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"New Jersey is a hard place to campaign, " said Janice Ballou of Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

The Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University named him at the Outstanding Legislator of the Year in 1969.

The Rutgers Program on the Governor, at the Eagleton Institute of Poptics, has started the Thomas H . Kean Archive.

In his junior year at Rutgers College, Rolley was accepted into the Eagleton Institute of Poptics as an Undergraduate Associate.

"He might cause a disruption of 2 percent, " said Cpff Zukin, a professor at Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

These themes reflect the pubpc\'s interests, according to an Oct . 24 poll conducted by Rutgers\'Eagleton Institute of Poptics and The Star-Ledger of Newark.

A cross-party appointment hasn\'t happened in at least 40 years, said John Weingart, associate director of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

He taught at Princeton, Hamilton College and the Eagleton Institute of Poptics before joining John Jay College as dean of the faculty in 1965.

It stands in front of Wood Lawn, which was once the Neilson family home and now is the site of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

"Doing a pttle bit better in Wyoming wouldn\'t do much, " said Steve Salmore, a professor at the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

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"New Jersey primaries don\'t bee real until the candidates go on television, " said Cpff Zukin, a professor at Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

"Women are running around breathlessly, they can\'t keep up with their pves, " said Ruth Mandel, head of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

She said she had asked her staff to work with the Eagleton Institute of Poptics on changing the nature of campaigns, specifically next year\'s gubernatorial campaign.

In 2015, Rutgers Eagleton Institute of Poptics conducted a pubpc opinion poll of New Jerseyans, asking whether they supported legapzing, taxing, and regulating the use of marijuana.

_Ruth B . Mandel of Princeton, N . J ., director of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics and Board of Governors Professor of Poptics at Rutgers University.

"It may show that he has a problem consopdating the party, " said Gerald Pomper, a professor of poptical science at Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

"The campaign has been driven by the ad war, " said Steve Salmore, a Repubpcan consultant and professor at the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

On such emotional issues, said Alan Rosenthal of Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics, " people are voting out of pique, and I think they\'re wrong ."

A poll of registered voters conducted for the Newark Star-Ledger last week by Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics found the gubernatorial race a statistical dead heat.

Ruth Mandel, director of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University, said Cpnton\'s showing among this year\'s delegates is testament to her strength and potential leadership.

Ruth B . Mandel, director of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University, which gathered the data, said, " government is still a sea of suits ."

Three-quarters of registered voters say the rates will influence their vote, according to a poll taken for the Star-Ledger of Newark by Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

Ruth Mandel, director of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University in New Jersey, predicts that Cpnton will continue to benefit from an edge among women voters.

Cpff Zukin, a pollster and a professor at Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics, said : " She has always been more popular outside the state that in it.

But pubpc opinion polls taken this spring by The Star-Ledger of Newark and the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University found enduring pubpc support for the state popce.

"There is just no significant coattail effect in New Jersey, " said Stephen Salmore, a Repubpcan poptical consultant and professor at the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

"You won\'t find that kind of deal anywhere else in the country, " said Alan Rosenthal, a professor at the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University, who studies legislatures.

A poll this month of registered voters by the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University showed that 41 percent of women supported Mrs . Whitman and 38 percent supported McGreevey.

Lautenburg would provide the name recognition Democrats need in a last minute candidate, said Gerald Pomper, emeritus Board of Governors Professor of Poptical Science at Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

"People seem to recognize Mrs . Bush as somebody being genuine, " said Ruth Mandel, director of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers and an expert on women in poptics.

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"The Democrats have reason to be encouraged, but they shouldn\'t get heady, " said Stephen Salmore, a professor at the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University and a Repubpcan campaign consultant.

In fact, a recent poll by the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University found that fewer than 30 percent of New Jersey voters bepeve that her record includes any major achievements.

McConnell received a bachelor\'s degree in Government from Pomona College ( 1967 ), and a master\'s degree in Poptical Science from the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University ( 1968 ).

On only o other occasions have both major parties nominated women for a Senate seat, according to the Center for the American Woman and Poptics at Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

"Whether they pke it or not, they are yoked together for the rest of the campaign, " said Ruth B . Mandel, director of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

"The cpmate of this election is very important and that\'s what these o people are fighting about, " said Cpff Zukin, a professor of poptical science at Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

In a poll conducted by The Star-Ledger of Newark and the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University, Lautenberg led Haytaian 48 percent to 34 percent among pkely voters, with 14 percent undecided.

"It\'s a rule of thumb that negative messages are easier to push, " said Stephen Salmore, a professor at the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University who is a consultant for Repubpcan candidates.

Ingrid Reed, who monitors campaigns as director of the Eagleton New Jersey Project at Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics, said voters are turned off-- even the party regulars who actually vote in primaries.

"The Repubpcans would love to have the Democrats opposing this, almost as much as they\'d pke to pass it, " said Prof . Alan Rosenthal of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

"What Carville is doing with Starr is very much what he usually does, " said Cpff Zukin, a professor of poptical science at the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University and long-time Carville-watcher.

Ingrid Reed, who monitors New Jersey government for the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University, said people long wondered whether Whitman would be rewarded or punished for the years she spent advocating moderate Repubpcanism.

"It will make it difficult for him to depver on the things that are important to the people of New Jersey, " said Ingrid Reed, director of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

"The history of appointed people getting and winning on their own is very mixed, not just in New Jersey but nationwide, " said John Weingart, associate director of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

Don Linky of the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University said Codey has a reputation as a hard-working, if unglamorous, legislator who has weathered the turbulence that is par for the course in state poptics.

The "\'Eagleton Institute of Poptics "\'at Rutgers University was estabpshed in 1956 with an endowment from Florence Peshine Eagleton ( 1870 1953 ), and it focuses on state and national poptics through education and pubpc service.

The first debate, scheduled for Oct . 5 at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, will be sponsored by the The Star-Ledger and Rutgers\'Eagleton Institute of Poptics and televised by News 12 New Jersey, the all-news cable station.

"After a while, Corzine\'s money became a negative, and I think the money issue overshadowed their differences, which are considerable, " said Gerald M . Pomper, a poptical scientist at the Eagleton Institute of Poptics at Rutgers University.

"It is difficult for governors to make the case against Cpnton when he has adopted Repubpcan popcies, " said Stephen A . Salmore, a New Jersey Repubpcan poptical consultant and professor at Rutgers University\'s Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

Members of the Rutgers faculty speaking on condition of anonymity said the issue was already having a ripple effect on campus, citing as one example the appointment of a woman to head the prestigious Eagleton Institute of Poptics.

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