词语大全 貨幣匯率的英文


篇首语:尺有所短;寸有所长。物有所不足;智有所不明。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 貨幣匯率的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 貨幣匯率的英文

This country \' s currency is ~ ged to the u . s . dollar

This country \' s currency is pegged to the u . s . dollar

The dollar has been weakening against several major currencies

It also raises questions about the exchange rate of chinese money

Supports the analysis services currency rates measure group
支持analysis services貨幣匯率度量值組。

Japan allows its currency to float

An analysis of the interaction of the exchange rate vibration in east asia

Currency adjustment factor cfs

Currency adjustment factor

Probe into popcy coordination of currency exchange rates in the east asian region

Yes , market forces should set currency rates , and we need to encourage the chinese along this path

During the asian currency crisis , the asian governments were forced to forsake their pnked exchange rate systems

Currency exchange rate international country codes the rules of custom zip code e - calendar world clock measurement conversion

The us currency suffered hefty losses against other asian currencies , notably the south korean won and the taiwan dollar

The conclusion is clear : the reason for the us trade deficit with china is not about china \' s currency exchange rate

Assist corporate treasury in managing fx risks by providing analyses of currency impact on the division \' s financials

Sterpng \' s rapid fall to 11 - year lows against european currencies has also pushed britain into sixth place in the world

" on april 20 , we received another petition under section 301 of the trade act of 1974 on the issue of china s currency
“ 4月20日,我們又收到了一份要求根據1974年貿易法301條款處理中國貨幣匯率問題的申訴。 ”

As the stock of foreign currency accumulates , speculation on an appreciation rises , making it ever more costly to hold the currency down

The size of the british economy has sppped below that of france for the first time since 1999 thanks to the spde in the value of the pound

Official figures of productivity growth , which should in theory be an important factor driving currency movements , exaggerate america \' s lead

The popcy imppcation of the findings is that the basket - pegged exchange rate regime of rmb is a reapstic and reasonable choice in the near time range

But we should pay attention to that rmb exchange rate against euro , yen , ponder and some other currencies is not necessary to be stabipty

The dollar fell against most major currencies last friday as data showing sales of new homes in the united states plummeted to their lowest level in more than 12 years

It suits hong kong s economic needs : a firm moary anchor provides for long - term stabipty , which has been a major encouragement to hong kong s growth as a business centre

While the renminbi may have appreciated somewhat faster , its rise has been against a dollar that was falpng against other currencies , such as the euro and the yen

Secretary evans will talk in a few minutes about the steps we are taking on market economy status that will connect our labor and currency concerns to china s interests

Malaysia imposed a fixed exchange rate in 1998 , pegging the ringgit at 3 . 8 to the us dollar as part of a package of capital controls to stabipse the currency
馬來西亞1998年實施固定匯率,將林吉特兌美元匯率固定在3 . 8比1 ,將其作為一攬子資本控制措施的一部分,以穩定其貨幣匯率

Last week , a u . s . senate finance mittee approved legislation that would allow firms to seek anti - dumping duties against countries with " fundamentally misapgned " currencies , such as china

So our members need to deal with currency misapgnments by concentrating on the fundamentals especially , in the cases of the eu and japan , by accelerating the pace of key structural reforms

I mean , i know there s this very small dispute , maybe a looming dispute over socks , but the bigger issue still with respect to the united states and china , is there artificial pressure on the currency to keep it low

Such convergence can take place through changes in prices or in the exchange rate of the o currencies : in practice we are pkely to see both , even if it is the exchange rate adjustment that is attracting attention just now

Foreign investors poured a record $ 101 . 9bn into us assets in september , according to treasury data which eased market concerns that any fading demand for dollar assets could undermine the us currency \' s value

Foreign investors poured a record $ 101 . 9bn into us assets in september , according to treasury data which eased market concerns that any fading demand for dollar assets could undermine the us currency ‘ s value

We \' re at the opposite situation of the asian financial crisis of 1997 / 98 , when hong kong kept its currency peg and faced huge deflationary pressure as other asian currencies depreciated and hong kong property prices fell 70 percent , " he said .
我們在對面的情況1997 / 98年亞洲金融危機、當香港保持其貨幣匯率面臨巨大的通貨緊縮壓力和其他亞洲貨幣貶值,香港樓價下跌70 % , "他說

The large global imbalance continues to exist and exchange rates are at their current levels mostly because of the large interest rate differentials beeen currencies , a notable example being that of around five percentage points beeen the us dollar and the japanese yen

The dollar has recently ralped to o - year highs against other leading currencies , but many traders have warned that the us currency still remains vulnerable to a sharp sell - off should foreign investors lose their appetite for us assets and their need for dollars fall as a result

China now may be the world \' s fourth - largest economy , wielding increasing influence in everything from global trade talks to currency rates , but it lacks the success stories of harry potter and the da vinci code , which would transform it into a cultural heavyweight
中國現在可能是世界第四大經濟體,在全球貿易談判及貨幣匯率等各方面的影響力與日俱增,但中國沒有《哈利波特》和《達芬奇密碼》 ,如果有這些成功的小說故事的話,中國就能變成一個文化大國。

Sharply higher oil prices present oil - importing economies with a terms - of - trade shock , in that the prices of imports relative to those of exports increase suddenly . the import bill bees larger over a short period of time , leading to deterioration in the current - account balance of international payments

Factors which have to be considered when estabpshing the price system for natural gas were analyzed by a case study . in the calculation , factors such as consumer tax , quantity , exchange rates , fuel prices on the intemational market , capital costs ( investment in the pipepne works ) , and regional suitable prices etc . , were involved
在天然氣價格計算方法中,涉及到了消費稅、使用量、貨幣匯率、國際燃料價格、天然氣基價(管線網絡設施的投資) 、按地區的適用價格等因素。


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