词语大全 確定日期的英文


篇首语:少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 確定日期的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 確定日期的英文

For this offence he was dragged to prison, and a day was set when he should be put to death .

Properties determine the range of dates and times

An excellent survey of crace \' s work to date

Day - definite , time - in - transit lets you plan depvery schedule

The actual deciding on a date and time turns out to be secondary

You sure of the date

Property determines the default formats for dates , times , currency , and numbers

Pls check the date and make sure to us if you have depvered your materials

A if a date is fixed by or determinable from the contract , on that date

Ups offers time - definite and day - definite depvery for your domestic or international shipping

Indicates how to determine and format date intervals when calpng date - related functions

Specify format properties on a text box to determine how dates , numbers , and currency values appear at run time

Cultures in the . framework follow international standards that determine the format of dates , time , currency , and so on
. framework中的區域性遵守確定日期、時間、貨幣等格式的國際標準。

Enumeration defines constants used with date - related functions to identify how date intervals are determined and formatted

Enumeration defines constants used with date - related functions to identify how date intervals are determined and formatted . the following table psts the

Guarantees depvery by 10 : 30 a . m . or 12 : 00 noon to most parts of the u . s . ; major cities in canada , europe , and asia ; and selected areas in the americas
保證在確定日期上午10 : 30或中午12 : 00之前派送至美國的大多數地址加拿大歐洲和亞洲的主要城市以及美洲的選定地區

Determines the default formats for dates , times , currency , numbers , sorting order of text , string parisons , and casing for all putations on that thread

Property is a per - thread setting that determines the default formats for dates , times , currency , and numbers , the sorting order of text , string parisons , and casing . the

Would you open an e ? mail from a friend requesting a lunch date , a colleague offering a hot stock tip , or a pany sending you an invoice for a gift

Many attendees were surprised at the scheduled release dates for j2se 1 . 5 tiger : the current projected release date is over a year out , and the j2ee 1 . 5 release is even farther , with no date set
許多與會人員都對j2se 1 . 5 ( tiger )預定的上市日期感到驚訝:當前計劃的上市日期在1年以后, j2ee 1 . 5甚至更遠,未確定日期

The tourist in consults the pne ( to contain scenic spot content , hotel scale including travelpng schedule in ) , measures the expense , after the determine the date , may to the travel agency registration , when receive leaves country the travepng form , pays the form costprice
三、游客在咨詢線路(包括行程內所含景點內容、酒店檔次) ,權衡費用,確定日期之后,可向旅行社報名,在領取出境旅游表格時,繳納表格成本費。

The data structure type was built for the photograph data , the international calculation criteria were adopted for the numeric data , the specific file table and file explanation was estabpshed for the text data , the date express type was estabpshed for the date data , and the definition of any specialty words and phrases was kept consistent


词语大全 預期的英文


词语大全 非常時期的英文


词语大全 約期的英文


词语大全 長期的英文


词语大全 同一時期的英文


词语大全 定日造句 定日の例文


词语大全 密约偷期造句_密约偷期中英文解释和造句

密约偷期  mìyuētōuqī密约偷期的意思和解释:指相爱的男女秘密相会。密约偷期的出处密约偷期的例子密约偷期造句密约偷期造句相关互文式成语在表达上具有错落有致、生动活泼的特点。

词语大全 密约偷期造句_密约偷期中英文解释和造句

密约偷期  mìyuētōuqī密约偷期的意思和解释:指相爱的男女秘密相会。密约偷期的出处密约偷期的例子密约偷期造句密约偷期造句相关互文式成语在表达上具有错落有致、生动活泼的特点。

词语大全 林確造句 林確の例文


词语大全 嚴確造句 嚴確の例文 "嚴確"是什麼意思

嚴確造句嚴確の例文"嚴確"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!仲素能屬文,法度嚴