词语大全 t-dna中文翻譯

Posted 抗性

篇首语:锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 t-dna中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 t-dna中文翻譯

A single step transformation system for the generation of a large - scale t - dna insertional mutant population of rice was developed
基于水稻大規模t - dna插入突變體庫的建立,我們發展了一個簡單、快速、高效的農桿菌介導的一步轉化系統。

Insertional mutagenesis using t - dna , transposons and plasmids axe monly methods to creating a mutant pbrary . here we summarize these strategies as well as the progress in the functional genomes research

Pcr analysis of resistant seedpngs with nptii gene primers showed that 6 out of 12 seedpngs detected had the 700bp fragment specific to the plasmid pig121 , indicating that t - dna had been integrated into the genome of sweet cherry
L ,負壓的適宜處理是lmmxio次。 6 、通過p r擴增,初步證明證明外源基回己轉入甜櫻桃。

Totally 99 transgenic rice plants from 125 resistant calp of 191 calp were obtained and pcr assay showed that 80 . 3 % of them were positive . the result of southern blotting analysis for primary plants revealed that each transgenic plant contained a average of 2 . 5 copy of t - dna
對抗性植株進行pcr擴增檢測,結果表明有80 . 3的抗性植株為陽性植株; southern雜交結果進一步證明了質粒的t - dna已經整合到水稻的基因組中,拷貝數為1 4個,平均每棵轉化植株有2 . 5個拷貝。

Mature embryo - derived calp of japonica rice ( oryza sativa l . ) cultivars nipponbare were transformed using agrobacterium tumefaciens strain agl1 carrying a binary vector pcas04 harboring the marker gene , neomycin phosphotransferase gene ( nptii ) , driven by a promoter from the ubiquitin gene in maize , a promoterless p - glucuronidase gene near to the left border of t - dna for trapping gene and a strong promoter , rice actin - gb promoter , near to the right border of t - dna as activation tagging . in this system , co - cultivation was simppfied , special selection stages and pre - regeneration stage were omitted , the whole process was almost under continuous pght at 30 ? except co - cultivation and transgenic plants began to generate only after 7 weeks calp were induced
在一步轉化系統中,光照高溫條件下培養的水稻愈傷組織從誘導開始經過4周時間就可以達到轉化實驗的要求,并且簡化、優化了整個共培養過程,省去了一篩、二篩和預分化步驟,只用7周的時間就可以初步得到再生轉化植株;共191塊愈傷組織得到125塊抗性愈傷組織,轉化頻率達到65 . 4 ,最后共得到99棵獨立來源的再生植株,抗性愈傷組織再生頻率達到79 . 2 。

2 . an anther specific chimaeric male sterile gene expression box with a enhanced promoter ( ta29 ) driving coda gene was constructed and the expression box was inserted into binary vector p3301 that contains a l - phosphinothricin ( ppt ) - resistant selective marker gene and - glucuronidase ( gus ) reporter gene in t - dna region
以增強的ta29啟動子驅動克隆的coda基因,構建成花藥特異性嵌合基因表達盒;將此表達盒插入雙元載體p3301 ,構建成以ppt抗性基因為選擇標記,以gus為報告基因的植物表達載體。


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