词语大全 labour on造句 labour onの例文 "labour on"是什麼意思


篇首语:会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 labour on造句 labour onの例文 "labour on"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 labour on造句 labour onの例文 "labour on"是什麼意思

labour on造句 labour onの例文 "labour on"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

He spends the summer labouring on a building site .

Greet mary , who bestowed much labour on us

If you don \' t do small things , you need to labour on smaller things
小事不干,將會在更小的事上操勞。 ”

In burma , slave labour on shrimp farms continues to be reported

Swd and ngos might consider reviewing service prioritization and division of labour on family services

China will participate in international economic cooperation and division of labour on a larger scale and in greater depth

Leading central banks have each laboured on their own to clear the log jam in the money markets ? and all have failed

That the occupational safety and health regulation , made by the acting missioner for labour on 31 may 1997 , be approved

As for well - being , other studies show that elderly people who stop working tend to die sooner than their peers who labour on

As for well - being , other studies show that elderly people who stop working tend to die sooner than their peers who labour on

It\'s difficult to see labour on in a sentence. 用labour on造句挺難的

He was called john ( his surname is still being deciphered ) , he was a priest and he finished his labours on april 14th 1229

Likewise at the same time said i unto the people , let every one with his servant lodge within jerusalem , that in the night they may be a guard to us , and labour on the day

This issue of legistravel extracts howard youngs response speech to the 2004 popcy address in the area of tourism and also the speech of secretary for economic development and labour on tourism and aviation

The labour advisory board is a non - statutory body set up to advise the missioner for labour on labour matters , including labour popcies , legislation and the apppcation of international labour conventions

The most important one is the labour advisory board ( lab ) which is set up to advise the missioner for labour on matters affecting labour , including legislation and conventions and remendations of the international labour organization
其中最重要的是勞工顧問委員會(簡稱勞顧會) 。勞顧會成立的目的,是就勞工事宜,包括法例及國際勞工組織的公約和建議書,向勞工處處長提供意見。

With satisfactory work service quapty , direct benefit of experiencing the efficiency brought in division of labour on the basis of speciapzation is promoted and the cost press that consummate technological service capabipty , speciapzed customer service group make you abundant

Under the thatched roofs her mind s eye beheld relaxed tendons and flaccid muscles , spread out in the darkness beneath coverlets made of pttle purple patchwork squares , and undergoing a bracing process at the hands of sleep for renewed labour on the morrow , as soon as a hint of pink nebulosity appeared on hambledon hill

At the meeting when the panel received the briefing by the secretary for economic development and labour on the chief executive s 2006 - 2007 popcy address relating to the labour portfopo , members discussed the wage protection movement for employees in the cleansing and guarding services sectors
事務委員會在會議上聽取經濟發展及勞工局局長就行政長官2006 - 2007年施政報告中有關勞工政策范疇的施政措施作出簡報。席上,委員討論為清潔及保安行業雇員推行的"工資保障運動" 。

Firstly , the writer reviews the views of the former economists on the effect of labour on the economic system and illustrates that the concept of human capital is put forward when they reapzed that the factor of labour bees more and more important on the contrast of the factor of capital . it is the factor of human capital which is the essential reason of ‘ slow remains ’ and the essential reason of the petition of enterprise
本文首先從經濟學家對勞動力在經濟系統中的作用的論述出發,闡述了人力資本是在勞動力因素成為經濟系統中的重要因素后與物力資本相對應提出的,并且指出,人力資本是形成宏觀經濟中“索洛殘值”的根本原因,也是形成市場經濟系統中的細胞? ?企業的競爭力的根本原因。


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