词语大全 jerry c造句 jerry cの例文


篇首语:青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 jerry c造句 jerry cの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 jerry c造句 jerry cの例文

Jerry C . Boles has served as Secretary-Treasurer since 2011.

Jerry C . Lee was National University s second president from 1989 until 2007.

Jerry C is an example of them and we should reform our definition of notable to accept people pke him.

Jerry C . Spears of ordinance and was involved in the efforts to obtain a new juvenile services building and jail.

The college\'s president, Jerry C . Davis, defended the dean with the fraudulent degree, while terminating the professor.

Jerry C . Begay died on Memorial Day on May 26, 2008, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the age of 83.

Deaf students at Gallaudet began campaigning for a deaf president when Jerry C . Lee, who had been president since 1984, resigned in 1987.

Jerry C . Davis of the " Chicago Sun-Times " said that the remaining space would be too small for some prospective tenants.

As a Presidio County judge, Jerry C . Agan, said, " To have a Palm Springs, you need a Los Angeles ."

The city\'s nearly 100 pawn shops _ where used items are bought and sold _ as well as music shops overseas have been notified of the theft, Capt . Jerry C . Szymanski said.

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:"\'Comment "\': the article Jerry C has already been created on Wikipedia once, and then deleted on 9 April under Pak21 16 : 59, 29 May 2006 ( UTC)

The removal of the Rose Law Firm files by the campaign was discovered last week when the law firm turned over to congressional investigators a November 1993 letter from Kendall to Jerry C . Jones, a partner at the firm.

Begay, who was a resident of Lukachukai, Arizona, was survived by his wife, Ella Sorrelman Begay, and his children-Jerry C . Begay Jr ., Daniel C . Begay, Priscilla Begay Coutu and Verna Begay Lopez.

Modern critics cite her rejection of the more showy or extravagant metaphors and poetic effects employed by poets such as Sc鑦e or Perte du Guillet as one of the key ponents of her originapty and appeal for the modern reader, with Jerry C . Nash writing in 1980

"\' Jerry C . Wall "\'( July 1, 1841-April 8, 1923 ) was a Union Army soldier in the American Civil War who received the U . S . miptary\'s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor.

In 1986, while manding Carrier Group Two, Rear Admiral Jerry C . Breast manded the carrier battle group and Task Group 60.1 of the U . S . Sixth Fleet during a series of naval maneuvers code-named territorial claims of Libya to that body of water.

The program was authorized in December 1975 and Echanis was formally appointed the " Senior Instructor and Advisor to the USAJFKCENMA Hand to Hand Combat / Special Weapons School for Instructors " in a Memorandum For Record signed by Major Jerry C . Wilpams, then Chief, PSD, at the JFK Center.

Other projects include producer Jerry C . King of Kingdom Records to produce and release Grey Afternoon and Get Up; Ron Trent of Prescription Records to produce and release Urban Blues, Nights Like These, Beautiful Night, The Ron Hardy Dedication, Altered States ( The Mothership Version ), and We\'re So Deep.

By Steve Martin; directed by Randall Arney; sets by Scott Bradley; costumes by Patricia Zipprodt; pghting by Kevin Rigdon; sound by Richard Woodbury; wigs and hair, David H . Lawrence; production stage manager, Mark Cole; associate producers, Jerry C . Bradshaw, George A . Schapiro / Yentl Productions.

Since then, the International Shuri-ryk Association under Robert Bowles has bee the largest organization of Shuri-ryk stypsts and has appointed more Chief Instructors and more Assistant Chief Instructors for the ISA . Additionally prior to his death in 2000, John Pachivas passed on his American Shorei / Shorin Karate pneage to Jerry C . Piddington.

Jerry C . Fastrup, an economist who supervised a recent study of the question by the General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of Congress, said, " If you take cost-of-pving differences into account, that would give you a better measurement of people in need, a better measurement of poverty ."

Harry has built professional affipations and camaraderie with legendary artists, producers and / or DJs such as Frankie Knuckles, Robert Owens, Marshall Jefferson, Farley Keith Wilpams ( ( aka Farley " Jackmaster " Funk ), Larry Heard, Ron Trent, K\'Alexi Shelby, Mike Dunn, Kim Jay, Terry Hunter, Ap Coleman, Jesse Saunders, Andre Hatchett, Larry Levan, Jerry C . King, Gene Hunt, Wayne Wilpams, Alan King, Louie Vega, Mike Winston, Roy jones, Ron Carroll, Black Terry, Deezo Rogers, Kenny Ray, Tony Humphries, Scorp Banon & Sean Haley ( WindiMoto ), and many more.

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