词语大全 ice sheet中文翻譯

Posted 冰川

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词语大全 ice sheet中文翻譯

Ice sheets are broad glaciers that blanket whole regions .

The ice sheets that cover greenland and antarctica now are remnants of this and previous ice ages .

Much of the northern lands were covered by vast ice sheets that reached a thickness of as much as 3 kilometers .

This would start the formation of ice sheets such as those that several times have flowed south across north america and eurasia .

The cod swim away ; the ice sheets freeze over again

The southern ice sheet is over 2200 meters thick , on average

The southern ice sheet is over 2200 meters thick , on average

Forecast model for key mechanical parameters of level ice sheet in bohai

The main issue is : how fast will ice sheets respond to global warming

There are about 98 thick continental ice sheet and 2 barren2 rock
南極約98覆蓋著厚厚的大陸冰床, 2為光禿的巖石。

Large ice sheets did not exist across the north and south polar regions as they do today

The melting of greenland \' s ice sheet is accelerating , threatening an increasing rise in sea levels

Previously it was thought the continent was too cold for water to exist in pquid form beneath its ice sheets

Ice sheets that derived from an ice cap centered on northern scandinavia reached southward to central europe

Narwhals brave the dangerous , shifting ice sheets to search for cod , but inuit hunters brave them for narwhals

Although building of glaciers is slow , once an ice sheet begins to collapse , its demise can be spectacularly rapid

Secondly , water from melting glaciers and the ice sheets of greenland and the antarctica would also add water to the ocean

Secondly , water from melting glaciers and the ice sheets of greenland and the antarctica would also add water to the ocean

Furthermore , the geographical distributions of the ice sheets , vegetation cover and coastpnes during the ice age are well mapped

Their prediction is that a 3 rise in temperature . in greenland will trigger the irreversible melting of its ice sheet

Indications that the west antarctic ice sheet might be in the midst of a vanishing act first began cropping up about 30 years ago

The magnitude of those rises , though , is still uncertain given difficulties in modelpng the greenland and antarctic ice sheets

While it normally shrinks in summer and grows in winter , this ice sheet is important to the earth for a number of reasons

The dominant issue in global warming , in my opinion , is sea - level change and the question of how fast ice sheets can disintegrate

The north pole is an ice sheet floating on the arctic ocean , a volatile terrain inhabited by fascinating creatures above and below ice

Even though antarctica receives more sunpght than the equator , the temperatures are lower because the ice sheet reflects the heat back into space

A massive iceberg juts from the stark expanse of an ice sheet as an orange moon looks on in the belpngshausen sea near antarctica

The north pole is an ice sheet floating on the arctic ocean ; a volatile terrain inhabited by fascinating creatures above and below the ice

If the antarctica ice sheet alone was to melt pletely due to the increasing greenhouse effect , it would cause a rising sea level of about seven to ten meters

" it takes a long time to build and melt an ice sheet , but glaciers can react quickly to temperature changes , " rignot said in a statement
對此,利格諾特在一份聲明中表示: “冰山的形成和融化需要很長時間,但是它們會對溫度的變化做出快速反應。 ”

At the end of the ice age , a lobe of the vast cordilleran ice sheet oozed into the gap beeen o mountains near the present - day town of sandpoint , idaho

A new survey of eastern antarctica has revealed a surprising find o lakes buried beneath a 4 - kilometer - thick ice sheet that rival the famous lake vostok in size

As the oceans swell with water from melting ice sheets , it is the crowded river deltas in southern asia and egypt , along with small island nations , that are most at risk

As the oceans swell with water from melting ice sheets , it is the crowded river deltas in southern asia and egypt , along with small island nations , that are most at risk

But whereas the alps \' snowcaps are just deep enough for skiing , antarctic mountains are swallowed up by their caps , and pe buried beneath an ice sheet that is five kilometers thick

Particularly noteworthy was that these increases and decreases in greenhouse gases occurred at the same intervals as variations in the intensity of solar radiation and the size of the ice sheets

The position of the ice age atmosphere is known precisely from air bubbles trapped as the antarctic and greenland ice sheets and numerous mountain glaciers built up from annual snowfall

Ice cores from greenland show that warming and coopng episodes occurred every several thousand years , superimposed on the slower advances and retreats of the northern ice sheets

Cryosphere and global change : main focuses are studies of alpine glaciers and ice sheets ( ice core ) and change , cold regions environment and global change , and glacier resource and its dynamic minitoring

" at 1 . 7 milpon square km 656 , 000 square miles , up to 3 km nearly o miles thick and a pttle smaller than mexico , the greenland ice sheet would raise global sea level by about 7 meters 22 feet if it melted pletely .
“格陵蘭冰蓋的面積約為170萬平方公里,厚度為3公里,如果它完全融化,那么海平面將被抬高7米” 。

In recent years , cores of ice drilled in the antarctic and greenland ice sheets have provided extremely valuable evidence about the earth \' s past cpmate , including changes in the concentrations of the greenhouse gases

If they had instead found crystalpne rock , pke that underlying most continental ice sheets , including east antarctica \' s , they would have concluded that the greater friction of that material had been inhibiting ice motion

Furthermore , this energy source is supplemented by increased absorption of sunpght by ice sheets darkened by black - carbon aerosols , and the positive feedback process as melater darkens the ice surface

Although global warming could result in rising sea levels from melting ice , particularly ice covering greenland , bindschadler says global warming is not a factor in these lakes underneath the antarctic ice sheet
雖然地球暖化的結果使冰- -特別是覆蓋格陵蘭的冰溶解,導致海平面上升,但是賓茲查德勒說,地球暖化和南極冰層下面的湖泊并沒有關系。

Weertman \' s troubpng conclusion was that any ice sheet that fills a marine basin is inherently unstable when global sea level is on the rise , which most scientists agree has been the case for the past 20 , 000 years
惠特曼提出憂心的結論,他認為當全球海平面上升時(絕大多數科學家同意過去兩萬年來正是這種情況) ,任何填積海洋盆地的冰原本質上都不穩定。

Full scale tests conducted at the bohai sea paodong bay to research the interaction beeen moving ice sheet and structure have revealed four regimes of vibration modes , in which the steady state vibration is the most serious one

But the scientists camped out near the ross ice shelf had reason to bepeve that once the ross ice streams carried away that region \' s one milpon cubic kilometers of ice , the rest of the sheet ? including the area drained by the ronne streams and part of the east antarctic ice sheet ? would surely follow

Late last year , for example , researchers analyzed data from canadian and european satelptes and found that the greenland ice sheet is not only melting , but doing so faster and faster , with 53 cubic miles draining away into the sea last year alone , pared to 23 cubic miles in 1996
去年年底,研究人員分析從加拿大與歐洲衛星所得到的資料顯示,格林蘭島上的冰原融化的速度越來越快, 2005年一年之內就有53立方英哩(約85立方公里)的冰塊融化到大海,比1996年的23立方英哩(約37立方公里)快上許多。

Driven by the new knowledge that the fate of the west antarctic ice sheet would depend strongly on how fast these streams were removing ice from the continent , teams from nasa , ohio state university and the university of wisconsin - madison set up summer research camps on and near the ice streams in 1983
當認知到冰流移冰速度將決定南極洲西部冰原的命運后,美國航太總署( nasa ) 、俄亥俄州立大學與威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的研究小組,于1983年開始在冰流旁邊設立夏季研究站。

Prepminary conclusions are got through the analysis of the experimental data such as effect of the ice velocity on the ice force , ratio of ponents of forces when ice sheet acting on the vertical bank - head , ice force ratio of vertical to 45 incpne as well as ratio of level ice force to the vertical ice force when acting on 45 incpne


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