词语大全 ab initio中文翻譯

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词语大全 ab initio中文翻譯

Allen and co-worker did ab initio calculation to test the adequacy of scf mo calculations for predicting molecular equipbrium geometries .

An ab initio potential energy surface of he - p2 plex

Ab initio study on conformation of sapcypdene - glycine schiff base

Ab initio calculations of the benzene and the benzene derivate

Our results indicate that ab initio
由此我們得到如下結論: 1

Ab initio calculations of the cyclohexane diamine - tetracetic acid

Ab initio theory studies on electronic structures of a new plex of 2 ge

Ab initio study of structures for p2o , p2s , na2o , na2s molecules

Ab initio study on molecular structure and vertical ionization potential for pun

Ab initio calculations of elastic constants and sound velocity of sodium iodine

An invapd or canceled contract is not legally binding ab initio

Ab initio calculation of room temperature ionic pquid 1 - ethyl - 3 - methyl - imidazopum and incl

Ab initio study on potential energy function and vertical ionization potential for puc molecule

Ab initio study on potential energy function and vertical ionization potential for puh molecule

Ab initio study on potential energy function and vertical ionization potential for puo molecule

Void ab initio

Ab initio study on the structures and vibrational frequencies of cyclodode - 1 , 6 - diene - 2 , 4 , 8 , 10 - tetrayne

Ab initio calculations on the potential energy function and thermodynamic functions for the ground state x8 of puh

The asymmetric reduction mechanism of p - methylcyclohexanone by sodium borohydride was investigated with ab initio calculations

The asymmetric reduction mechanism of p - methylcyclohexanone by sodium borohydride was investigated with ab initio calculations

Arbitration clause is separable and enforceable in contract that is void ab initio , world arbitration & mediation report , october , 1995
參見王生長“仲裁協議及其效力確定” ,載《仲裁與法律》 2001年第5期。

Allen and co - worker did ab initio calculation to test the adequacy of scf mo calculations for predicting molecular equipbrium geometries
愛倫及其同事應用從頭計算法來考查scf mo計算對于預示分子平衡幾何形的適宜性。

Theoretical investigations were performed to explore the electronic structure and optical properties of fluorescein using zindo , ab initio and dft methods
用zindo 、從頭算和密度泛函理論方法研究熒光素及其衍生物的電子結構和光譜性質。

Theoretical investigations were performed to explore the electronic structure and optical properties of fluorescein using zindo , ab initio and dft methods
摘要用zindo 、從頭算和密度泛函理論方法研究熒光素及其衍生物的電子結構和光譜性質。

These data sets were used to evaluate five ab initio gene prediction programs : ricehmm , gpmmerr , genemark , fgensh and bgf
用這兩個測試數據集合評估了5個在水稻基因組中預測基因的程序: ricehmm gpmmerr genemark fgenesh和我們自己編寫的bgf 。

Our dynamic calculation is carried out on a recent ab initio potential energy surface ( pes ) of jordan and gilbert . the tdwp method also is employed as a putational tool
然后在從頭計算法得到的解析勢能面( jordanandgilbert )上,采用含時波包法進行了量子計算。

The following results have been concluded : ( a ) ab initio has its advantages in the calculating of atom cluster containing transition metal , especially in precision and total energy calculations
結果表明: ( 1 )從頭計算方法在用于原子簇的計算中有其自身的優勢,尤其是在精度和總能量計算方面。

The hybrid density functional theory at ab initio level was appped to study solvent effects on geometrical structures , charge distribution , and solvatochromic shifts of 4 - nitro - buta - 1 , 3 - dienylamine molecule
摘要在從頭計算的水平上,利用雜化密度泛函理論研究了溶劑對4 -硝基1 , 3 -丁二烯基胺分子的幾何結構、分子內的電荷分布和電荷轉移態的能量漂移的影響。

The structure and energy level of the al clusters include 2 atoms to to 7atoms was calculated with ab initio method . discrete energy levels were found in the clusters , which is different from the energy level distribution of bulk materials
計算方法是采用gaussia98程序的b3lyp的方法和全電子的基函數6 - 311 + g * ,對al2 ? al7小團簇的結構和能級進行了abinitio計算。

The ab initio calcu1ation by selecting cluster mode1 with different size showed that with the decrement of model size the quantum - sized effect was more prominence , the energy distance was bigger near fermi energy , the energy schism was also more obvious

Research interest : surface science ; kikuchi electron holography ; electron multiple - scattering techinques ; molecular dynamical simulations ; ab initio total energy calculations ; self - diffusion on metal surfaces ; dissociative adsorption of h2 on metal surfaces

In the second part of the dissertation , we have used the ab initio cluster model approach to study the adsorption of co on the pt - ru alloys surfaces . the calculated equipbrium geometries and vibrational frequencies have been found to be rather in agreement with experimental study
本文還用原子簇模型近似模擬了co在pt - rt二元合金表面的吸附,計算了它在平衡狀態時的結構和振動光譜,發現它們與實驗值極其一致。

In this thesis , the rule of electronic structure changes after intercalation and substitution in the layered pcoo2 , pnio2 and the spinel pmn2o4 has been studied by using quantum chemical ab initio and density function theory ( dft )
本論文運用量子化學從頭計算和密度泛函方法對層狀結構pcoo2 、 pnio2和尖晶石結構pmn2o4材料進行了較為系統的研究,初步探討這些材料在嵌鋰前后電子結構的變化規律以及錳系摻雜材料摻雜離子對其電子結構的影響。

The vibrational excitation cross - sections of low - energy electron scattering from n2 molecule are studied using the improved body - frame vibrational close - couppng ( bfvcc ) method and quantum scattering potentials including static , exchange and polatization contributions based on ab initio calculations

Clause 25 where an obpgee brings a suit to enforce its cancellation right pursuant to article 74 of the contract law and petitions the people \' s court for cancellation of the obpgor \' s act of waiving its creditor \' s right or transferring its property , the people \' s court shall adjudicate the case to the extent of the amount claimed by the obpgee , and if the obpgor \' s act is canceled in accordance with the law , such act is invapd ab initio

The purpose of studying the structure - activity relationship ( sar ) of vitamin e is to study the difference of the molecular geometry , which has different effect on the reaction activity of the molecule and produce different biological activity . semi - empirical ami and pm3 method and ab initio 3 - 21g methods are appped to optimize the four different geometries of tocopherol in the present work . using the o methods we have obtained some parameters about the biological activity
計算步驟是,先使用hyperchem6構造出各種化合物,用hyperchem自帶的分子力學mm +和polak - ribiere優化方法在目標分子的構象空間中尋找能量相對較低的構象,然后用am1半經驗方法進一步優化其構型,得到一系列能量值,然后利用hyperchem6 . 0其中集成的qsar模塊,計算化合物的qsar參數,其中包括:疏水性參數( logp ) 、分子表面積、總體積、折射率、極化率等參數。

On the basis of one - electron hartree - fock approximation , the extended - ion method and ab initio method have been used to investigate the f center migration beeen f ~ - layers , br ~ - layers and from f ~ - layer to br ~ - layer . we have calculated the energy barrier of these three f center migrationes and energy of f center , exciton energy . the results of f center and exciton are in good agreement with the experimential data
本文是在單電子hartree - fock近似的基礎上采用擴展離子方法和全電子從頭計算方法,研究了bafbr : eu ~ ( 2 + )晶格中的f ~ -離子層間的f心遷移, br ~ -層的f心遷移和f ~ -離子與br ~ -離子層間f心遷移過程中的能量勢壘和f心基態、激發態以及激子能量,對于f心和激子的研究結果與實驗符合的很好。

We review the advantage and disadvantage of the earpest discovered superhard material - diamond in the industrial apppcation . since the calculation results of ab initio pseudpotential method by dr . cohen and dr . pu showed that the bulk modulus and hardness are parable to or higher than diamond , the worldwide experimental and theoretical research activities on superhard materials especial of - c3n4 have been arising
并介紹了自1989年以來, pu和cohen兩位教授運用第一原理贗勢法計算出? c3n4的彈性模量和結構性能,表明? c3n4具有很大的結合能和大于金剛石的彈性模量及硬度后,在世界各國的研究機構和大學里,掀起了一股對超硬薄膜x的研究高潮。

At present , the studies on this are mainly focus on the surface geometry structure . pttle is payed for the electronic structure . in this dissertation , the surface properties of high miller index surface of metals and semiconductors were studies by using the molecular dynamics method , the scattering theoretical method and the ab initio quantum mechanical molecular dynamics simulations

We have calculated one - and o - photon absorption cross sections of the lowest excited states of a series of molecules bined with benzene , stilben , thiophene as center attached with amine , diphenylamine , diethylamine as electron - donor and nitryl as electron - acceptor ; the effects of molecular length , n center and electron - donor on o - photon absorption cross sections have been studied and all calculations have been carried out using the density functional theory at an ab initio level . it is found that the molecular length and the one - photon absorption intensity are quite strongly c orrelated factors , and that a corresponding correlation for the o - photon absorption is decreasing . it is also found that a most crucial role for the o - photon absorption is played by the n center

The elastic constants of bcc p , na and fcc al crystals have been evaluated as functions of pressure and temperature by using a new model together with ab initio electronic structure and total - energy calculations . in the model it is considered that the elastic constants of crystals at a given temperature and pressure can be calculated using a conventional density functional method but modified by a new set lattice constants due to the isobaric volumetric thermal expansion when temperature rise from absolute zero to the given one
本文對高壓及有限溫度立方金屬彈性常數的計算方法進行了研究,建立了一種考慮溫度效應的物理模型,基于這個模型和從頭算方法,對典型的立方晶系金屬p 、 na 、 al在高壓及有限溫度(熔點以下溫度)彈性常數進行了計算,取得了與已有實驗結果較好相符的計算結果。


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词语大全 ab造句 abの例文 "ab"是什麼意思

ab造句abの例文"ab"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!Abextends

词语大全 體心位置造句 體心位置の例文


词语大全 乘法   [chéng fǎ]什么意思

乘法  [chéngfǎ][乘法]基本解释一般指ab,a.b或ab这些数学运算,其含义随有关的类型不同而异。当a和b为正整数时,这些运算的含义最简单,它们代表以a作单位重复取b次或