词语大全 natural barrier造句 natural barrierの例文 "natural barrier"是什麼意思


篇首语:知识是到达天堂的翅膀。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 natural barrier造句 natural barrierの例文 "natural barrier"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 natural barrier造句 natural barrierの例文 "natural barrier"是什麼意思

natural barrier造句 natural barrierの例文 "natural barrier"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The last great natural barrier in western germany had been crossed .

Healthy, skin, mucous membranes, and cipa are natural barriers to many viruses .

The cable system is ideal for spanning natural barriers of wide rivers, deep valleys, or ravines .

South there isyuhua natural barrier ,

The sahara desert is a natural barrier beeen north and central africa

The mountains on both sides are natural barriers embracing a naval base inside

Transdermal patches ( which rely on absorption through the skin ) for nicotine depvery have bee a mainstay for smoking cessation programs ; however , they have not been a widely effective depvery mechanism for many drugs because the skin acts as a natural barrier

According to the abundance well logging , mud logging and core analysis data , gaotaizi reservoir has been classified into four sand group with the principle of cycle parison and classified control . based on the detailed study of pthologic character , sedimentary structure , paleontologic fossils , depositional sequence , rock association and logging data , the microfacies of the studied area are divided into such seven types : subaqueous distributary channel microfacies ; river mouth bar microfacies ; subaqueous interdistributary channel microfacies ; subaqueous crevasse channel microfacies ; subaqueous natural barrier microfacies ; distal bar microfacies ; delta front sheet sand microfacies . the characteristic of each sedimentary microfacies are described detailedly
通過研究大量測井、錄井資料和巖芯資料,依據“旋回對比,分級控制”的原則,把研究區高臺子油層劃分為g 、 g 、 g 、 g四個砂層組。通過對研究區巖性、沉積構造、古生物、沉積序列、巖石組合及測井曲線特征進行研究的基礎上,認為研究區高臺子油層屬于三角洲前緣亞相沉積,并將研究區沉積微相劃分為:水下分流河道、河口壩、水下分流河道間、水下決口扇、水下天然堤、遠砂壩、席狀砂等七種微相類型。

On the basis of the analysis on the yangtze vole \' s disaster history and condition in dongting lake area , the influence of the lake beach \' s environmental evolution on the vole disaster is studicd in this paper . the rise of low - middle - level beach area causes the vole \' s population explosion , the reduction of high - level beach area forces the voles into the farmland during the flood season , and the emergence period \' s continual increase extends the vole \' s habitat areas and forces them to migrate into the farmland . the discarded dike provides a rest place halfway for the voles , which escape the flood , and the natural enemies of the voles , which are a natural barrier against the vole \' s population expansion , decreases . according to this study , the conclusions are put for ward as follows : after three - gorge project \' s construction it will produce great influences on the beach evolution in dongting lake area , leading to the changes of the vole \' s ecological environment situation and resulting in the vole \' s population changes which deserves attention

It\'s difficult to find natural barrier in a sentence. 用natural barrier造句挺難的


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