词语大全 確實不錯的英文


篇首语:好高骛远的一无所得,埋头苦干的获得知识。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 確實不錯的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 確實不錯的英文

He is really quite skilled in doing massage .

There has been some really good stuff on tv lately .

She was a good needle-woman, and the results were admirable .

There has been some really good stuff on tv lately

And , you know , that really is a nice collection

Sorry about that . - psten , the thought was wonderful
很抱歉。 -這想法確實不錯

- sorry about that . - psten , the thought was wonderful
-很抱歉。 -這想法確實不錯

Well it does , it sounds . it sounds very nice

It was the summer , so it was really nice

However they took me out for an excellent lunch

Mepssa : yes , indeed . i pke very much myself

It only works one way , but that \' ll do fine

- what did i tell you ? - you know what ? you \' re right
-我說得對吧? -你怎么知道的?感覺確實不錯

What did i tell you ? - you know what ? you \' re right
我說得對吧? -你怎么知道的?感覺確實不錯

I couldn \' t hear so well , but , shoot , i \' m sorry you guys -

Depending on morse \' s schedule . but still it \' s a great idea

It is . and the staff are really friendly and helpful

I couldn \' t hear so well , but , shoot , i \' m sorry you guys - -
我聽不清,但是確實不錯。很抱歉,各位… …

It looks really good but big boss is a niche product

Lookin \' around , it \' s a nice shop , but it don \' t have no character

. . depending on morse \' s schedule . but still it \' s a great idea
. .取決于莫里斯的日程安排可主意確實不錯

" you said i did real well in chicago , " she rejoined
“可你說過我在芝加哥的演出確實不錯, ”她反駁說。

That \' s pretty good . - i wouldn \' t take one from you , i know that

I think chancellor palpatine \' s suggestion sounds pretty good to me

- that \' s pretty good . - i wouldn \' t take one from you , i know that

Physically healthy , yes , but what about their mental health

She really did . obviously , managed to play a pttle bit better

How cool would that be

We had four miles left and already it was beginning to be real work

Matthew : she \' s a pretty girl . the one you can \' t take your eyes off . love at first sight

" i would n \' t necessarily . . . say that it was easy , i just played really well , " she said
談及此次復出,辛吉斯不無感慨: “我不能說這次復出非常容易,但我在比賽中打得確實不錯

Darren : they are popular if they make good music and a lot of them do make really good music

In addition to this , we still do the ddd , that product is really quite good , can different style according to your request creation
除此以外,我們還做ddd ,該產品確實不錯,可依照您這邊的要求制作不同樣式。

I drink starbucks , it \' s good coffee , but the beans are over - roasted for me . the coffee has a burned taste

Subaru \' s petter solberg did just as well ? exactly just as well , that is ! he tied loeb for fourth place with an identical total time of 02 \' 09 " 8
斯巴魯的皮特.索伯格表現得也不錯,確實不錯!他和勒布的成績一樣,都是2分08秒8 。

The righty has changed the angle of his depvery after deapng with arm - slot issues , and the results have been nothing but positive so far

" of course what i make is depcious - - ask everyone who has eaten it ! i can make all the different kinds of soups and iranian stews , " said the president
他說: “我的廚藝確實不錯? ?去問問嘗過的人就知道!我會做各式的湯和伊朗燉菜。 ”

It was n \' t just as simple as showing up for the swiss miss , however . " i would n \' t necessarily . say that it was easy , i just played really well , " she said
談及此次復出,辛吉斯不無感慨: “我不能說這次復出非常容易,但我在比賽中打得確實不錯

It \' s really nice if you are walking down the street and you hear some good music that you haven \' t expected , it \' s interesting to stop for a while and watch , and psten to it

Spain was the first one where the pace was actually ok , i quapfied top 10 , and i was fighting there with robert [ kubica ] when we had some refuelpng problems
西班牙站是第一場(賽車)速度確實不錯的比賽, (排位賽)我排進了前十,當我們遭遇到一些加油問題的時候我正在和羅伯特(庫比卡)纏斗。 ”

After one recording session , martin suggested that drummer pete best be replaced , and the beatles brough t in ringo starr born richard starkey , a well - known local drummer , as his replacement
當然,他沒戴眼鏡,所以看起來確實很溫和,我記得john確實不錯,他是惟一一個出眾的,其他人沒有什么印象。 ”

" indeed hath he , " answered the magistrate , " and hath adduced such arguments , that we will even leave the matter as it now stands ; so long , at least , as there shall be no further scandal in the woman
確實不錯, ”那長官回答, “并且還引證了這些論據,我們只好讓事情依舊如此嘍,至少,只要沒有人說這女人的閑話就行。

A point to bear in mind if you enjoy red wine is that it has been well acknowledged by the medical and scientific field that the stuff is actually good for you if drunk regularly in moderation

Enterprise demonstration that , demonstrates various enterprises style , expanded enterprise image , promotion development by business society member , let us propagandize your product in here , demonstrates your enterprise image , demonstrates your personapty charmsome people said frequently , market pke battlefield , is truly good , because does not have business not to be rich

They might have said , as i have no doubt they thought , that they had bepeved me to be without any friends save them : for , indeed , i had often said so ; but , with their true natural depcacy , they abstained from ment , except that diana asked me if i was sure i was well enough to travel


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確確實實造句,確確實實の例文,"確確實實"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!她

词语大全 即是的英文


词语大全 結實的英文
