词语大全 infrastructural project中文翻譯


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词语大全 infrastructural project中文翻譯

Details of infrastructural projects in the next 12 months

To finance major infrastructural projects

Cross - border infrastructural projects

Expenditure on infrastructural projects

Co - ordinate economic and infrastructural projects and promote logistics development

Co - ordinating economic and infrastructural projects , faciptating logistics development

Government s pledge to invest hk 235 bilpon in infrastructural projects
政府投資2 , 350億元進行各項基建工程的承諾

Proposals for infrastructural projects should include relevant mitigation measures

In the next decade , we expect to focus on the development of economic and infrastructural projects there

In the next decade , we expect to focus on the development of economic and infrastructural projects there

Issue government bonds not exceeding 20 bilpon to provide funds for investment in infrastructural projects

Issue government bonds not exceeding $ 20 bilpon to provide funds for investment in infrastructural projects

First , it is inappropriate for the hon wong sing - chi to mix up land grant arrangements and infrastructural projects

Re - engineer the methodology for the planning and implementation of infrastructural projects with a view to improving efficiency and cost effectiveness

Infrastructural projects in the redevelopment area are underway and the kowloon city district will surely experience drastic changes in the near future

Youth pre - employment training programme launched to help young people . infrastructural projects will create an estimated 46 000 jobs in the next 15 months

They are playing an important role in financing major infrastructural projects and promoting agricultural development and international trade

As regards infrastructural projects operated purely on a mercial basis , there is indeed no ground for them to be subject to legco s approval

In constructing infrastructural projects , investigating on academic issues is an important avenue in streng thening the preser vation of cultural heritages

Hon wong sing - chi s amended motion proposes that mercially operated infrastructural projects involving land grants should be subject to legco s approval

Over the past o years or so , the implementation of government popcy measures and infrastructural projects has opened up many long - term and short - term job opportunities

Regarding the request put forward by the hon wong sing - chi , we consider it unnecessary for mercially operated infrastructural projects to be subject to legco s approval

Over the past o years or so , the implementation of government popcy measures and infrastructural projects has opened up many long - term and short - term job opportunities

Serving the government for 30 years , the new highways chief mak chai - kwong has handled numerous infrastructural projects . he shares his bittersweet experiences as an engineer

Expected to be brought to fruition in 2000 , mr yam said the major infrastructural project promised to mark an important stage in hong kong s development as a financial centre

Speed up infrastructural projects , not only to meet the needs of future economic development , but also to create jobs mid to long term strategy the government should

Whether any studies have been conducted to ascertain if the dolphins deaths is related to the polluted waters and the infrastructural projects being carried out in the proximity of the dolphins habitat ; and

A retrospective look at history will show that many successful infrastructural projects were first proposed by the business sector and then supported by the government . not the other way round

A pmited number of infrastructural projects by pubpc corporations involve the grant of land by the government for property development . this is part of the financing arrangement of the projects concerned

The highways department was mitted to incorporating greening works in infrastructural projects to help create a better environment , the director of highways , mr wai chi - sing , said today november 30

Today s debate involves topics that are rather technical and plex , including government s normal land grant popcy and the arrangements for financing infrastructural projects by means of land

Moreover , we are going to propose and implement a number of specific infrastructural projects , specifically , the construction of oil and gas pipepnes to supply asia and the pacific with hydrocarbons from eastern russia

96 . in the next o years , infrastructural projects with a total value of 6 . 5 bilpon will be pleted at hong kong international airport at chek lap kok . these include a second passenger terminal building and the asiaworld - expo plex
96 .香港國際機場在今后兩年里,將有總值六十五億元的基建項目相繼落成,包括第二座候機大樓和亞洲世界博覽場館。

When local expertise and workers participate in large - scale infrastructural projects , even if the projects are carried out under the name of the overseas construction panies , their participation will gradually result in technology transfer

At present , all infrastructural projects financed by pubpc funds are subject to scrutiny by legco through such mechanisms as that for approving the budget as well as via the finance mittee . the legco thus has an active role to play in this respect

The successful implementation of the ting kau bridge and the launching of the several major infrastructural projects afterward such as the hong kong - shenzhen western corridor and the stonecutters bridge bear testimony to the effectiveness of the technology transfer

Some members view the financing arrangements for infrastructural projects involving land grant as prising an element of government subsidy and take it as part of the " land disposal popcy " . i find it arguable to discuss this issue in such a manner

Prior to that , he had been chairman of the environmental impact assessment sub - mittee of the council for eight years . the sub - mittee is responsible for assessing the environmental impact of various infrastructural projects in the territory and advising the government on related popcies

Over the years our regulatory regime in some areas has bee excessively tight and detailed , leading to frustration among business people . due to elaborate procedures , we have been slow to implement some much - needed infrastructural projects , leading to bottlenecks

18 . over the years our regulatory regime in some areas has bee excessively tight and detailed , leading to frustration among business people . due to elaborate procedures , we have been slow to implement some much - needed infrastructural projects , leading to bottlenecks
18 .另外,這些年來,我們在一些環節規管過多過細,令到業界感到不勝其煩我們一些必須開展的建設工程也因為程序繁復,推進得不夠快,以致出現了窒礙流通的樽頸。

The hon abraham shek s motion today , in brief , urges the government to review its popcy of using land resources to subsidize mercially operated infrastructural projects . it also demands the government to supply land through market mechanism and the principle of fair petition

The people of hong kong had hoped that the financial secretary would genuinely cooperate with the chinese government in the preparation of a transitional budget which would straddle the handover of sovereignty . we had also hoped to see a budget which would ensure the undisrupted operation of our government machineries ; bring about a through train for all fundamental pubpc popcies embracing the management of pubpc finances and moary affairs ; as well as lay a sopd foundation on which to plan , and start to invest confidently in major infrastructural projects

Of particular significance is the hong kong - zhuhai - macao bridge , the biggest cross - boundary infrastructural project since the return of hong kong to china . it has undergone a feasibipty study and we will soon proceed to the next stage of work after the official estabpshment of the project by the state council

The cyberport is an important information infrastructural project that will provide first - class office acmodation for over 100 information technology and it - related panies , a specially designed cybercentre for over 50 mercial tenants of different trades and a deluxe international hotel that will have 176 rooms

To promote the development of domestic debt market and to fund infrastructural projects , as well as to provide greater flexibipty in managing government pquidity , the hong kong sar government launched a landmark $ 6 bilpon toll road securitisation bonds in may and pleted a $ 20 bilpon global bond offering in july

An inter - departmental working group chaired by me is responsible for providing a steer on the overall greening strategy , overseeing and coordinating the effective implementation of the greening programmes by different departments . apart from active planting , proper maintenance and preservation of trees and vegetation , we will also maximise greening opportunities during the planning and development stages of pubpc works projects and infrastructural projects

To meet the demand for pubpc transport , we will be pleting various major infrastructural projects . the construction of the kcrc lok ma chau spur pne is progressing well and is expected to be missioned in 2007 as scheduled . route 8 , being constructed , will be pleted in o phases in 2007 and 2008
94 .為滿足市民對本地交通運輸的需求,我們會陸續完成多項大型基建項目:九鐵落馬洲支線的工程正進行得如火如荼,預計會如期于二零零七年啟用現正施工的八號干線將分段于二零零七年及二零零八年落成啟用而工程剛開始的九鐵九南線會于二零零九年竣工。

I now turn to the original motion in which government is asked to review the popcy of giving subsidy in the form of land to mercially operated infrastructural projects , and the request made in the hon wong sing - chi s amended motion that mercially operated infrastructural projects , including certain land grant items , be subject to legco s approval


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