词语大全 工業景觀的英文

Posted 竹林

篇首语:所谓活着的人,就是不断挑战的人,不断攀登命运险峰的人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 工業景觀的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 工業景觀的英文

Iv . rarity , in terms of the survival of particular processes , site typologies or landscapes , adds particular value and should be carefully assessed . early or pioneering examples are of especial value

The significance and development of post - industrial landscape are studied by the interpretation of such concepts as post - industrial era , derepct industrial land , industrial heritage , industrial heritage tourism and post - industrial landscape

The result shows that the area proportions of habitat landscape , industrial landscape , green - land landscape and water area landscape are 29 . 57 % , 15 . 423 % , 14 . 501 % and 5 . 98 % respectively in 2000 . the number of landscape patch and diversity index of habitation is the highest and the fragmentation index of green - land landscape is the lowest in all landscape types
結果表明, 2000年各景觀類型中,居住景觀和工業景觀的斑塊面積比例較大,分別為29 . 57和15 . 423 ,綠地景觀和水域景觀的比例偏小,分別為14 . 501和5 . 98 ;居住景觀的斑塊數和多樣性指數最大,綠地景觀的破碎度最小。

First , according to the heterogeneity of landscape in zherong , the author selected the dominant elements such as topography , altitude and cpmate which reflect the large scale of area differences and the stastistical materials which have long - reaching effects on the county . the county was divided into 8 landscape types : resident and trade area , industry area , traffic land , farmland , garden and greening land , water area , forestry area , unclaimed land . the types have 21 subtypes , the city area , county area , heavily polluted industry area , pttle maching area , road land , country road land , cultivated land . mushroom land . taizishen land , tea land , man - made greening land , garden land , reservoir area , river and creek area . defending forestry area , forbid - cut forestry area , bamboo area , economical forestry area , unclaimed mountain , unclaimed land , unclaimed water


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