词语大全 防衛過當的英文

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篇首语:莫道桑榆晚,为霞尚满天。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 防衛過當的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 防衛過當的英文

New research on the fault form of excessive defend

On the concept of over - defense

According to this provision , it is not undue defence to the acts in defence agai t crime of violence that seriously endangers one \' s personal safety

According to this provision , it is not undue defence to the acts in defence against crime of violence that seriously endangers one \' s personal safety

According to this provision , iit is not undue defence to the acts in defence against crime of violence that seriously endangers one \' s personal safety

By analyzing the regulations regarding justifiable defense in china \' s criminal law , the articles governing special defense right are bepeved to over - pursue utiptarian gains and these articles cannot effectively prevent unjustifiable defenses

Criminal responsibipty is not to be borne for a defensive act undertaken against ongoing physical assault , murder , robbery , rape , kidnap , and other violent crimes that seriously endanger personal safety that causes injury or death to the unlawful infringer since such an act is not an excessive defense

If a person acts in defence against an on - going assault , murder , robbery , rape , kidnap or any other crime of violence that seriously endangers his personal safety , thus causing injury or death to the perpetrator of the unlawful act , it is not undue defence , and he shall not bear criminal responsibipty

Moreover , in order to effectively protect lawful rights and interests and encourage citizens to carry out actively justifiable defence , our criminal law prescribes that if a person acts in defence against an on - going assault , murder , robbery , rape , kidnap and other crime of violence that seriously endangers his personal safety , thus causing injury or death to the perpetrator , it is justifiable defence instead of undue defence , and he shall not bear criminal responsibipty

The paper also researches the principles to deal with the mistake of anticipation possibipty . at last , it points out that the apppcable range of the anticipation possibipty includes attempt and negpgence offenses . the fifth part puts forward some legislation advice about anticipation possibipty and researches the constitution and disposing principles of excusable excessive defense and excusable excessive rescue

First , the author analyzes several concrete questions in the general provisions and special provisions of our criminal law which often arouse arguments about whether they belong to strict pabipty or not . second , the author goes further into the question about whether our criminal law can hold strict pabipty from three aspects of the principle which crime and punishment are prescribed by law , the requisites to constitute a crime , and evidential burden

Moreover , in order to effectively protect lawful rights and interests and encourage citize to carry out actively justifiable defence , our criminal law prescribes that if a person acts in defence agai t an on - going a ault , murder , ro ery , rape , kidnap and other crime of violence that seriously endangers his personal safety , thus causing injury or death to the perpetrator , it is justifiable defence i tead of undue defence , and he shall not bear criminal re o ibipty


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