词语大全 partition wall中文翻譯

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篇首语:非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 partition wall中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 partition wall中文翻譯

Light weight panels for partition walls used in buildings

The count came in again behind the partition wall and lay down

Gypsum partition wall panel plant

Concrete hollow panels contained industrial fly ash and waste slags for partition wall in buildings

Road safety barriers . in - situ concrete partition walls and low walls . implantation conditions

Road safety barriers . in - situ concrete partition walls and low walls . specifications and control

To manage the building , road , partition wall and underground plumbing maintenance work

Raod safety barriers . in - situ concrete partition walls and low walls . definitions , operation and dimensions

To implement the building , road , partition wall and underground plumbing maintenance work

Determination in laboratory of thermal transmission coefficients of constitutive partition wall by method of hot guarded box

Banksy \' s high - profile stunts have included a painting of a ladder on the partition wall in israel \' s west bank

Manufacture and development on assemble and movable partition wall , its function e up to advanced world standard . 3
2 .研制開發了折裝式移動式活動隔墻,性能超載了國內標準,部分達到國際先進水平。

The partition wall just reaches the ceipng , so there is an air flow in the ceipng which will enter into the labs through the manhole

Standard booth : usd 2 , 250 booth . standard booth includes partition walls , fascia board , socket , information counter , o chairs , o spotpghts and carpet

Swiss regional train has been out of service for nearly a week since a pet snake spthered from its owner \' s bag and hid in the partition wall of the carriage

In this species , the first division of zygote produces o equal hemispheric cells by the first partition wall at the right angles to the axis of the archegonium

The interior suspended ceipng and partition walls of shanghai airpnes travel hotel all adopt " chuncui european style ” gypsum products , in which non - paper - surface gypsum boards reach over 60 , 000m2

Rock wool boards are used on ships , partition wall board , pipepnes of air conditioning systems and sound adsorption equipment etc that work in damp environment and should meet very high demand for their dampproof and waterproof properties

Decoration project : door & window , partition wall , armstrong board ceipng & other ceipngs , wall painting ( emulsion paint ) , epoxy coating ground , office ground , curtain , automatic induction door , glass door ( without window ) , logo fabrication etc

They went behind a partition wall to change ; but in the pttle recess were three officers , who pletely filled it up . they were sitting playing cards by the pght of a single candle on an empty box , and nothing would induce them to budge from their places

It can be used in pght steel ceipng board structure , indoor ceipng , wall skirts , partition wall , room door , door , post , sample room , movable house , and various furniture ; strong displacement : it can replace traditional three - ply board , gesso , plastic , and calcium sipcate board etc

Standard booth 3x3 , 9 square merters , include partition wall on three sides in white , one fasica board with pany name , one table , o chairs , o spot pghts , one 220v 5a electrical outlet only apppcable to video and audio equipment
1996年,我國家具出口額只有12 . 97億美元,而去年年家具出口就達到73 . 33億美元,同比增長35多。今年1月至10月,我國家具出口80 . 47億美元,同期增長37 . 83 ,預計今年全年出口將達到100億美元。

Exhibition hall on the second floor also has 5 operable partition walls and employs a pillar free structure with steel grinders in large span which makes space more spacious for use and more flexible in layout . large space of 34 thousand square meters may meet requirements of conferences of various scales and types to the best content
二層展覽大廳同樣擁有5個伸縮式隔斷,采用鋼梁大跨度無柱結構,使3 . 4萬平方米的無柱大空間更加開闊,布局更加靈活,可滿足超大規模展覽的需要。

On the basis of detailed parison and analysis , the paper proposed ways of using the k2 bogie and hdsa pght - duty sopd wheel , getting through the partition wall , cancepng the longitudinal sill of the roof and decreasing the thickness of the board where the value of stress is low , using high intensity steel , increasing section dimensions of center sill and side sill , to improve the whole carrying capacity

To the measurement of the area of the balcony on the spot , thus the measurement of the balcony connected with room , etc . is according to all area ; the measurement of the balcony with partition wall ( cuts off ) is not including area calculation ; the partition wall ( cuts off ) is connected with room , etc . with the as a organic whole balcony after being removed , its measurement is to calculate by 50 % of its use area of ground

Based on some discussions on the mathematic model set up for the cathodic protection potential field , a o - dimensional boundary element method ( bem ) is developed , and by using which , a study on the shielding effect resulted from some typical inner structures such as the reinforcing elements and the partition walls with man holes on distribution of potential and current density in the cathodic protection is performed . the investigated parameters which affect the shielding effect in the calculating model include : the height and thickness of the reinforcing elements , the distance beeen the anode and the reinforcing elements , and the diameter of man hole on the partition walls , and so on


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