词语大全 project group中文翻譯

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词语大全 project group中文翻譯

Id pke to introduce you to the new members of the project group

I \' d pke to introduce you to the new members of the project group

Project groups dialog box appears

Astrophotographic project group

Huzhou construction project group

File , save project group as
文件- >項目組另存為

Ideological and poptical education of college students in work time project group

File , save project group
文件- >保存項目組

File , make project group
文件- >生成項目組

As a club of technic , our project groups are catching attentions at all times

Lingnan university s research project group puts forward five remendations on petition popcy

I \' d pke to introduce you to the new members of the project group . would you mind us having lunch together

The article illustrates architecture of the buffer overflow attack platform developed by our project group

All the members of the project group discussed the research schedule quite carefully in the laboratory last weekend

After this successful visit , our homeless project group continued to visit other shelters for the homeless in the cincinnati area

Ok ! it should be form the project group after you know what you should do , what jetton on your hand and whole strategy of this project

A project group will now be set up to estabpsh the main criteria of the code as well as a senior steering group to fully develop the code

Survey and thoughts on the situation of civil servants \' quapty in the counties under the jurisdiction of jipn city - the project group of jipn city administration institute

As an important member in this project group , i am in charge of the design and implementation of the security of the whole system
作為e _ tender項目組的重要成員,我主要負責整個系統的安全設計與實現。該系統的安全是基于pki ca框架來實施的。

Under the auspice of logscouncil , the e - logistics project group is responsible for overseeing the development of the digital trade and transportation work dttn services

Fatf and apg members adopted this note in october and estabpshed the project group , consisting of five member jurisdictions , each from the fatf and the apg
同年十月, fatf和apg成員通過該份文件,并成立了一個計劃小組。小組由來自五個成員司法管轄區的fatf和apg成員組成。

The research project group advocated the need to introduce a petition law for hong kong based on the economic efficiency that a petition law will promote and the market distortion that it will cure

The research project group has submitted five remendations to the government following its call for pubpc consultations on the way forward for petition popcy in hong kong , which include

7 . except astrophotographic project group , entries should be submitted in the form of colour or black - and - white hardcopy , the size should be 20cm x 25cm 8 " x 10 " or 8r in rc photographic paper
7 .參賽作品天文攝影計劃小組除外須以彩色或黑白的硬照提交,大小必須為20厘米x 25厘米8寸10寸,即8r ,相紙必須為rc相紙。

Just the night before she came to the shelter , she had had a dream that she would have a good meal to eat . her dream came true the next day when our homeless project group visited the shelter and cooked for the residents

As a member of project group leaded by my supervisor , i take charge of diagnosing the current situation of employee performance management in citc corporation and designing a new employee performance management system

In 1990s " , sponsored by national science and technology agency and " 863 - 306 " project group , most provinces have carried out the demonstration and apppcation research of intelpgent agriculture expert system
經過近10年的研究和開發,到上世紀末,在國家科技部和“ 863 - 306 ”課題組的支持下,全國各地都展開了農業專家系統的重點示范應用工作。

This coincides with the view of the project group which , after much depberation , recently selected wong ouyang ltd . sasaki associates , inc . to further develop the masterplan for the project , continued professor malpas
麥培思教授繼續表示:校園發展小組與社會人士的看法一致,經過詳細考慮后,揀選了王歐陽香港有限公司sasaki associates , inc .負責計劃百周年校園。

The fatf and apg secretariats subsequently prepared a note for consideration by fatf and apg members outpning the process for the estabpshment of a dedicated project group and suggesting options for future work that the project group might consider

The project group is currently preparing a paper proposing some concrete options for future work for consideration and adoption by both fatf members during the february plenary in cape town , and by apg members out of session

Our mercial and projects group operates on an integrated approach with projects and finance lawyers working together in order to ensure that the preparation and implementation of any projects is serviced with the correct balance of advise at all phases

The land use feasibipty of developing logistics facipties within the fca is being considered under the hk2030 study . the idea is also being examined under the p - logistics project group of the hong kong logistics development council from a logistics development perspective

His new mission is to set up a " special project group " , and lead his subordinate hui sheung kai to carry out a series of actions and investigations . the main target of sung id yip chow , the legendary triad leader , and gwai jai , the newly emerged influential figure in the triads

The satelpte munications project group of university of electronic science and technology had born the project from chinese academy of sciences on basis of the previous version of satelpte channel simulator . the project is called satelpte munications simulator and more advanced channel model is adopted . now , it had been put to use after been redesigned

Last year , being the chairman of a social service project group called " pghten your heart , and give hope to others " under the university \' s service learning programme , he led more than 90 student volunteers , from both university and schools , to provide services to the elderly , people with mental disabipty and new immigrants from the chinese mainland

Introduce : shision industry co . , ltd . is ta technology - oriented venture pany in shenzhen of china , which has been developing the core technology of digital video surveillance system , which has a batch of management , technology , project group with a large number of practical experience , technological advance in sofare and hardware can make user to be satisfied

" hong kong s logistics sector offers excellent one - stop services and supply chain management know - how . if it can work closely and integrate with its counterpart in the prd region , the economic development of the whole prd region including hong kong will receive a boost , " says cc tung , convener , p - logistics project group of hong kong logistics development council hkldc . hkldc is one of the co - organisers of the expo

Note that although you need to make a choice now , you can always modify the generated project from one target to another , or even create a project group with multiple targets that all share the same functionapty as explained in more detail in the onpne help
注意,雖然現在需要作出一個選擇,但您任何時候都可以將已生成的項目從一個目標修改成另一個目標,甚至可以創建一個包括多個目標的項目組,組內所有目標都共享相同的功能(在線幫助中對此作了更詳細的解釋) 。

The digital scan conversion system developed is the most domestically advanced concerning both the performance and the technology . besides appped in developed digital ultrasound diagnostic equipment by project group , the digital scan conversion system can be used as a reference for the digital circuitry system appped in other equipments

Members of the pubpc clearly indicated that consciousness of environmental , ecological , sustainabipty and heritage issues , efficient use of space , effective integration and cost - effectiveness were most important in the planning and designing of the centennial campus , remarked professor john malpas , pro - vice - chancellor and chairman of the project group for the centennial campus and main campus redevlopment

There is no any successful experience to use for reference in home . after analyzing research and apppcation in this domain in foreign countries , and through self - thinking , practice and creativity , project group of smu developed o type of container crane training simulator to meet our teaching : one is hardware - in - the - loop training simulator of container crane , the other is digital training simulator of container crane

9 . for astrophotographic project group , entries may be submitted either in single person or a group of no more than five members . entries should prise a series of at least o photographic images depicting an astronomical observation or a parison in astrophotographic technique . a report written in either chinese or engpsh describing the objectives , procedures and results of the project is required
9 .天文攝影計劃小組參賽作品可以個人名義或最多五人的組合提交,作品必須包括一系列最少兩張展示天文現象的觀測照片或天文攝影技術的比較照片,并須附以中文或英文撰寫的報告,闡釋觀測的目的程序及結果。

In order to make information of the planning implementing , tracing and adjusting on project management on the inter , and according to this structure reflects the feature that a project is usually divided into the task units for distributing and implementing , the database design in this thesis is consisted of project group , detailed projects , project tasks , project resources ( including substance and people ) , task distribution , time , units and indentifiers . the sofare system of project management on the inter includes three pages . they are project building , project managing and project member working
為了將項目管理中的項目計劃、項目實施、項目實施跟蹤、項目調整環節的信息信息化、網絡化,軟件系統針對在項目管理中,將項目細化為任務單元分配實施的特點,按項目群、具體項目、項目任務、項目資源(包含物質資源及人力資源) 、任務分配,以及時間、單位衡量信息、標識信息的層次關系構建了軟件系統的數據庫信息結構。

" hong kong s logistics sector offers excellent one - stop services and supply chain management know - how . if it can work closely and integrate with its counterpart in the prd region , the economic development of the whole prd region including hong kong will receive a boost , " says cc tung , convener , p - logistics project group of hong kong logistics development council ( hkldc ) . hkldc is one of the co - organisers of the expo

System model of advanced shipbuilding project management is firstly presented , which includes practical principle , system structure frame , function model and some key technologies - agile ship project group , integration beeen pm and erp , the whole ship planning management and its information system , and agile ship supply chain management

Chapter 3 : concerning some problem in project management in middle or small - sized enterprises , writer discuss the solutions of this problem in the following point , * risk management * the responsibipty of project manager * how to training and incentive project manager * how to fairly treat every member in project group * how to incentive members of project group * how solve the problem of lack of recourse and hr in middle or small - size enterprises


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