词语大全 variate造句 variateの例文 "variate"是什麼意思

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篇首语:采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 variate造句 variateの例文 "variate"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 variate造句 variateの例文 "variate"是什麼意思

variate造句 variateの例文 "variate"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Tri - variate movement theory design of fans

Tri - variate movement theory design of fans

Multi - variate statistical analysis

Multi - variate statistical analysis

Convergence order of double variate bination trigonometric interpolation polynomials

I am not confident that exponential - variate distribution is genuinely an accurate model here

To analyze the shocks of the employment and moary popcies under the sticky hypothesis of nominal variate

In particular , pod has been appped to defining a wave superimposition based procedure for the digital simulation of multi - variate random processes and correlated time series

The effect of interaction beeen disease and time was statistically significant on qol by multi - variate test of repetitive measure anova

Results the qol measured at basepne , 3 months and 6 months increased significantly by uni - variate test of repetitive measure anova
結果單變量重復測量方差分析結果顯示,在治療后3個月、 6個月時生命質量各個指標和總分與基線相比均有顯著變化,并呈現線性趨勢。

It\'s difficult to see variate in a sentence. 用variate造句挺難的

Crosstalk profile ? using the measured near - end loop noise psd , an estimate can be made of the type and number of crosstalkers present . again , this is a multi - variate optimization problem
串擾概圖使用已測的近端環路噪聲psd ,就可以估計當前串擾的類型和數量。這也是一個多變量的最優化問題。

For the regression estimation when the auxipary variate is correlated with the disturbance , the bias and mean square error ( mse ) of the regression estimator are obtained , and the estimator of the mse is presented

Among women who reported current aspirin use , the multi - variate relative risk of all - cause death was 0 . 75 ( 95 % confidence interval , 0 . 71 - 0 . 81 ) pared with women who never used aspirin regularly
在目前使用阿斯匹林的婦女中,與從未規律的的使用過阿斯匹林的相比,所有引起死亡的多變量相對危險度為0 . 75 , ( 95 %的可信區間為0 . 71 ~ 0 . 81 ) 。

Our main contributions are summarized as what follows : ? theoretical : suppose data were sampled from a mixture of m d - variate t - distributions ; and each mixing ponent satisfies an isotropic factor analysis model ( see ? . 2 . 1 )
具體說來,我們的主要工作包含以下內容:理論方面:假設數據來自m個d元t分布的混合;而每個混合成分均滿足迷向( iso - tropic )因子分析模型見3

This thesis also researches and develops some theories about the efficiency of financial supervision . it researches the changed track of financial supervision costs and yields that variate as the financial supervision degree changes . then it arrives at the most benefit point of financial supervisi on degree

The paper focuses on how to evaluate the petitiveness of the four psted banks in china and introduces var ( value at risk ) , which provides an easy way of measuring and managing financial risk , into existing petitiveness evaluation system . then we make prehensive evaluation of the four banks ’ petitiveness through factor analysis , which is a branch of multi - variate statistical analysis
本文以基于var的上市商業銀行競爭力評價體系研究為題,以我國四家上市銀行為實證研究對象,將風險價值( var )引入傳統的競爭力評價指標體系中,然后利用因子分析法對原始數據進行處理,得到相關主因子,進而構建出上市銀行競爭力的綜合評價新模型。

Due to the fact that the models for resource characteristics vary a lot , this paper will first utipze quantified model and cluster analysis method from multi - variate analysis methods to conduct classification , then quantified model will be used to examine the extent of impact that can be exerted by conditions of recreational site to recreational demand

This research estabpshed an estimating model of pinus massoniana stand volume with the elements as variates directly obtained from rs and the conditions of stand that were extracted from 130 samples of pinus massoniana stand from the fifth forest resource continuous investigation data in min - jiang watershed and fptered by the thrice standard deviation method and pner regression method and the correlation coefficient is 0 . 735 the suitabipty and precision of the model were tested and regression analysised with data that were extracted from another 30 samples
摘要從福建省第5次森林資源一類調查落在閩江流域的樣地中抽取馬尾松林樣地130個,以rs可提取因子及樣地林分立地條件因子為可選變量,利用3倍標準差法進行異常數據的篩選,對林分立地條件定性因子進行數量化處理,通過逐步回歸構建閩江流域馬尾松林分蓄積量估測模型,研究結果所構建的蓄積量估測模型的相關系數為0 . 735 。

What the practical problems is often gotten is a single variable time series which has a time interval of t , reflect by a lot of interactive physics factor , containing the mark of all variates participating in movement , traditional time series analysis is to analyse going from this array to the form directly it \' s time develops , one dimension analysis loses useful information , the characteristics of phase space reconstruction method is to construct one dimension scalar quantity to high dimension vector , prop the geometry space of the state , show all dynamical information of system in phase space . the characteristic that just constructs again according to the phase space in this text , analyse the time series of responding , use the relevant knowledge of symbol dynamics and reconstruct phase space , put forward a kind of relation degree analysis method of the systematic mathematics model which has theory basis , so reach the correction of calculation mathematics model , make it accord with the actual systematic state

Abstract : based on the fundamental principle of hypothesis strain equivalence , ias investigated a physical concept of high strength concrete at minus temperature ( hscmt ) freezing damage parameter , the elastic modulus of frost concrete with anti freeziug admixture and without antifreezing admixture built and it was analyzed their variate process and the condition adaptated . it is purpose to judge hscmt frost failure process
文摘:從應變等效性假說的基本原理出發,研究了負溫混凝土凍結損傷參數? ?彈性模量法中受凍后測試的損傷混凝土彈性模量的物理概念,從而分析了摻防凍劑混凝土及不摻防凍劑混凝土受凍后的彈性模量變化過程及其選用該參數的適應性條件,為判斷負溫高強混凝土材料凍結失效過程提供保證。

Based on the theory of stochastic finite element , the structural parameters of frame - shear structure including stiffness and mass and damping are simulated to be stochastic variables . by solving recurrence equation of stochastic finite element , the duration curve of mean value and standard deviation of seismic response can be obtained for every floor of frame - shear structure . an analysis is thus given to the effects of independent variation and simultaneous variation of structural parameters on the seismic dynamic response of frame - shear structure . as shown by the results , with regard to frame - shear structure , the effect of variation of strucural parameters on the change of mean value are chiefly the increase of standard deviation of response . variation of stiffness will cause the response of frame - shear structure to variate greatly ; variation of mass shows less effect ; and variation of damping shows insignificant effect . the effects of simultaneous variation of various structral parametres on seismic response are only spghtly greater than the effect of stiffness variation alone

By introducing the single factor experiment model , considering the single tank \' s technique level and the firing score as variance factor and response variate , we analyze experiment data , calculate if the change of the factor influence the firing score , then we can conclude if there is some defference in technique level beeen each tank

Nonparametric model is widely used in the practical problems , the reason is that the form of the regression function in the nonparametric model is free , and the pmits to the random variate ( x , y ) are fewer . in the past several decades , this model is studied carefully by the researchers of statistics , and many achievements are arrived in both theorial fields and in apppcational fields
非參數回歸模型,由于其回歸函數的形式可以任意,而且對隨機變量( x , y )的分布限制較少,因而在實際中有著廣泛的應用背景。幾十年來,統計工作者對這一模型進行了深入細致的研究。無論在理論上還是應用上,都取得了許多優秀成果。

By applying the theory and method of geological anomaly , it is focused on the analysis of the characters of major geological anomapes and their effect of minerapzation in daye - jiurui region . the analysis result shows that the basement fault anomapes control a few major large hidden bathopths and their associated orefields ; that the anomapes of cover structure confine most cu - au deposits and fe - cu deposits within their scope ; that the geochemical anomapes and pthofacies - paleogeographical anomapes are major geological factors leading to trataboundness of some cu - au deposits ; that the anomapes of rock operties provide the favorable chemical and physical conditions for the ore - forming process , including the seepage , circulation , convergence and deposit of ore - bearing hydrothermal solution ; that the anomalous ctive stage of mesozoic magmatite is almost consistent with the major minerapzation epoch of the fe , cu deposits , and the structure of multi - levels , and the zoning in magmatic system determine the spatial distribution of the minerapzation system . then , based on the above analysis , a prehensive variate , geological bination entropy , is brought forward for reflecting the plex degree of the bination of geological ore - controlpng factors . after circumscribing the anomapes of geological bination entropy , the relations beeen the anomapes and ore deposits are determined

Therefore , if the soil water properties and soil water - storage was studied with traditional statistic method , we would not know the variate are dependent or independent , whether the results have spatial distributing pattern or not , even not know whether the number of sample is economical and rational or not

It\'s difficult to find variate in a sentence. 用variate造句挺難的


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