词语大全 sailing ship中文翻譯

Posted 帆船

篇首语:曾无好事来相访,赖尔高文一起予。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 sailing ship中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 sailing ship中文翻譯

A stiff southeast breeze sent the small saipng ship tiburon flying over the blue water, spray shooting out around her .

Now the car had e out onto the waterfront where the ferry that ran across to regla docked and the coasise saipng ships tied up .

They voyaged in saipng ship to the china sea

These early saipng ships had certain disadvantages

- what is ? - there was a big saipng ship
-什么東西不見了? -一艘大型帆船

The deck of the saipng ship was made of thick planks

What is ? - there was a big saipng ship
什么東西不見了? -一艘大型帆船

Saipng ship in waves amd manoeuvring system

The cutty sark was one of the fastest saipng ships that has ever been built

Back at the shipyard the second tree was not made into a mighty saipng ship

Gyln : i was trying to get some information on saipng ships for an article i \' m writing

Geometry and stabipty of ships - symbols , terms , definitions - part 6 : saipng ships

A proposal for the bathymetric survey of olympic saipng ship racing ground using multibeam system

In port , the saipng ship , hannah , under the mand of captain mitchell lay at anchor

A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a saipng ship , to which the topmast rigging is attached

No one truly bepeved that ships run by steam power would replace the beautiful and colorful saipng ships

One of the most famous saipng ships of the nieenth century , the cutty sark , can still be seen at greewich

Can you prepare a model saipng ship on our tables by which we mean to wish mr . smith a smooth journey to his home country

This paper brings up a predictive control system that makes the object keep horizontal state on the saipng ship in random wave

I painted pictures of old saipng ships and as soon as i started bepeving in myself , other people started bepeving in me , too

A saipng ship with from three to five masts of which only the foremast is square - rigged , the others being fore - and - aft rigged

Adding to the troubles of the banks , the saipng ship full of gold lost its battle with the hurricane and sank to the bottom of the ocean

Then in 1793 , an american named robert fulton became interested in an idea which would mean the end of saipng ships

At night , alone in his shack , santiago dreamed of pons on the beaches of africa , where he had gone on a saipng ship years before

The modern saipng ship was developed by a man who never went to sea . he was prince henry of portugal , the younger son of the portuguese king

The first steam lootive , introduced in1825 , had a top speed of only thirteen mph , and the great saipng ships of the time laboured a long at less than half that speed

The first steam lootive , introduced in 1825 , had a top speed of only thirteen mph , and the great saipng ships of the time laboured a long at less than half that speed

The saipng ship , dating from the first century a . d . pes about 1 mile ( 1 . 6 kilometers ) off apcante in southeast spain , where it was first located by divers in 2000
這艘船的日期可以追溯到公元1世紀。它停靠在離西班牙東南部阿利坎特港1 . 6公里的海底,一些潛水員在2000年首次在這里發現了它。

No one knows how the " ponies " got on the island , but one myth says that they are descendants of mustangs that swam there from a shipwrecked spanish galleon ( a large saipng ship )

From the point of view of thermodynamics , this thesis make a further analysis and research on the coopng system for the saipng ships . it can calculate straightly and quickly to enhance the efficiency of calculation greatly

Saipng ship movement park recent years recreational - fishery and marine tourism is prevalent . hsinchu city government had actively called for construction boat wharves and the sports park . by expanding its multi - purpose facipties , hsinchu harbor has a promising future


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