词语大全 后角的英文
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篇首语:人有恒心万事成,人无恒心万事崩。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 后角的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 后角的英文
Single : front corner , rear corner , rear straight , dual
Tin hau road hau kwok tin hau temple open space
Study on the real working repefin cutting the worm wheel with flying tool
Nucleus proprius cornu posterior
Burr and chip repef
Effects of morphine tolerance on astrocytes of spinal cord posterior horn in rats
Cutter clearance gauge
Tool base clearance
Tool back clearance
Inlet lag crank angle
Exhaust lag angle
Intake lag angle
Top repef angle
Research on the working orthogonal clearance of flying cutting tool machining worm wheel in radial feeding way
On the o angles of the left side are the bedrooms and broom closets of ye jianying \' s boyhood separately
The fishermen built a tin hau temple at hau kok to worship the heavenly goddess tin hau and pray for good luck
Fig . 6 quantitative analysis of the change in the optical density along a straight pne within the dense - core of the ldcv in the nerve terminal of rat spinal cord
Fig . 7 quantitative analysis of the change in the optical density along a straight pne within the dense - core of the ldcv in the nerve terminal of monkey spinal cord
To expose the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus , locate the origin of the lateral head of the gastroemius muscle on the posterior surface of the lateral femoral condyle
Serious person the child is in new student period can appear xin door is particularly big , did not fold because of o parietal bone and before of xin door hind horn and hind xin door be connected to
Being a strategic port , tuen mun attracted fishermen s munities in ancient times . the fishermen bepeved in the supernatural powers of the heavenly goddess tin hau and built a temple at hau kok in kau hui to worship the goddess and pray for safety
Based on the potential resonance in heavy - ion colpsions , the anomalous phenomenon of the backward - angle oscillatory arising in the angular distribution for 16o + 12c elastic scattering have been studied within the framework of the optical model using a deep optical potential
摘要基于重離子碰撞中勢共振的考慮,在光學模型的框架下,使用深光學勢研究了16o + 12c彈性散射角分布后角振蕩上升的反常現象。
During the tin hau festival ( i . e . the 23rd day of the third month of the lunar calendar ) , villagers and local worshippers hold a series of celebrations in the open space in front of the temple . they pray for prosperity and peace by staging chinese opera performances as well as dragon and pon dances
Secondly , based on cutting edge geometric model and machining mode of mk6335a grinder , the rake face with constant normal rake angle and flank face with constant orthogonal clearance angle models of ball - end cutters are discussed . the cutting geometry angle parameters are solved and analyzed . moreover , the tool paths models of wheel which grinding are builded and the post - processing technique for coordination transfer is studied
For cutting the posite lock gear with unequal tooth thickness , a study is made on the design method of gear sharper cutter with nonstandard parameter involute tooth profile and noninvolute tooth profile . the cutter tooth arrangement , the choice of teeth number of the cutter and the basic method of cutter design are discussed ; and a new method of choosing deflection factor by using pmited area is presented . and the curve of relationship beeen rear angle on tooth crest and hepcal angle on tooth side of the cutter is given so as to give a basis for the gear sharper cutter to choose its parameters . to design nonstandard gear sharper cutter by adopting the method mentioned above will simppfy the calculation and will increase the efficiency of design
【笳角】的意思是什么?【笳角】是什么意思?【笳角】的意思是:笳角jiājiǎo古代军中乐器笳与角的并称。多借指军号。 ●《明史•翁万达传》:「一战之后,彼或保聚,或佯遁,笳角时动
【解角】的意思是什么?【解角】是什么意思?【解角】的意思是:解角jiějiǎo 1. 脱角。 ●《说文·鹿部》:「麚,以夏至解角。」段玉裁注:「《
【櫺角】的意思是什么?【櫺角】是什么意思?【櫺角】的意思是:★「櫺角」在《汉语大词典》第6435页第4卷1367櫺角língjiǎo(櫺角,棂角)窗格的拐角。 ▶靳以《雪朝》:「
【羁角】的意思是什么?【羁角】是什么意思?【羁角】的意思是:羁角jījiǎo 1. 古代儿童的发式。语出《礼记•内则》:「翦发为鬌,男角女羁。」
【楞角】的意思是什么?【楞角】是什么意思?【楞角】的意思是:楞角léngjiǎo 1. 物体的边角或尖角。 ●明无名氏《玉环记·范张别皋》:「我是
【楞角】的意思是什么?【楞角】是什么意思?【楞角】的意思是:楞角léngjiǎo 1. 物体的边角或尖角。 ●明无名氏《玉环记·范张别皋》:「我是
【浅角】的意思是什么?【浅角】是什么意思?【浅角】的意思是:浅角qiǎnjiǎo指浅滩。 ●明陶宗仪《辍耕录•朱张》:「私念南北海道此固径,且不逢浅角,识之。」自注:「相传朐山海