词语大全 aquatic resources中文翻譯


篇首语:将相本无种,男儿当自强。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 aquatic resources中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 aquatic resources中文翻譯

Such information is vital for the intelpgent use and management of aquatic resources .

On reproduction increase of the sea aquatic resources by artificial fish - reef engineering

Effluent discharges of industrial wastewater and raw sewage into rivers , lakes and i hore coastal areas have not only adversely affected marine pfe and aquatic resources , but have also jeopardized one of the major nece ities for sustaining pfe - potable water

Effluent discharges of industrial wastewater and raw sewage into rivers , lakes and inshore coastal areas have not only adversely affected marine pfe and aquatic resources , but have also jeopardized one of the major necessities for sustaining pfe ? potable water
工業廢水和原污水排放入河流、湖泊和近海岸區域不僅給海洋生物和水生資源帶來了負面影響,而且也破壞了維持生命的主要必需品之一? ?飲用水。

( 1 ) the economic characteristics decide the development of world aquaculture . because of the character of denseness of resource and labour , countries which have longer coastpne , more population and which are not developed have high output of aquatic product . because of the nature of aquatic consume , the demand of aquatic product is high , while less resources are allot in aquaculture in developed country , which decides the activity of international trade of aquatic , high value aquatic product favor to developed countries . because the high increase of world population , aquatic resource crock up increasingly . the output of aquatic product ca n \' t increase high in a longer time , but with the advance of

During the period of the " tenth five year plan " , we shall introduce foreign investment mainly in aquatic resources protection , development of water areas for fish breeding , disease protection for aquatic product and ecological environment protection , workshop breeding of fish , prawn , crabs and shellfish , development and protection of fish resources and aquatic product fresh preserve technology and etc

It is in possession of fine ecological resources , ports and bays , the gigantic wind energy and the unique tourist and aquatic resources . the beach area good for tourism reaches over 2 milpon square meters . qing ao bay , a shallow sea bathing beach is one of the o class a bathing beaches of guangdong . and is a tourist hopday area at the provincial level ; huanghua mountain is opened as state island forest park ; cultural repcs have been discovered in 80 places on the island
擁有優良的生態資源、港灣資源、巨大的風能和得天獨厚的旅游及水產資源,可供旅游開發的沙灘面積達200多萬平方米,質地優良的淺海灘游泳場- -青澳灣,是廣東省兩個a級沐浴海灘之一,是省級旅游度假區;黃花山辟為國家海島森林公園;島上已發現的文物古跡有80多處。

The enterprise has a lot of property , but be not can cast protect , the following belongings is not inside pmits of pany worth insurance : ( 1 ) land , mineral resources , forest , aquatic resources and without reap and be being reaped have not the produce of put in storage ; ( 2 ) data of card of money , ticket , negotiable securities , file , zhang book , chart , technology and cannot the belongings of appraisal value ; ( 3 ) take in order to and the possession that are in quicksand to fall building of violate the rules and regulations , illegally ; ( 4 ) the goods and materials in carriage process
企業有很多財產,但并非都能投保,以下財產不在企業財產保險范圍內: ( 1 )土地、礦藏、森林、水產資源及未經收割和收割尚未入庫的農產品; ( 2 )貨幣、票證、有價證券、文件、賬冊、圖表、技術資料以及無法鑒定價值的財產; ( 3 )違章建筑、非法占用以及正處于危險狀態下的財產; ( 4 )在運輸過程中的物資。


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