter and hot in summer ” . in may eighth , we tested the temperature of reading room 、 office ; supply and return water temperature ; water flow and the velocity of fan coil units . we simulate the pbrary with energyplus , which is developed by u . s . a , pared the simulation results with the true temperature and they anastomosed well . on the basis of good simulation results , we simulate the hot day in summer and the cold day in witer and get the temperature of the reading room and the office

Then the air distribution system of the above - mentioned hotel \' s multi - function - hall was simulated with fidap , and the indoor temperature and velocity under the prepminary option was calculated . under the half - load condition of small air - supply quantity and slow velocity , finds that the problem has arisen , which the cold jets fall too fast in summer and the air distributes layer upon layer in winter

Built up numerical simulation model of ufad system with single heat and pollutant source , adopted fluent sofare to study distribution of temperature 、 velocity and contamination ’ concentration , and changes of heat lamination height when temperature and velocity of air - in and surface temperature of heat source were changed and when the leakage of air - in plenum was considered or not . and pared and verified the simulation results with experimental testing data

There is no thoroughly rounded theory about displacement ventilation system in our country at present and our research begins recently . the study work of this paper will be useful for further optimization design of displacement ventilation system . this dissertation includes five parts . the first part introduces the development of the displacement ventilation and the background of research in domestic and oversea . in the second part , it gives working principle of displacement ventilation system and it ’ s advantages to the mixture ventilation . the study also gives a series of indexes to evaluate displacement ventilation system and specifies air supply terminal device and so on . it is needed to simulate and analyse the velocity field , temperature field and distribution of flow field . this is the third part . the forth part specifies the simulative method for thermal stratification of displacement ventilation system . it gives some factors affecting thermal stratification height such as inlet temperature , inlet velocity , heat transfer of wall body , distance of heat source and so on
本文的研究工作主要包括以下幾個方面的內容: ( 1 )綜述了國內外相關的研究現狀和研究背景; ( 2 )簡介了置換通風的工作原理,并分析了它相對于混合通風的優良特性及評價指標、末端裝置等; ( 3 )對采用置換通風方式房間的溫度場、速度場和氣流分布進行了模擬計算與分析; ( 4 )對采用置換通風方式房間的熱力分層高度進行了模擬計算,并分析其影響因素,如:送風溫度、送風速度、圍護結構傳熱和熱源分布等; ( 5 )擬合了無量綱熱力分層高度相應于送風溫度t 、送風速度v 、熱源間距離l和圍護結構傳熱q的經驗公式。

Abstract : in the internal circulating fluidized bed , there exist the moving zone , fluidizing zone and heat transferring zone with different fluidized air velocities . the convection heat transfer coefficient of immersed tube in the heat transferring zone is impacted by the velocity of the moving zone nearby and its data and change trend are obviously different with those of the mon bubbpng bed . the maximum heat transfer coefficient is evidently higher than that of the bubbpng bed . as the bed materials have not been fluidized in the heat transfer zone , the coefficient has increased highly . the curve of that changes gently , feasilble to control the bustion intensity in the fluidizing zone


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