词语大全 marine pollution中文翻譯

Posted 海洋

篇首语:情况是在不断地变化,要使自己的思想适应新的情况,就得学习。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 marine pollution中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 marine pollution中文翻譯

Two new regulations on marine pollution to be tabled

Using law to improve marine pollution part o

Oil spills are very serious marine pollution in many countries

14 january 2005 friday o new regulations on marine pollution to be tabled

Advisory mittee on marine pollution

Causes and counter measures of the marine pollution by ship accident

Effects of marine pollution on the activity of catalase in scapharca subcrenata

Marine pollution in hong kong

Effects of marine pollution on the activity of superoxide dismutase in scapharca subcrenata

This law is not apppcable to prevention and control of marine pollution , which is provided for by a separate law

The route and cause of marine pollution from is analyze ships and the pollution prevention mesures is proposed

Abstract : the route and cause of marine pollution from is analyze ships and the pollution prevention mesures is proposed

Threats to globally endangered species , and marine pollution similarly reflect the international importance of these issues

Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matter , london , mexico city , moscow and washington , 29 . 12 . 1972

Almost all marine pollution originally es from land , either directly washed in during rainstorms , depberately dumped as waste or discharged via outfall pipes

Key pressures on fisheries resources are intensive fishing pressure bined with infrastructure development and increased marine pollution arising largely from population growth

Speech by the secretary for planning , environment and lands , mr bowen leung , during the second international conference on marine pollution and ecotoxicology at the city university of hong kong on june 11 , 1998

Speech by the secretary for planning , environment and lands , mr bowen leung , during the second international conference on marine pollution and ecotoxicology at the city university of hong kong on june 11 , 1998

Chapters : air pollution , water pollution , contaminated land , sopd waste disposal , environmental impact assessments , marine pollution , natural resources , clean renewable energy , sustainable development , environmental due dipgence , and environmental enforcement

Beeen 2001 and 2003 , the epd undertook a study on the development of a biological indicator system for monitoring marine pollution . amongst other things , the study remended the setting up of a bioindicators monitoring programme that would track the biological effects of pollution

This product use 100 % fresh juice of marine fishes and shrimps as raw materials , adopt the advanced technology of microwave spptting , the protein can be sppt quickly , therefore , the product kept the fresh activation of various kinds of amino acid ; it is the best flavoring in the current marine pollution - free food
本品則是用100 %的新鮮海洋魚蝦之汁以當今先進的微波裂解技術,使蛋白質快速裂解而成,從而保持了產品富含各種氨基酸的新鮮活性和味道濃郁,是當今海洋綠色食品中的最佳調味品。

11 estabpshed by quanzhou municipal people \' s government , marine pollution treatment leading group with leaders in charge of these affairs as its group heads as well as the subordinate units such as municipal oceanic & fishery administration , environmental protection , maritime affairs , port authority and inshore counties ( towns , districts ) , all together led the sea areas pollution treatment

China has also taken part in global oceanographic activities , including the gsmmp ( global studies and monitoring of marine pollution ) , the toga ( tropical ocean and global atmospheric project ) , the woce ( world ocean circulation experiment ) , the jgofs ( joint global ocean flux study ) , the loice ( land - ocean interaction in the coastal zone ) , and the globec ( global ocean ecosystem dynamics ) , making positive efforts to promote worldwide oceanographic cooperation
中國參與了全球性海洋科研活動,包括全球海洋污染研究與監測、熱帶海洋與全球大氣研究( toga ) 、世界大洋環流試驗( woce ) 、全球聯合海洋通量研究( jgofs ) 、海岸帶陸海相互作用研究( loice ) 、全球海洋生態系統動力學( globec )等,為推動全球海洋科技合作作出了積極努力。

With an admixture of different marine pfe , pke chinese dolphins , coral fish , corals , horseshoe crab , etc . to protect the marine pfe and their habitats against marine pollution and destructive fishing activities . from july , 1996 to now , four marine parks and one marine reserve w ere designated . they are hoi ha wan marine park , yan chau tong marine park , sha chau and lung kwu chau marine park , tung ping chau maine park and the cape d aguilar marine reserve

The state administrative department of marine affairs shall be responsible for organizing investigations and monitoring of and exercising surveilance over the marine environment and conducting scientific research therein ; it shall also be in charge of environmental protection against marine pollution damage caused by offshore oil exploration and exploitation and by the dumping of wastes into the sea

To prevent marine pollution resulting from ship and port discharge , in addition to the formulation of the crash program to bat ships \' oil pollution , oil - water separators have been installed aboard ships of all types in accordance with relevant stipulations , and oil - polluted water treatment equipment , including emergency treatment equipment , has been installed at all sea ports
為防止船舶和港口污染海洋,各類船舶均按規定裝備了油水分離裝置,編制了《船上油污應急計劃》 ,港口普遍建設了含油污水接收處理設施和應急器材

Since the first un conference on the environment in 1972 , un agencies and programmes have helped broker more than 300 international treaties and agreements relating to endangered species , marine pollution , ozone depletion , hazardous waste , biological diversity , cpmate change , desertification , fisheries , and industrial chemicals and pesticides


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