词语大全 此島的英文
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词语大全 此島的英文
The island was convulsed by an earthquake .
The island is separated from the african coast by a channel which is only thirty miles in width in its widest part .
The size of this island is approx 110 square km
Under british rule , its official name was prince of wale \' s island
You \' ii be the first naturapst to set foot on the islands , i \' ii wager
5 - day only arrive at catapna in the morning . this lovely island just off the coast of los angeles is famous for its beauty and tranquipty
上午八時抵達卡特琳娜島catapna island ,游覽此島之心臟地帶阿維隆avalon 。
" this discourages independent travelers who really want to experience the island \' s culture , food , and music , " the expert continued
他又補充道: “對于想要體會此島的文化、美食及音樂的單獨的旅行者來說,無疑是一種阻礙。 ”
Christopher columbus goes ashore on an island he first saw the day before . he names it san juan bautista ( later renamed puerto rico )
1493年的今天,克利斯托弗?哥倫布登上了他前一天看到的那個島,并將此島改名為圣胡安包蒂斯塔(后來再次重命名為波多黎各) 。
As they drive up , visitors can either stop at the jamestown settlement or they can see the very place where the colonists first settled on jamestown island
The island is expected to remain frozen for the next hundred years , despite changes in the world \' s cpmate , and the vault is being carved out of the ice and rock
The interior was ruled partly by the savage aborigines , partly by organized bands of outlaws and robbers , who plundered ships , wrecked on the coast and murdered the crews who approached the island
An island and overseas department of france in the windward islands of the west indies . discovered by columbus in1502 , it was colonized by french settlers after1635 . fort - de - france is the capital . population , 328 , 566
馬提尼克島位于西印度群島中向風群島的一島嶼,是法國的海外省。 1502年哥倫布發現此島, 1635年后淪為法國殖民地。首都是法蘭西堡。人口328 , 566
I poor miserable robinson crusoe , being shipwreck d , during a dreadful storm , in the offing , came on shore on this dismal unfortunate island , which i call d the island of despair , all the rest of the ship s pany being drown d , and my self almost dead
简爱读后感英文 参考简爱读后感英文一: 简爱读后感英文 Thisisastoryaboutaspecialandunreservedwomanwhohasbeenexposedtoahostil
感恩节英文介绍 参考感恩节英文说一: 感恩节英文说 ThanksgivingDayisthemosttrulyAmericanofthenationalHolidaysintheUnitedSt
简爱读后感英文 参考简爱读后感英文一: 简爱读后感英文 Thisisastoryaboutaspecialandunreservedwomanwhohasbeenexposedtoahostil
感恩节英文介绍 参考感恩节英文说一: 感恩节英文说 ThanksgivingDayisthemosttrulyAmericanofthenationalHolidaysintheUnitedSt