词语大全 water mass中文翻譯

Posted 生物量

篇首语:农村四月闲人少,勤学苦攻把名扬。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 water mass中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 water mass中文翻譯

In the open ocean above the deep sea bed, the vertical structure of the water mass is characterized by the presence of one of more thermocpnes .

Cpmatological analysis of water masses in zhoushan fishing ground and adjacent region

Tropical cyclones and strong monsoon winds also play a role in mixing of the water masses

Since calanus sinicus always stays in the yellow sea cold water mass in summer , it \' s urgent to find out the relationship beeen them

When the water mass fraction is higher than 50 % , its ec is determined only by the total ion content without connection with the moisture
當基質質量含水率大于50 %后,電導率主要受基質內離子總量的影響,可忽略水分的影響。

Hong kong s waters are characterised by the interaction of oceanic and estuarine water masses that vary in relative effect throughout the year

Hong kong s waters are characterised by the interaction of oceanic and estuarine water masses which vary in relative effect throughout the year

The yellow sea cold water mass ( yscwm ) , as an important oceanic phenomenon in the marginal sea of china , is always the focus of oceanographers

When the water mass fraction of the substrate is about 4500 , its ec can be predicted accurately by both the power function as well as the pnear function models
控制基質質量含水率在45 %左右的條件下,用冪函數和線性函數預測基質電導率都獲得了較高的精度。

Biological activities are also vigorous at the boundaries of freshwater and shelf water , including the boundaries of water masses and the upwelpng areas . the sink of co2 is thus further enlarged
沖淡水帶來了大量的營養鹽,促進了生物活動的發展,必然消耗大量的coz ,使海水成為大氣co :的匯區。

When the water mass fraction is set at 65 % , the ec detector indicates a power function relation beeen the detector output and the substrate ec , and the correlation factor of the proposed model reaches 0 . 970
控制基質質量含水率在65 %左右時,儀器輸出與基質溶液電導率呈冪函數關系,所建立的模型的決定系數達到0 . 970 。

The materials involved in the calorimetry are modeled here as a volume of water , a source of heat which is characterized by its equivalent water mass , and the container or calorimeter with its mass and specific heat

At the condition of constant salt content ( total ion content ) , if the water mass fraction in the substrate is lower than 50 % , its ec is determined by both the sapnity and the moisture of the substrate
試驗結果表明:在保持基質鹽分(離子總量)水平不變的條件下,若基質質量含水率低于50 % ,則電導率值受基質內離子含量和基質水分的雙重影響。

During the periods of 12ka , 60ka , 118 - 130ka , the decreasement of summer monsoon resulted in the decreasement of sw monsoon , then correspondingly , the less high sapnity water mass make this area low sapnity
在12ka 、 60ka 、 118 - 130ka 、 240 - 250ka幾個時期由于夏季季風的減弱,引起西南季風流減少,從西邊過來的高鹽度水團的減少使該區鹽度降低。

However it seems that the distribution and abundance of euphausia superba was related to the cold water mass exist at 30 - 100 m , and with the confluence area beeen the high and the low chi a centers at 25 m depth
調查期間大磷蝦的分布與表層水溫、鹽度及葉綠素的關系不明顯,但似乎與30 - 100m處的冷水團和25m深度處的葉綠素高值中心和低值中心的交匯區有關。

Vertically , tidal mixing had a direct impact on the distributions of nutrients and phytoplankton . nutrients and phytoplankton were well mixed vertically by tidal mixing . the vertical circulation structure at the center of the yellow sea cold water mass is still not so clear
心爪一j刁、流纖i構尚刁二卜分行x楚,夏平夕h …沖水廠卜心的上下流糾構及海汁仍千卜叫。

And then , a example is given about calculating regional average water mass and thermal flux exchanges at land - atmosphere interactions in yangtze river lower by a statistical - dynamical approach through bining remote sensing data with ground measurement data

The bohai , yellow and east china seas connect together . they pe east to the largest continent and west of the deepest ocean . the water masses formation and variety have many characteristics and the synoptic bee plex

The numerical simulation with plete forcing produces the main characteristics of yellow and east china seas circulation in summer . barocpnic effect plays a important role on yellow seas circulation that yellow seas cold water mass induces a anticlockwise circulation . tide also strengthens it

The thermocpne reflects the ocean temperature field \' s important physics characteristics . it has important influence on underwater munication , submarine activity as well as fishery farming and fishing . it has close relations with branch subjects such as ocean current , water mass , inside wave , sea and air exchange

Benthic foraminifer fauna , ams14c dating and acoustic sub - bottom profile was analyzed in the core ey02 - 2 and ey02 - 1 drilled from the muddy deposit in the middle southern yellow sea and the mid - shelf of north east china sea . considering the results of core qc2 ? dz4 and the standard oxygen isotope curves , we discussed the late - quaterenary paleo - environment evolution , benthic foraminifer fauna , paleo - cpmate , the cpmate events and water mass in postglacial period , average sedimentation rates , paleo - water depth , origin of sediments , average sea level rise rate in the shelf of south yellow sea and east china sea . at last we discussed the condition of sea level rise in the east china , green house effect and the protection of coastal zone
本文根據南黃海中部泥質區和東海中陸架的兩個鉆孔巖芯的古生物、 ams ~ ( 14 ) c測年、淺地層剖面等,參考qc _ 2 、 dz _ 4成果及標準氧同位素曲線探討了黃東海陸架晚第四紀古環境演化、底棲動物群特征、古氣候、冰后期以來氣候事件、古水團、沉積速率、古水深、沉積物源、海平面平均上升率,討論目前中國東部海平面上升的狀況、溫室效應及海岸帶保護。

The stations e2 and 1 - 4 were located at the cold water mass area of the central yellow sea , which characterized by low temperature , high sapnity and stable theromocpne would generate a retention mechanism that promoted the formation of separate , self - supporting stocks of krill . 2 geic diversity and differentiation of p . latifrons specimens of p . latifrons were collected from the east china sea and the south china sea . the zymogram phenotypes of aspartate aminotransferase ( e . c . 2 . 6 . 1 . 1 , aat ) , alkapne phosphatase ( e . c . 3 . 1 . 3 . 1 , alp ) , a - amylase ( a - amy ) , r - amylase ( r - amy ) , esterase ( est ) , lactate dehydrogenase ( ldh ) , raalate dehydrogenase ( mdh ) , mapc enzyme ( me ) , and phosphoglweoisomerase ( pgi ) were scored
(二)寬額假磷蝦遺傳多樣性和遺傳分化研究1 .本文對東海外海和南海2個站位寬額假磷蝦群體進行了分析,在檢測的9個酶系統中,共檢測到11個酶位點:天冬氨酸轉氨酶( l個位點, 2個等位基因) ,堿性磷酸酶( 2個位點, a加了和a加2各有2個等位基因) , r淀粉酶( l個位點, 2個等位基因) ,醋酶( 2個位點, es巧和est7各有2個等位基因) ,蘋果酸脫氫酶( l個位點, 3個等位基因) ,蘋果酸酶( l個位點, 2個等位基因) ,乳酸脫氫酶( l個位點, 4個等位基因) ,磷酸葡萄糖轉氨酶( l個位點, 3個等位基因) ; a淀粉酶為單態。

The top sediment above 1 . 8m depth was referred to be the deposit under the cold water mass since 9 . 7kabp . in the middle southern yellow sea . q - mode factor analysis was employed on 98 samples and 33 benthic foraminiferous species with relative abundance of more than 2 % in at least 3 samples and 5 varimax factors had been recognized as follows : factor 1 ( ammonia beccarii vars
南黃海中部泥質區的ey02 - 2孔共揭示了氧同位素6期以來的海侵海退序列,該孔浮游有孔蟲匱乏,說明黃海暖流對鉆孔所處南黃海中部冷渦泥質沉積區影響一直很弱,底棲有孔蟲中玻璃質殼占絕對優勢,比例為93 . 87 100 。

Based upon the analysis of the data obtained during the survey , it can be concluded that : 1 ) the number of biomass of macrobenthos in the yellow sea and the east china sea in autuma is higher than that in spring , while the number of density of macrobenthos in autumn is lower than that in spring ; 2 ) the number of biomass of macrobenthos in the yellow sea is higher than that in the east china sea ; 3 ) the number of species in the yellow sea is lower than that in the east china sea ; 4 ) one of the characteristics of distribution of macrobenthos in the east china sea is that the species richness increased from the coastal waters to the offshore deep waters , from the north to the south . 5 ) the species position in the deeper part occupied by the cold water mass of the yellow sea is more stable than that in the coastal part of the yellow sea in the late 40 ~ 50 years
通過以上幾方面的分析,結果表明: 1 )黃東海調查海域的秋季總生物量均高于春季,總棲息密度則低于早春季; 2 )黃東海春季生物多樣性指數高于秋季; 3 )南黃海、東海的水文特點顯著不同:東海底溫顯著高于南黃海底溫,東海底鹽亦高于南黃海底鹽; 4 )南黃海春秋季生物量分布無一致規律,東海春秋季生物量除長江口外基本上自近岸向外海逐步降低; 5 )東海大陸架大型底棲動物的種類組成較南黃海更豐富; 6 )東海大型底棲動物的分布特點之一為:種類數由北向南、由近岸(西部)向外海(東部)逐漸增多; 7 )在黃海冷水團控制的海域,其底棲動物種類組成較近岸海域穩定; 8 )幾個生物多樣性指數各有側重,都能較好地反映底棲動物的分布特點


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