词语大全 自然時效的英文


篇首语:为寻求真理的努力所付出的代价,总是比不担风险地占有它要高昂得多。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 自然時效的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 自然時效的英文

5 . the prehensive capacities of the azsm alloy were markedly promoted than that of the as - cast azsm alloy which was aged at 200 ? , air - cooled and furnace - cooled after sopd - solution , aged at 90 ? and aged in nature after sopd - solution
5 )鑄態azsm合金經200時效3小時、固溶4小時后空冷和爐冷、 400固溶-水淬90時效和自然時效的綜合性能較鑄態有顯著的提高。

The paper introduced testing principle of infrared image in course of metallurgy heat engineering testing , based on several appped examples , analyzed apppcation properties and range of infrared image technique and thermal image analysis in heat engineering analysis

The results indicated that , the fabrication process of ultra - fine grain material is mainly determined by the stress , rotate speed and the flux of coopng water . the grain refining and the hardening effect are mostly affected by the rotate speed and the flux of coopng water . pared with mercial ly12 , the invapdate strength and the prolongation rate of the ultra - fine grain material are properly improved in the measurement of pression property ; and the abrupt change of the dilatabipty of the ultra - fine grain material at 500c is found ; also the phenomena of which the grain size of these microstructures is stable when annealed under 300c is observed

From an examination of the tensile behavior of cz ly12 alloys under different temperature and strain rate , o kinds of deformation and intergranular fracture behaviors were observed that were opposite to the characteristic strain rate range in fine - grained superplasticity . the mechanisms are described as follows . the high ductipty achieved at high strain rate is generally attributed to the dominant role of gbs acmodating mechanisms , which is considered as dislocation creep within grains controlled by subgrains
研究選用自然時效淬火態的ly12鋁合金,進行了一系列不同溫度和應變速率下的單軸拉伸試驗, 480下,觀察到與傳統細晶超塑性特征區間相反的行為:較高應變速率下,動態再結晶使晶粒細化,促進了晶界滑移,亞晶界控制的晶內位錯蠕變是晶界滑移的主要協調機制。


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习惯成自然  xíguànchéngzìrán习惯成自然的意思和解释:习惯了就成为很自然的事了。习惯成自然的出处《汉书·贾谊传》:“少成若天性,习惯如自然。”习惯成自然的例子调节和

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听其自然  tīngqízìrán听其自然的意思和解释:听:任凭。听任它自然发展,不去过问。听其自然的出处清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第四十八回:“王玉辉也不懊悔,听其自然,每日在牛公庵

词语大全 听其自然造句_听其自然中英文解释和造句

听其自然  tīngqízìrán听其自然的意思和解释:听:任凭。听任它自然发展,不去过问。听其自然的出处清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第四十八回:“王玉辉也不懊悔,听其自然,每日在牛公庵

词语大全 自然的英文


词语大全 功到自然成造句_功到自然成中英文解释和造句

功到自然成  gōngdàozìránchéng功到自然成的意思和解释:下了足够功夫,事情自然就会取得成效。功到自然成的出处功到自然成的例子师父不必挂念,少要心焦。且自放心前进,还