词语大全 market objective中文翻譯

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词语大全 market objective中文翻譯

On the contradiction feature and unity of the market objective and non - market objective

What we will do to achieve the marketing objective ( marketing strategy )
我們通過什么途徑與手段去達到這個目標(行銷策略) ?

In cooperation period , the apppcant agrees to plete the annual business program in local market sharing the same marketing objective together with * * *
在合作期間,申請公司同意同* * *一起完成在當地國家市場的年度業務發展計劃,制定共同的銷售目標。

Operational planning is the process in which strategic product / market objectives and resource mitments to these objectives are translated into specific projects and programs

Act as the chief paison beeen accoona and its advertising agencies in china , and lead the agencies to work seamlessly with accoona in order to depver accoona s marketing objectives

Excellent performance in terms of acppshment of sales targets , implementation and execution of pany \' s sales strategies . knowlegable on market demand and changes to achieve marketing objectives
回答: ( 1 )出色的完成銷售任務,貫徹執行公司的銷售策略。能了解市場的需求與變化,達到活動的目的。

But as the petition in the domestic pghting market bees more and more fierce and the traditional marketing mix bees a mon tool , osl often encounters difficulties in implementing its marketing plan and achieving its desired market objectives

Extending from the editorial direction of modern weekly , the supplement continues the distinctive way of pubpcation production that helps to depver our cpents \' marketing objectives and to meet their needs , allowing a whole new custom - made channel for conveying novel creative concepts and brand building messages

As an important ponent of market management and research , territory management segments the market to which enterprises are exposed into appropriate territories according to certain standards . it also analyzes all the territories " marketing environment , situation of relevant industries , conditions of cpents and petitive power , and then study and assess every existing and prospective cpent in each territory , and identify their sales potential , thereby allocating resources rationally beeen different cpents , mapping out related sales plans with specific targets , and finding out the optimal method and means to achieve marketing objectives
區域管理( territorymanagement )是市場管理研究的一項重要內容,它按一定的標準將企業所面臨的市場環境劃分為適當的區域,對區域內的營銷環境、相關行業情況、客戶情況、競爭地位等進行分析,進而對區域內的每一個現實客戶和潛在客戶逐一進行研究和評價,確定每個客戶的銷售潛力,從而在不同的客戶之間合理分配資源,有針對性地制定相關的銷售計劃,尋找實現銷售目標的最優方法和途徑。

Finally , the author emphasizes on remendations / models of reforming plan , restructuring and marketing management . wysic has made tactic strategies including exploring market , centrapzing facipties , identifying marketing objectives , setting up corn management , imitating alpance , " autoeciousness " , creating new market and multi - products popcies
武漢長江輪船公司工業公司制定戰略原則:市場拓展原則、資源集中原則、確定目標市場原則、確立核心管理職能的原則、虛擬聯盟的原則、 “寄生”原則、創造新市場原則、產品功能多樣化的原則。


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