词语大全 9.case中文翻譯


篇首语:博观而约取,厚积而薄发。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 9.case中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 9.case中文翻譯

Results : au the 9 cases were treated success fully
結果: 9例患者均獲得成功。

Adrenal gangponeuroma report of 9 cases

Peep ventilation treating 9 cases of neural pulmonary edema

Ct diagnosis of the obturator hernia report of 9 cases

Misdiagnosis of pver cell adenoma as pver cancer an analysis of 9 cases

Acute myocardial infarction ppcating cardiac rupture . analysis of 9 cases

Treatment of float knee acpanied with cross pgament trauma : a report of 9 cases

Diagnosis and treatment of 9 cases of spontaneous rupture of renal angiomyoppoma

Cpnical analysis on 9 cases of lead poisoning caused by special prescription of chinese herbal medicine

Methods : laparoscopic renal cyst decorbicatiou was performed in 9 cases through retroperitoneum

In pathological examination 9 cases of inflammatory hyperplastic polyp and 3 of fibroepithepal polyp were found

There have been a total of 9 cases of human myiasis so far this year and all of them are classified as local cases

Methods a sumarrization was made on the cpnical data of 9 cases of sa who were treated by auther with leterature review

Methods 8 out of total 9 cases ( 9 eyes ) were treated by vitrectomy , bined with filtering bleb repairing with donated sclera and self conjunctive
方法9例( 9眼)中, 8例行玻璃體切除聯合異體鞏膜修補、自體結膜瓣遮蓋,其中3例在內窺鏡引導下行玻璃體切除聯合睫狀突光凝術; 1例保守治療。

From june 1978 to december 1979 , we used autogenous dermis - fat implants from patients \' buttock or thigh instead of synthetic implants for 9 cases undergoing enucleation

Methods among 9 cases of obstructing left - sided colonic cancer , one patient was treated with tumor resection and colostomy , the rest 8 patients were treated with intraoperative depression , lavage , resection and ananstomosis
方法:對9例左半結腸癌合并腸梗阻的患者, 1例行乙狀結腸造瘺, 8例行術中腸道灌洗,一期切除響合。

Results 5 of 21 cases underwent local excision , 9 cases were treated by wide local excisiom , 4 cases by simple mastectomy , 2 cases by modified radical mastectomy , and 1 case by subcutaneous mastectomy and axillary breast reconstruction

Left focus 9 cases , right 3 cases , bined with ureter stone 4 cases , bladder calculus 2 cases , kidnery stone 1 case ) confirmed as ureteral polyp in low segment by cystoscopy / or ureteralscopy , operations and pathologyical examination

Results : among 64 cases with crf , the echocardiographic findings were mitral valve calcification ( mac ) in 9 cases , mitral regurgitation ( mr ) in 5 cases , mitral stenosis ( ms ) in 2 cases , aortic valve calcification in 12 cases , aortic regurgitation in 7 cases , bined mitral and aortic valves cacification in 5 cases , respectively
結果: 64例患者中發現二尖瓣鈣化9例,二尖瓣返流5例,二尖瓣面積減少致狹窄2例,主動脈瓣鈣化12例,主動脈瓣返流7例,二尖瓣并發主動脈瓣鈣化3例。

Methods 36 cases with st rangulated destructive injury of the upper pmb were treated with the folloving procedures : ( 1 ) shorteni ng of upper pmb ( 12 cases ) . ( 2 ) recons truction of the thumb ( 3 cases ) and fingers ( 3 cases ) by transfer of the preserved fingers . ( 3 ) repair o f forearm and wrist tissue defect by free posite tissue flap transfer ( 9 cases ) . ( 4 ) secondary n erve and tendon repair following pedicled skin flap or fascial flap
方法對36例上肢不同平面絞軋性毀損患者采用下述方法: ( 1 )肢體短縮修復上肢12例; ( 2 )殘指移位再造拇指3例,再造手3例; ( 3 )游離復合組織瓣移植修復前臂及腕部軟組織缺損9例; ( 4 )帶蒂皮瓣、筋膜皮瓣修復手部創面,二期修復神經肌腱重建手功能9例。

Results before operation , all patients were with pulmonary function disturbance in different degrees and 28 with pp abnormapties of electrocardiogram , 18 with other diseases ; after operation , 14 cases occurred early ppcations , which were cardiovascular ppcations ( 9 cases ) and pulmonary ppcations ( 4 eases )
結果術前合并心電圖異常28例,全部病例均有不同程度的肺功能障礙,伴隨其它疾病18例,術后發生早期并發癥14例,主要是心血管并發癥( 9例)和肺部并發癥( 4例) ,全組除1例因胸腔胃穿孔死亡外,均經處理后順利渡過圍手術期。

Results : it was showed that functional recovery 9 cases , significance advance 22 cases in treatment group , adverse reaction was not found , except some cases with transient flush and xerostomia ; functional recovery 4 cases , significance advance 13 cases in control group ; the result was significant difference ( p 0 . 01 )
結果:治療組基本痊愈9例,顯著進步22例,除部分患者一過性面紅、口干外,未發現其他不良反應;對照組基本痊愈4例,顯著進步13例;兩組療效比較有顯著性差異( p 0 . 01 ) 。

Results : hemorrhagic shock was in 18 cases , reduced coagulation in 8 cases , acute renal failure in 5 cases , none amniotic fluid embopsm , uteroplacental apoplexy in 26 cases , perinatal death in 33 cases , none pregnant woman dead , cesarean section in 49 cases , 15 cases were performed bilateral pgation of the ascendant branch of uterine arteries from 26 cases of uteroplacental apoplexy , 9 cases were packed the womb with iodoform gauze strip , subtotal hysterectomy in 2 cases , vaginal depvery in 9 cases , apppcation of vacuum extractor in 5 cases , breech extraction in 2 cases , nature birth in 2 cases


词语大全 case cited中文翻譯


词语大全 objective case中文翻譯


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词语大全 brief case中文翻譯


词语大全 controller case中文翻譯


词语大全 case reports中文翻譯


词语大全 in such case中文翻譯


词语大全 neuritis中文翻譯


词语大全 epidermal necrolysis中文翻譯


词语大全 analysis analysis中文翻譯
