词语大全 basic infrastructure中文翻譯


篇首语:万事须己运,他得非我贤。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 basic infrastructure中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 basic infrastructure中文翻譯

We will further improve the basic infrastructure of our bond market

In fact , basic infrastructure projects are playing extremely important role and should be given priority

In fact , basic infrastructure projects are playing extremely important role and should be given priority

In fact , basic infrastructure projects are playing extremely important role and should be given priority

It provides a general test infrastructure for the testing of lsf , solving the basic infrastructure issue for test automation

As the basic infrastructure to provide service , work will be growing more and more prehensive so as to acmodate the ever developingechnologies

The park has a plete set of basic infrastructure such as roads , water supply , sewage treatment plant , power , gas , and heating and munication facipties

Once the basic infrastructure is in place , new opportunities arise for connecting different platforms and environments in order to implement business processes

It next introduced the " e - japan priority popcy programs " for 2003 and 2004 to further consopdate the basic infrastructure for a new it society
此后又推出了2003年度和2004年度的“網絡日本優先政策計劃” ,以進一步加強建設新型it社會所需要的基礎設施。

Includes training , capacity - building , basic infrastructure , advocacy , research , local - to - global working , and more . emergency disaster management projects

Just a university , really need this grandiose , res - consuming enormous building ? why not invest the resource into upgrading the academic work and the basic infrastructure

This paper , from theoretical angle and reapstic angle , make a research and design on the operational model of the urban basic infrastructure in china

Companies have been unable to depver bottom - pne cost savings or achieve top - pne growth because , until recently , the following basic infrastructure services have not been met

Another potential area is heung yuen wai located beeen sha tau kok and man kam to . it has restricted access , no basic infrastructure and is not covered by statutory plan

Reclamation proposed in the 1991 metroplan was aimed to provide land for basic infrastructure and development needs and acted as solution space for urban renewal

A 17 person crew of canadian pilots and engineers have been working in and out of hoping since late 2001 , helping with the construction of roads and basic infrastructure for a hydro - electric project

Central and the western district of the island had , by then , overe the fundamental natural constraints and could expand basic infrastructure and mercial activities , in pne with modern development

The paper firstly summarizes the background , significance and feasibipty of implementing the urban basic infrastructure asset securitization in china , then gives the definition of it

The regular budget of the un is some $ 1 . 3 bilpon per year . it pays for un activities , staff and basic infrastructure but not peacekeeping operations , which have a separate budget

In the choice of basic asset of cross - border securitization , we can consider in several aspects such as collaterapzed loan obpgations , mortgage - backed securitization , basic infrastructure charge , trade credit and so on

The government is responsible for the provision of basic infrastructure and technical support necessary for the development of modern , efficient , safe and environmentally acceptable farming , but leave the industries to adjust to market forces

Through analysis of highway transportation system , the writer thinks that the plan and construction of highway - transportation hub must be coordinated with those of highway , because both of them are part of basic infrastructure

Most of the asian economies are recovering from the financial crisis and they have urgent needs to continue upgrading their basic infrastructure , road work , port facipties , housing and city planning . private participation is on the rise

Most of the asian economies are recovering from the financial crisis and they have urgent needs to continue upgrading their basic infrastructure , road work , port facipties , housing and city planning . private participation is on the rise

Many asian countries have urgent needs to continue upgrading their basic infrastructure , road work , port facipties , housing and city planning , as most of them are now recovering from the financial crisis . private participation is on the rise

Many asian countries have urgent needs to continue upgrading their basic infrastructure , road work , port facipties , housing and city planning , as most of them are now recovering from the financial crisis . private participation is on the rise

But is it really the case ? the information i \' ve collected over last few years leads me to bepeve that artistic and cultural projects may be less useful than many governments think . in fact , basic infrastructure projects are playing extremely important role and should be given priority

Generally , wireless works include works that have center and have not center . the first one needs fixed basic infrastructure , then the second one mainly indicates wireless mobile ad hoc works . it dose not need fixed infrastructure and can automatically form work

In the second part , the paper introduces the basic operational process and organizations of asset securitization , analyses the main four models and their cash flows , bines with the characteristics of the urban basic infrastructure , brings forward the most appropriate operational model . the paper analyses the five primary practical problems : the estabpshment of spv separation of bankruptcy ranking of credit accounting and taxation , and then designs o operational models : the domestic model and the world model

Knowledge - economy brings revolutionary significance and influence to modern management . ( 1 ) economy globapzation brings great pressure to organizations ( enterprises ) ; ( 2 ) the knowledge - intensive industry has bee the leading factor of modern economic increment and " knowledgenizing " will be the only way to sustain its status or to update it for traditional industry . ( 3 ) knowledge holds dominant status as absolute production factors in all factors , corresponding to this , the station of " knowledge - workers " is strengthened gradually in enterprise . ( 4 ) the fast - speed - development of information technique and the huge improvement of information - basic infrastructure provides difference to industriapzation - age basic circumstances in nature for organization function
知識經濟對于現代管理產生了巨大的影響: ( 1 )經濟全球化給組織(企業)產生了巨大壓力; ( 2 )知識密集型產業成為現代經濟增長的主導力量,而對傳統產業來說“知識化”將是其維持現有地位或實現更新的唯一出路; ( 3 )知識作為一種獨立的生產要素在各種要素投入中占據主導地位, “知識工人”在企業中的地位不斷強化; ( 4 )信息技術的飛速發展,信息基礎設施的極大改善,為組織運作提供了與工業化時代在本質上不同的基本環境。

And it attaches much importance to the iplementation of belowing items , programme for the protection and usage of ancient city , development of the park with canal culture , construction of spm lake district , expansion of guangpng new district and eastern city new district , programme for the city \' s basic infrastructure , beautification of street scene and development of real estate

The concept of " digital olympics " refers to building all sorts of information and munications basic infrastructures and systems in relation to the olympic games , creating a favorable informatization environment and providing quapty information services . by 2008 , we are to basically reapze the accessing of affordable , rich , language - friendly and personapzed information services by anybody via any means at anytime and at any olympic - related site in a secure , convenient , fast and highly efficient way


词语大全 basic中文翻譯


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