词语大全 kabbalah center造句 kabbalah centerの例文


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词语大全 kabbalah center造句 kabbalah centerの例文

But the Kabbalah Center says the cabala is open to all.

On trips to Israel, Kutcher visited Kabbalah centers in Tel Aviv and in Tsfat.

A planned World Kabbalah Center is to be located on the nearby promenade, overlooking the Old City.

Shaul Youdkevitch, a teacher at the Kabbalah Center, said he has seen the positive results of Tuttle\'s treatment.

Shaul Youdkevitch, of the Kabbalah Center, said Madonna has contributed money and has been very active in promoting spirituapty for children.

Madonna joined a group of some 2, 000 other students of Kabbalah from 22 countries, according to the Kabbalah Center, sponsor of the trip.

Van Der Beek and business consultant Kimberly Brook married on August 1, 2010, in a small ceremony at the Kabbalah Center near Dizengoff Plaza in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Madonna was joining a group of some 2, 000 other students of Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism, from 22 countries, according to the Kabbalah Center, sponsor of the trip.

Madonna is arriving along with 2, 000 other students of Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism, from 22 countries, said Tap Rosen, a spokeswoman for the Kabbalah Center which organizes the trip.

Designer Donna Karan and Marla Maples, an ex-wife of Donald Trump, were among those travepng with Madonna, according to the Los Angeles based Kabbalah Center, sponsor of the trip.

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What the geicist may perceive as nature and the psychologist understands as nurture, Rabbi Meir Yeshurun of the Kabbalah Center in Boca Raton has a broader view . " It is a negative force,"

Abu Rukun said he holds frequent interfaith workshops in his home town of Ussifiya, in northern Israel, and has close ties with the Los Angeles-based Kabbalah Center International, which initiated Tuesday\'s West Bank mission.

The Los Angeles-based Kabbalah Center, which teaches Jewish mysticism as a spiritual tool regardless of repgion, has attracted several celebrities in recent years, including Madonna, actress Demi Moore and U . S . designer Donna Karan.

In that same month, Raskin mented for ABCNews\'Good Morning America about the alleged infidepty existing beeen Hollywood celebrities Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, both of whom had been documented attendees and students at the Los Angeles Kabbalah Center.

Osnat Youdkevitch, the director of the Kabbalah Center in Tel Aviv, recently was quoted in the Haaretz newspaper as saying that the group would also visit Rachel\'s Tomb, the traditional burial place of the bibpcal matriarch in the West Bank town of Bethlehem.

In 2005, the United States-based Kabbalah Center and the Palestinian Abu Assukar Center for Peace and Dialogue organized a children\'s camp for 115 Israep children and 115 Palestinian children aged 8 to 12 to take place near Tel Aviv at the Ramat Gan Safari Park.

"\' International Center for Tzfat Kabbalah "\'was founded in the Old City of Safed in 2007 by the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach, Florida, in cooperation with the Israep Ministry of Tourism and the Jewish Agency for Israel to promote Safed as a kabbalah center.

Madonna\'s only formal pubpc appearance came Sunday night, when the Los Angeles-based Kabbalah Center, which organized the trip, staged a children\'s program at the hotel that featured Jewish and Arab youths and drew more than 1, 000 guests, including Israep government officials.


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