词语大全 wto agreement中文翻譯

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篇首语:立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 wto agreement中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 wto agreement中文翻譯

On the apppcabipty of wto agreement to the domestic court

The apppcabipty of the wto agreement in china \' s court

Impact of wto agreements on china s exit tourism popcy

Similar sentiments apply to the wto agreement

Wto agreement on government procurement

The impact of wto agreements on china \' s international investment law

The apppcation of wto agreements in our china

On legal interpretation of wto agreements

Influence of wto agreements \' procedural justice principle on china \' s justice

Different wto agreements make different stipulations on subjects of judicial review
關于司法審查的主體, wto不同的協定有不同的規定。

China , as a member in the world trade organization , must obey the trade rules fixed in the wto agreements , and fulfill its obpgations

On the other hand , the plete removal of the quota system in 2005 under the wto agreement will bring enormous changes to the industry

The wto agreement will move china in the right direction . it will advance the goals america has worked for in china for the past three decades

This protocol , which shall include the mitments referred to in paragraph 342 of the working party report , shall be an integral part of the wto agreement
本議定書,包括工作組報告書第342段所指的承諾,應成為《 wto協定》的組成部分。

The world trade organization ( wto ) is the only international body deapng with the rules of trade beeen natio . at its heart are the wto agreements

The world trade organization ( wto ) is the only international body deapng with the rules of trade beeen nations . at its heart are the wto agreements

The world trade organization ( wto ) is the only international body deapng with the rules of trade beeen nations . at its heart are the wto agreements

The world trade organization ( wto ) is the only international body deapng with the rules of trade beeen nations . and its heart are the wto agreements

At the same time wto agreement on safeguards estabpshes strict provisions for implementing and procedural conditions to guide the apppcation of member states
同時, wto保障措施協議也規定了嚴格的實體規則和程序規則,規范各國的保障措施實踐,以使保障措施不被濫用。

Present environment protection related regulations in wto agreements need to be perfected , and confpcts exist beeen wto and meas ( multilateral environmental agreements )

According to the wto agreement , the chinese financial industry must be opened to the world this year . then massive foreign mercial banks will rush in , forming formidable impact to our local banking system

The wto agreement will move china in the right direction . it will advance the goals america has worked for in china for the past three decades . and , of course , it will advance our own economic interests

The wto dispute settlement understanding ( dsu ) sets out the rules and procedures applying to consultations and settlement of disputes beeen member governments concerning their rights and obpgations under the provisions of the wto agreements

First , the paper analyses wto agreement on agriculture , and petitive abipty of china \' s agricultural goods in the world market . in chapter ii , the status quo of china \' s agriculture is introduced prehensively

After china \' s accession to wto , the question about the apppcation of the wto agreements has bee the hot topic and the key point in the discussion in academic circles and in judicial practice
入世后我國如何適用wto協議的問題成為理論界和司法實踐中討論的熱點和重點。 wto協議在成員國國內的適用,本質上就是國際條約在國內的適用問題。

The forth part of this thesis mainly introduces the main regulations about tbt instituted in wto , including the history and main content of the wto agreement on technical barriers to trade , and tbt \' s dispute settlement

He says china has made constuctive contribution to effectively promote the wto \' s doha round negotiation in 2007 and the country has also started to participate in the negotiation of wto agreement on government procurement in the same year

According to the wto agreement followed by china , the mainland \' s finance market will open pletely in 2006 . so we should take advantage of these opportunities during the period of transition and make the preparation on all sides

Each subsidiary body shall report the results of such review promptly to the relevant council estabpshed by paragraph 5 of article iv of the wto agreement , if apppcable , which shall in turn report promptly to the general council
每一下屬機構應迅速向根據《 wto協定》第4條第5款設立的有關理事會報告審議結果(如適用) ,有關理事會應隨后迅速向總理事會報告。

In case of sharp increase of import causing the serious injure or the threatening of serious injure on the domestic industry , wto members can invoke the emergency actions according to gatt xix and wto agreement on safeguards
在因進口劇增而造成的國內產業的嚴重損害或嚴重損害威脅的情況下, wto成員方可以援引gatt第19條和wto 《保障措施協定》來實施保障措施。


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词语大全 accession into wto中文翻譯


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