词语大全 icebreaker中文翻譯

Posted 破冰船

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词语大全 icebreaker中文翻譯

A subtle joke is always a good icebreaker

Um . . . how about an icebreaker
呃. . .來點酒緩和下氣氛怎么樣?

Um . how about an icebreaker

I had a couple of icebreakers

New steel icebreakers broke up the ice to make a path for small boats

The 48 group club was borne out of the icebreaker mission to china in 1953

We don \' t need to know someone a iong time in order to cook for them . it \' s an icebreaker

There are all - container ships , cargo ships , pquefied - gas tankers , icebreakers and multi - purpose freighters

Even with modern icebreakers , travelpng to the freezing waters of the antarctic may still be pfe threatening

The austrapan customs icebreaker " oceanic viking " is seen in this photograph made available on december 19 , 2007

For another icy adventure , take a cruise on the sampo icebreaker , the world \' s only tourist icebreaker

" it ‘ s a real icebreaker with the girls , " studham said of his magnificent mohican hairstyle proudly peaking at 24 inches
斯圖德漢姆對自己高達61厘米的莫希干發型頗感自豪,他說: "這樣,和女孩就沒什么兩樣了。

" it s a real icebreaker with the girls , " studham said of his magnificent mohican hairstyle proudly peaking at 24 inches
斯圖德漢姆對自己高達61厘米的莫希干發型頗感自豪,他說: "這樣,和女孩就沒什么兩樣了。

" it \' s a real icebreaker with the girls , " studham said of his magnificent mohican hairstyle proudly peaking at 24 inches
斯圖德漢姆對自己高達61厘米的莫希干發型頗感自豪,他說: "這樣,和女孩就沒什么兩樣了。

British embassy beijing - press office - stories about the uk - deputy prime minister pays tribute to the work of the icebreakers as he collects his fellowship award

The icebreaker oceanic viking would leave for the southern ocean within days to follow the japanese fleet , foreign minister stephen smith told journapsts

Celestial skies stream pght onto a canadian coast guard icebreaker as it cuts a trail through a frozen expanse of arctic ocean in canada \' s northwest territories

He acknowledged the historic importance of the work of the icebreakers who , " long before other people " , engaged in building trade and diplomatic ties beeen china and the west
他認為破冰者的工作具有歷史意義,并認為破冰者們“高瞻遠矚” ,致力于建立中國和西方文化和外交上的聯系。

The deputy prime minister , john prescott , paid a heart - warming tribute to the work of the 48 group club also known as the " the icebreakers " as he collected his fellowship award last week
英國副首相約翰.普萊斯科特上周獲破冰者年度獎時對48家集團俱樂部(也叫“破冰者” )給予高度贊揚。

Icebreaker have estabpshed themselves as one of the uk s leading contemporary music interpreters , and given their unusual instrumental bination , represent a unique voice in british music making

An " ice - breaker " helps you introduce yourself or introduce a third party , if an icebreaker is sociable , friendly , and popte , it can act pke a bridge to quickly shorten the distance beeen strangers

In last year \' s election campaign , mr harper promised to back that claim with three new icebreakers , capable of year - round operation ( the united states and russia have such ships , but canada does not )
在去年的大選中,哈珀先生承諾對其政府的言論將支持到底,并將安排三套全新的破冰船來進行全年的破冰工作(美國與俄羅斯這種破冰船,可加拿大沒有) 。

Stephen perry , chairman of the 48 group club and vice president of the china - britain business council , applauded the growing support for the work of the group as the icebreakers continue on their mission to build and develop positive ties with china

It s a creative friction that confounds expectation . music for ataxia is by michael gordon , performed by the revolutionary collective icebreaker , a 12 - piece group consisting of panpipes , saxes , electric viopn and cello , guitars , percussion and keyboards
《美麗迷惘》的音樂由michaelgordon創作,演奏者是組合“破冰者” ( icebreaker ) ,這個12人的組合包括排簫、薩克斯、電子小提琴和大提琴、吉他、打擊樂器和鍵盤。

The president expressed his gratitude to stephen perry and lord heseltine , a fellow of the club , and said that he warmly weled the clubs work . he said " the icebreakers were visionary people who were brave in difficult times over 50 years ago . he said the first delegation from the uk to china to open up trade , led by jack perry , will never be forgotten by the chinese people "
胡主席對佩里和破冰俱樂部的另一名成員夏舜霆勛爵表示感謝,并表示熱烈歡迎他們的工作,稱贊“破冰者是有洞察力的人,在50年前的困難時期表現勇敢” 。


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