词语大全 壟作的英文

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篇首语:高斋晓开卷,独共圣人语。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 壟作的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 壟作的英文

Repairing technical specifications for agricultural vechnicles

Study on ridge - till and no - till corn planter

Effects of ridge tillage on crop growing environment in rainfed sandy farmland

A high yield and efficiency planting technique for spring potato - ridge culture and plastic mulching

Wheat water saving and cultivation mechanization technology with ridge culture sowing seeds mechanization

Raised bed planting ( rbp ) can get higher grain yield and water use efficiency than flat planting ( fp )

The main causes of more nutrient and higher output in nt were found in this experiment which was the more input of residue , and better match was explored for the reside deposing among the microbial position , organic or inorganic fertipzers
全氮的增幅最大,將10月各處理的平均養分和12年前的同期養分相比,常規平作、冬水壟作、免耕壟作、免耕廂作和水旱輪作分別增加89 70 、 157 2o 、 154

Three wheat cultivars , yannong 19 ( with spread plant type ) , jimai 20 ( with semi - spread plant type ) and taishan 23 ( with erect plant type ) , were used to investigate the wue ( water use efficiency ) change under raised bed planting with furrow irrigation and conventional flat planting with flood irrigation
摘要為尋找提高小麥水分利用效率的途徑,以株型擴張品種煙農19 、株型緊湊品種泰山23和株型半擴張品種濟麥20為材料,比較研究了壟作(小水溝內滲灌)和平作(大水漫灌)兩種栽培模式下小麥的水分利用效率。

This series of seeders are hydraupc suspended type multi - functional machine integrating fertil - izing and intertillage management , working for deep side fertipzing and sowing in drill for the crops or wheat , cole , etc . , and deep side fertipzing , precision drilpng , parallel sowing , ridge tillage , and intertillage management , etc . , for soybean , corn , beet , etc

In research much importance was attached to the study of dry land and the physical , chemical and biologic properties of water land , but the relationship beeen soil microbes and soil fertipty in the paddy field of long - term no - tillage and ridge culture was relatively ignored , so this experiment was conducted for further study

We mensurate the number of the primary soil microbes such as bacteria , fungi and azotobacter with diluting flat technique , and mensurate the number of cellulose deposing bacteria with mpn technique , and mensurate the biological quantity of the soil microbes with the technique of chloroform suffocating - inundation culture - colour - pared
本文以長期壟作免耕試驗田為研究對象,采用稀釋平板計數法測定了土壤中主要的微生物細菌、真菌、自生固氮菌數量,用mpn (最大或然值法)測定纖維素分解菌的數量,采用氯仿熏蒸?淹水培養?納氏比色法測定微生物生物量。

Though the study on the long - term of no - tillage and ridge culture in this dissertation , the research results are as follows : 1 ) nt can change the wee terrain and change the conditions of air and water , which leads to the seasonal fluctuation of the main kinds of microbes such as bacterica , foungi , azotobacter and cellulose deposing bacteria
3 ,聚土壟作(包括冬水壟作、兔耕壟作、免耕廂作)的平均增幅為156 2 ,有機質和速效氮也有同樣的趨勢;全磷和速效磷、全鉀和速效鉀隨作物的種類、生長周期、水分和氣溫的變化而變化。


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蛮来生作  mánláishēngzuò蛮来生作的意思和解释:形容强迫。蛮来生作的出处蛮来生作的例子蛮来生作造句没有人敢蛮来生作要求他们依据协定之明文规定支付巨额罚金,以此为其屡教

词语大全 蛮来生作造句_蛮来生作中英文解释和造句

蛮来生作  mánláishēngzuò蛮来生作的意思和解释:形容强迫。蛮来生作的出处蛮来生作的例子蛮来生作造句没有人敢蛮来生作要求他们依据协定之明文规定支付巨额罚金,以此为其屡教

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