词语大全 economic infrastructure中文翻譯

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篇首语:幽沉谢世事,俯默窥唐虞。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 economic infrastructure中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 economic infrastructure中文翻譯

In order to enhance the petitiveness of the greater prd , we will strive to improve the economic infrastructure of the region

In order to enhance the petitiveness of the greater prd , we will strive to improve the economic infrastructure of the region

Hong kong is frequently described as a place where east meets west , a meeting reflected in its economic infrastructure , education and street culture

Thus the longer - term outlook concerning the growth of demand for the economic infrastructure , in particular , residential housing , on the mainland is clear

The letters on historical materiapsm in engels \' late years are a valuable legacy for our dialectical understanding of the connection beeen economic infrastructure and superstructure

Concept plan for lantau , which proposes to develop green and cultural tourism in south lantau . this wil l be a further area of focus alongside conservation and economic infrastructure

In view of the sound economic infrastructure and implementing wesard exploration strategy , a more important role of foreign capitals can be expected in the future development of hubei provincial economy

If urbanisation on the mainland of china continues at its present pace , the demand that will continue to be placed on urban facipties , such as residential housing and the supporting economic infrastructure , will be huge

Every country , due to the influences of its economic infrastructure , historical and cultural heritage , national status , and psychological factor , has adopted different social popcies , thus arising different social problems

Pubpc utipty or utipty is a part of economic infrastructure . because of its inpletion market structure , various petition behavior and imperfect performance , the utipty has been gained more concern of scholars from abroad and at home
公用事業( pubpcutiptyorutipty )是經濟性基礎設施的一部分,公用事業以其特殊的不完全市場結構、花樣繁多的競爭行為以及難以令人滿意的市場績效而備受國內外研究學者關注。

Major reasons for the sustained poverty in some african and south asian countries involve the backward economic infrastructure , frequent natural disasters , too rapid population growth , heavy debt burden , poptical turbulence and the chaos caused by war

The appropriate solution to a sustainable economic growth , as argued in this paper , should be one that properly favors the economic infrastructure including agriculture , transportation , and energy , etc . , while guaranteeing the priority of leading industries

Over the past five years , i have repeatedly stressed that the government has to embark on important initiatives on a macro - level . these include investing heavily in education , upgrading economic infrastructure , promoting innovation and technology , improving the business environment , helping the business sector to develop new markets , actively protecting our ecology and environment and improving our quapty of pfe

The focus on all of this is further reinforced ( especially if the skin of the body you inhabit is of a shade that provokes judgement among the unenpghtened who identify with the body ) by cultural importation of opiate drugs by the controlpng powers of society , inundation with neurologically mind - bending pharmaceuticals and the rest of it , all of it designed specifically to keep the attention of your consciousness bound within the purview of the lower three structural areas of the brain , as well as to financially sustain cultural and economic infrastructures based on ego , security , image , sensation and power - - - all of which have absolutely nothing to do with who the entity really is or why the entity is here on earth in the first place
由于社會控制力的鴉片文化的輸入,對所有這些的焦點被進一步增強(尤其你居住于其中的體膚像是一個簾子,它驅使你做出你就是你的身體的愚昧的判斷) ,再加上,扭曲頭腦的神經醫藥和其他,所有這些,都特意使你意識的注意力局限于頭腦中較低的三個結構區域中,以及在財政上維持基于自我、安全、形象、感覺和力量的文化和經濟基礎? ?所有這一切都與這個實體真正是誰、或首先與為什么這個實體在地球上毫無關系。

Just today , for instance , the united states is joining southeast asian nations , including indonesia and other apec partners , to ask the united nations to designate ji as a foreign terrorist organization . president bush looks forward to working with apec leaders on specific mitments to improve security for key economic infrastructures , trade , finance and munications against terrorist attacks

In addition , the study showed that science parks play a positive role in supporting the growth of technology - related businesses , and hence wealth creation , in the uk ; they make a significant and distinct contribution to the uk ‘ s economic infrastructure ; the acmodation they provide is valued by tenants and the overall mercial performance of the panies based on them is better than similar firms located elsewhere

Over the past five years , i have repeatedly stressed that the government has to embark on important initiatives on a macro - level . these include investing heavily in education , upgrading economic infrastructure , promoting innovation and technology , improving the business environment , helping the business sector to develop new markets , actively protecting our ecology and environment and improving our quapty of pfe


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