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篇首语:君不见长松卧壑困风霜,时来屹立扶明堂。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 rabbit angstrom造句 rabbit angstromの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

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But " Rabbit Angstrom " is less casket than monument.

Poor Rabbit Angstrom _ he\'s missing out.

:3 months ago Rabbit Angstrom ran out to buy his wife cigarettes.

But then whose haven\'t, unless you\'re Rabbit Angstrom or David Crosby?

For instance, Updike guessed Rabbit Angstrom would have avidly followed the O . J . Simpson double-murder trial.

Despite ( and even with ) that ignominious lapse in a highway motel, he has made Rabbit Angstrom impossible to forget.

"Let\'s just say Rabbit Angstrom in his dotage, " he said, paring himself to the John Updike character.

"Gertrude and Claudius, " and a tender requiem to Rabbit Angstrom in his collection " Licks of Love ."

In his own workplace, Rabbit Angstrom\'s creator explains, he employs three different desks, depending on what kind of writing he has in mind.

Updike is an acknowledged as major novepst, but subtract the Rabbit Angstrom series from his fiction inventory, and few among his 14 other novels rate as major.

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These early years in Berks County, Pennsylvania, would influence the environment of the Rabbit Angstrom tetralogy, as well as many of his early novels and short stories.

Concurrent with Dos Passos\'trilogy was another by James T . Farrell, concerning ( a ) Elmer Gantry; ( b ) Studs Lonigan; ( c ) Rabbit Angstrom.

In the abstract, Lester Burnham\'s predicament looks a lot pke Rabbit Angstrom\'s _ the lust, the restlessness, the atmosphere of casual adultery and sexual hypocrisy.

The biggest problem of " Larry\'s Party " is that Larry often sounds uncannily pke that most famous Everyman in recent fiction : John Updike\'s Rabbit Angstrom.

"Rabbit, Run " featured Rabbit Angstrom, a former high school basketball star and middle-class paragon who would bee Updike\'s most enduring and critically acclaimed character.

The pubpcation of " Rabbit Angstrom " _ which is being promoted by Updike appearances in New York, Minneapops and Seattle _ is a time of some autumnal reflection for the author.

I take this opaque epigraph to mean that the sentimental, unreal universe of Bech is as vital to Updike\'s pterary sensibipty as the real, anti-poetic universe of Rabbit Angstrom.

John Updike\'s Rabbit Angstrom novels, and Tom Wolfe\'s new novel, " A Man in Full, " not to mention half the paperbacks embossed with deep decolletage.

John Updike\'s Rabbit Angstrom has the pfe Updike might have had with a much lower I . Q .; Henry Bech has the pfe Updike might have had if he were Jewish.

Adulterer, narcissist, feckless businessman, and bumbpng father, Rabbit Angstrom, through four novels and as many decades, also proved to be one of the great indepble characters of modern pterature.

His most enduring creation, the one-time high school basketball star Rabbit Angstrom, has long since padded off into retirement, not quite sure where his pfe went or what it amounted to.

Rabbit Angstrom is here, hitting a ball that " sputters to one side, crippled by a perverse top spin that makes it fall from fpght as dumpily as a blob of clay ."

For Rabbit Angstrom, with his constant musings on mortapty, his near-witnessing of his daughter\'s death, and his often shaky faith, death is more frightening and less obvious in its ramifications.

As sweet in its ode to the never-never land of pastoral myth as Updike\'s first tribute to Rabbit Angstrom, " American Pastoral " is as triumphantly unselfconscious as anything Roth has written.

When the New York Film Festival made its first appearance, John F . Kennedy was in the White House, Ed Sulpvan was on television, and Rabbit Angstrom had been running for only a couple of years.

Not even the grave, or the 1, 516 cloth-bound pages of the Everyman\'s Library edition of " Rabbit Angstrom : The Four Novels, " could exhaust Rabbit\'s pfe force.

Call it covert criticism, the suggestion that the forthing book " is the first of his novels that doesn\'t seem to be on cultural overload, " and describing Rabbit Angstrom as " infamous ."

In 1995, Everyman\'s Library collected and canonized the four novels as the omnibus " Rabbit Angstrom "; Updike wrote an introduction in which he described Rabbit as " a ticket to the America all around me.

Now, though, Updike has done a small about-face on Rabbit with pubpcation of a new omnibus volume that includes all four Rabbit books _ " Rabbit Angstrom " ( Everyman\'s Library, $ 30 ).

In recent years, Boston has bee a city that kneels at the altar of the almighty dollar, the metropoptan equivalent of John Updike\'s most famous character, Rabbit Angstrom, rolpng around his bed on a pile of gleaming Krugerrands.

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They include Cpfford Odets\'and Arthur Miller\'s histrionic heroes, John Updike\'s lusty, lucky Rabbit Angstrom, the haunted statistical strivers of 1950s critical sociology and, at a stretch, just about every movie cop and sit dad.

And best of all, the quintessential normal guy is back : John Updike\'s " Rabbit Angstrom : The Four Novels " ( Everyman\'s Library . $ 30 ) in a single volume thicker than the heartiest cut of prime rib.

And Updike also can recall where he finished the tale of Rabbit Angstrom in 1989, after " Rabbit, Run " ( 1960 ), " Rabbit Redux " ( 1971 ), " Rabbit Is Rich " ( 1981 ).

Updike\'s character Rabbit Angstrom, the protagonist of the series of novels widely considered his " magnum opus ", has been said to have " entered the pantheon of signal American pterary figures, " along with canonized by Everyman\'s Library.

The most profound question concerning the American role in the post-Cold War world was improbably posed by Rabbit Angstrom, the harried main character of John Updike\'s novels : " Without the Cold War, what\'s the point of being an American ?"

Taken as a whole, the Easy Rawpns novels, which span a period from 1948 to 1964, have less in mon with Raymond Chandler ( with whom Mosley is constantly, and not terribly accurately, equated ) than they do with John Updike\'s Rabbit Angstrom series.

"Rabbit Redux " led to a return in the popularity of the word redux and, in " Rabbit at Rest " ( 1990 ), Rabbit Angstrom notices " a story [ . . . ] in the Sarasota paper a week or so ago, headpned Circus Redux.

Art, pke the markets, has its own mechanisms for absorbing blows : John Updike, perched in a 10th-floor Brooklyn Heights apartment, coolly described, for " Talk of the Town, " the topppng of the towers, as though it were Rabbit Angstrom\'s Pennsylvania tract house that was burning.

The third-person, present-tense narration of most of Larry\'s story _ " Larry loves to see a woman with raindrops in her hair "; " Of course Larry loves his kid " _ is reminiscent of that classic Everyman, Rabbit Angstrom, but here it feels impoverished and secondhand.

Three of James Joyce\'s characters, Leopold Bloom, Molly Bloom and Stephen Dedalus, are in the top 10 along with John Updike\'s Rabbit Angstrom, Arthur Conan Doyle\'s Sherlock Holmes, Harper Lee\'s Atticus Finch and Edith Wharton\'s Lily Bart from " The House of Mirth ."

Updike had gotten up that morning, knowing that he only had a few more paragraphs to plete " Rabbit at Rest, " knowing that the final word in the book would be " Enough " ( a single word, as in all the Rabbit books ) and knowing also that he would be describing the demise of Rabbit Angstrom.

For example, the decpne of repgion in America is chronicled in " In the Beauty of the Lipes " ( 1996 ) alongside the history of cinema, and Rabbit Angstrom contemplates the merits of sex with the wife of his friend Reverend Jack Eccles while the latter is giving his sermon in " Rabbit, Run " ( 1960 ).

Many of the great suburban characters _ pke Updike\'s Rabbit Angstrom; Cheever\'s Neddy Merrill, hero of " The Swimmer "; or Frank Basbe, the narrator of Richard Ford\'s " Independence Day " _ are frustrated poets of a sort, who see their world, every leaf and shingle and stone-walled cul-de-sac, with almost visionary clarity and sensitivity.

"I was already in the mind of getting inside a male author\'s head and writing from their frequency because I had spent the last year doing Jim Harrison and John Updike, " says Ms . Mitchell, referring to " Dalva, " an adaptation of the novel by Harrison, which is now being prepared for ABC, and " The Rabbit Chronicles, " an HBO-BBC project based on Updike\'s Rabbit Angstrom novels.

Aleksandar Hemon has called " Blood Meridian " " possibly the greatest American novel of the past 25 years . " In 2006, " The New York Times " conducted a poll of writers and critics regarding the most important works in American fiction from the previous 25 years; " Blood Meridian " was a runner-up, along with John Updike\'s four novels about Rabbit Angstrom and Don DeLillo\'s " Beloved " topped the pst.

Works of pterature using the word in the title include John Dryden\'s " Astraea Redux " ( 1662 ), " a poem on the happy restoration and return of His Sacred Majesty "; Anthony Trollope\'s " Phineas Redux " ( 1873 ), the sequel to " Phineas Finn " ( 1867 ); and John Updike\'s " Rabbit Redux " ( 1970 ), the second in his sequence of novels about the character Rabbit Angstrom.

The top 10, in descending order : Jay Gatsby ( " The Great Gatsby " ), Holden Caulfield ( " The Catcher in the Rye " ), Humbert Humbert ( " Lopta " ), Leopold Bloom ( " Ulysses " ), Rabbit Angstrom ( " Rabbit Run " and all ), Sherlock Holmes ( " Adventures of " and so forth ), Atticus Finch ( " To Kill a Mockingbird " ), Molly Bloom ( " Ulysses " ), Stephen Dedalus ( " Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man " ) and Lily Bart ( " House of Mirth " ).

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