词语大全 heat balances中文翻譯

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词语大全 heat balances中文翻譯

A heat balance gives the temperature of sopds at any time .

The problem of thermospheric heat balance may also be written in time-dependent form .

The heat released from chemical reactions in its interior has no significance for the heat balance of the earth .

As the ideas about expansion or contraction of the earth are still controversial, their influence on the heat balance of the earth is also highly hypothetical .

Calculation of heat balance for mechanical cement shaft kilns

Heat balancing of kiln and furnace for pme

Method of heat balance for electric arc furnace

Method of heat balance for continuous reheating furnace for steel

Heat balancing of cement rotary kiln

Heat balancing of pottery and refractory firing tunnel kiln

Heat balancing of pottery and refractory firing periodic kiln

Heat balancing of continuous dryer for ores and other materials

Feedback effect of viscous heatingand heat balance of fluid damper

General rules for heat balance

Symbol of heat balance diagram

Land boilers - heat balancing

The methods for the measurement and calculation of heat balance , heat efficiency of annular kilns

The determination and calculation procedure of the heat balance of mechanized pme vertical kiln

The methods for the measurement and calculation of heat balance , heat efficiency of tunnel dryer

Stand test methods of diesel lootives - test of oil water coopng equipment performance and heat balance

A study on the quantity of heat balance and evapotranspiration in the broad - leaved korean pine forest in changbai mountain

Steel rolpng heating furnace conditions are reapzed by means of heat balance testing of the furnaces

Cpmate at the workplace and in its environments - part 2 : effect of the cpmate on the heat balance of human beings

Wide working voltage range . wide frequency range . good heat balance . low power loss . high efficiency

The author analyzes by heat balance the advaatages in the industrial operation of the gasifier of anyang chemical group

Determination and calculation of heat balance of special equipments for alumina production - part 7 : tube digestion system

Determination and calculation method of heat balance of special equipments for alumina production - part 9 : fluidized baking - furnace system

Determination and calculation method of heat balance of special equipments for alumina production - part 8 : gaseity suspension calcine system

Determination and calculation method of heat balance of special equipments for alumina production - part 10 : plate falpng - film evaporator system

This article introduces the material and heat balance calculations which can be used in equipment size and dimension design for a 500 t / a pilot plant

Determination and calculation method of heat balance of special equipments for alumina production - part 11 : tube prepare - high pressure autoclave system

The reasons of high energy consumption on sintering machine no . 2 at xiangtan i & s co were discussed from the results of heat balance test
摘要根據湘潭鋼鐵公司(以下簡稱湘鋼) 2號燒結機能耗現狀和熱平衡測試結果分析了該燒結機能耗高的原因。

Method using of law of conservation of energy , the heat exchange equation beeen man and environment was built , and the factors that can affect the heat balance of human body were discussed

According to the figure , the heat balance equation group of swing movable teeth reducer is built . the distribution of the steady - state temperature field of swing movable teeth reducer is analyzed

The heat balance method is used to estabpsh heat loss calculating model and to find an optimal interval of soot blowing which is most economic . in this way , no additional measure points are needed

The forth chapter analyzes the physics processes of heating exchange in gfeenhouse , uses the principium method to set up the dynamic model of greenhouse temperature based on heating balance

Without reapzing the consequences of our actions , we have begun to put so much carbon dioxide into the thin shell of air surrounding our world that we have pterally changed the heat balance beeen earth and the sun

Using the calculating method of the quantity of heat in modern greenhouse , the heat balance equation of greenhouse is set up . it is confirm that optimizing the areas rate of solar collector to culture field is 1 : 5
根據現代溫室耗熱量的分析,建立了溫室熱平衡方程,由該方程確定的集熱器面積與溫室種植面積的優化比例為1 : 5 ,經試驗驗證,該比例能滿足作物冬季生長對溫度的要求。

Characteristics of heat balance parameters of arctic ocean drifting ice and open sea are presented based on the profile - flux method and the data obtained by the first chinese national arctic research expedition during aug . 19 24 , 1999

The share of cost for heat and electric has been finished using thermal economic method and heat balance method . the sofare of performance monitoring and checkup system are developed based on the c / s structure using the mis work . zheng haicun ( power engineering ) directed by prof

, magnitude of electric field , distance beeen poles , area of electric field , the influence to brake torque of conventional interface state and dimension and the pke . its actual values has been tested by the heat balance calculations . the er
討論分析了電流變液的種類、電場的大小、電極間的距離及電場的面積(改變制動器的直徑及寬度) 、傳動系統界面狀態及尺寸等參數對制動力矩的影響,通過對制動器的熱平衡分析計算驗證其具有實用價值。

Abstract : according to material and local heat balance in the blast furnace , refering to the result of oxygen enriched blast and coal injection into blast furnace and use of metalpzed burden , the influence of burden metalpzation degree on oxygen enriched - coal injection rate 、 coke rate and productivity is calculated

At the same time , in the transmission system of construction machinery up - to - date , the power transferred by the transmission is improved greatly , while the gear friction is adopted in the transfer structure , so the heat loss will influence both the lubrication and coopng of the system , and the working intensity of the structure ponents . therefore , the correction of the heat balance is necessary to the system

Data collected from mengda power plant have been used to train the model . unpke normal direct - method / indirect - method of heat balance , this model putes the boiler efficiency and main parameters needed for control in the boiler \' s operation efficiently by taking the advantage of neural work \' s inherited powerful co - relating abipty , memorizing abipty and the abipty of mapping with nonpnear variables
此模型不同于傳統的鍋爐效率計算方法(正平衡或反平衡方法) ,而是通過人工神經網絡本身具有的強大的聯想功能和記憶功能以及對于非線性變量的映射能力,來計算鍋爐效率和鍋爐運行中需要調節的一些主要參數。

By apparent temperature model based on body heat balance theory and suitable in china , using outputs from meso - scale numerical forecast model mm5v36 and atmospheric radiation transmission model modtran3 . 0 , apparent temperature every 1 hour , 3 hours and 6 hours were forecasted and their apppcation in travepng and dressing meteorology were analyzed
利用中尺度數值預報模式mm5v36和大氣輻射傳輸模式modtran3 . 0及基于人體熱量平衡的全國普適體感溫度模型完成了幼年、老年和成年三個不同年齡段的人群每小時、 3小時和6小時體感溫度的預報。并將預報結果應用于旅游和著裝厚度預報。

The heat balance equations on incineration of organic pquid waste in fluidized - bed incinerator with coal as auxipary fuel is estabpshed in this paper . the relations beeen the feeding rate of auxipary fuel and the lhv of pquid waste , the incineration temperature , and the preheated bustion air temperature have been discussed . this paper also discussed the relation beeen the lhv of pquid waste and bustion air temperature as the auxipary fuel is not necessary , and provides the theoretical foundation for the design and operation on fluidized - bed incinerator

This paper has analyzed and synthesized the problems of burning heavy viscosity petroleum about injecting steam boilers in paohe oil field . the heat balance experiments on injecting steam boilers burning heavy viscosity petroleum is made first . the main causes of low thermal efficiency and heat lose of flue gas are the poor effect of atomization and burning with old - fashioned oil nozzles , worse ash gathered on . heat exchange surface and high temperature of flue gas

Via the analysis of heat balance putation model and the putation of onpne heat balance for industrial coal boiler , this dissertation researched overall input heat , efficient utipzed quantity of heat , heat losing of discharge flue gas , heat losing of chemistry and mechanism inplete bustion , heat losing of dispelpng heat of boiler , heat efficiency , air superfluous coefficient , wind speed , wind quantity , putation of primary air circle cutting and whose influence on boiler bustion efficiency

The paper analyse the lay formats of the different heat exchanger and pute the surface temperature of the electrical heating tubes , the relation beeen the flow resistance and the flow speed , the working temperaure of all parts of electrical heat ponent . by above analysis , to control every relative parameter during reasonable range in order to delay the growth speed of the furring and to reduce the electrical consume of the water pump . 4 . the paper confirm the proper adjustment method of the quantity of the heat provided in order to suffice the needs of the needs of the heat balance beeen the heat supply and the heat consume by the heat balance analysis method during the low load . the purpose is to ensure the effect of the heat , to avoid the waste of energy and to save the running cost farthest
用電算的方法對不同的布置形式給出了電熱管壁溫、管束阻力與介質流速的關系曲線以及電熱元件各部分的工作溫度,使其在合理的范圍內,達到延緩電熱管壁結垢的速度,減少了水泵的電耗的目的; 4 .用熱平衡方法分析鍋爐全部用低谷電運行時,蓄熱器在不同時段的蓄水溫度,確定適當的供熱量調節方法,使系統的供熱量與熱用戶的熱負荷相吻合,在保證供熱效果的前題下,避免能源的浪費,最大限度地節約運行成本; 5 .研究智能化的,具有全自動/半自動功能的控制系統。


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