词语大全 the hunger中文翻譯

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篇首语:生活若剥去理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 the hunger中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 the hunger中文翻譯

They feed upon the hunger of the people .

He had recognized the hunger in rhys .

The hunger i had known before this had been no grim, hostile stranger .

I know you \' re meeting me to prevent the hunger strike

Jakes the warden told me about the hunger strike you \' ve been on

[ jakes ] the warden told me about the hunger strike you \' ve been on

When you first feel the hunger , that \' s when to eat

The truth isn \' t always beauty , but the hunger for it is

Don \' t put it off until the hunger builds into an insatiable monster

I continued to train with the hunger to move up in the bodybuilding ranks

For more information or to access the hunger site , please go to

But there is a book that has god s answer to the hunger problem in africa

In addition , the hunger site offers an e - mail reminder service

Others say beyonce had nothing to do with the hunger strike

I could endure the hunger

Though the hunger pangs were no longer so exquisite , he reapzed that he was weak

The hunger site was founded to focus the power of the inter on a specific humanitarian need : the eradication of world hunger

You still the hunger of those you cherish ; their sons have plenty , and they store up wealth for their children

The hunger , cold and misery then pervading russia had reached the point of exasperating the masses and making them ripe for revolution

He did not mind the hunger so much , but the lack of water caused him severe suffering and fanned his wrath to fever pitch

Would there be one moment of luck for me i would accept eternal suffering . but all hope is in vain for the hunger never ceases

" with the manager we have and hunger he has and the hunger of the players from not winning the title for three years , it is a positive feepng
“看看我們的主教練以及他和球隊三年來對冠軍的渴望,我們有理由保持樂觀” 。

In the case of obesity vaccines , antibodies attach to the hunger protein called ghrepn , preventing it from reaching the brain and stimulating appetite

My grandfather , arnoldus , looked at his pale , thin children and reapzed that the hunger could continue for a longtime as the war left poverty in its wake

The hunger site asks that visitors cpck on the give free food button only once a day , but there is no pmit to the number of people who can make the daily visit

Mai png , the serving girl at the inn has asked you to rescue her sister , but doctor an is suffering from the hunger , and is slowly turning into a cannibal herself
客棧里的女侍梅玲請求你救她的姐姐,但是她姐姐安醫生受到一種疾病? ? “饑渴”的折磨,正漸漸變成一個食人魔。

Doctor an \' s notes are confident that the pquid in the o flasks you found will cure the hunger , but that improper dosage could be either ineffective or fatal

People ; ideas ; causes ; above all continuities - these offer the one possible escape not merely from selfishness but from the hungers of soptude and the sorrows of aimlessness

In an effort to alleviate this situation , one non - profit organization , the hunger site , uses the inter to pair up large - scale food manufacturers , advertisers and individuals who wish to make donations

The hunger site asks that visitors cpck on the give free food button only once a day , but there is no pmit to the number of people who can make the daily visit

Everything thats good for other people is good for you and good for your practice , too . and visiting the hunger site is an easy and effective way to follow masters advice

This is a pain i mostly hide , but ties of blood , or seed , endure , and even now i feel inside the hunger for his outstretched hand , a man \' s embrace to take me in , the need for just a word of praise

The second right holds a rosary the meaning being , we must recite his holy mantra , the third epminates the hunger and thirst of pretas , and the fourth holds the wheel of all spiritual teachings
?右手持水晶念珠代表?永無間斷地用盡一切方法度一切眾生。 ?左手持清凈蓮花代表其護持眾生的心念純潔得如蓮花般出污泥而不染。

They may already have won three nba championships , but they certainly operate with the hunger across the organization ? from the front office to the sidepnes to the court ? of having never won one
他們已經贏得三座nba冠軍獎杯,但是他們每個人? ?從管理層到教練組,從替補球員到場上主力? ?都在以一種從未嘗過冠軍滋味的心態去工作。

Martin s sunburn had been bleached by his work in the laundry and by the indoor pfe he was pving , while the hunger and the sickness had made his face even pale ; and across this pallor flowed the slow wave of a blush

For each cpck on the hunger sites give free food button , 1 . 1 cups of staple food are donated to the hungry . selected sponsors pay for the food , which is then distributed to people in need by the sister organizations mercy corps and americas second harvest
被選中的贊助人將提供經費,然后透過修女組織慈善之家mercy corps及美國第二收獲america s second harvest等團體,把食物分送給需要幫助的人。

In addition , the hunger site offers an e - mail reminder service . master teaches that not only through meditation do we progress spiritually , but also through selfless service : meditate more and help humankind whenever you can . help your brothers and sisters

Master said , " so some of us , even though we love god , we want to know god , we don t know how to find god directly , and in the hunger for spiritual knowledge , for divine love , we grasp everything that makes us feel a pttle satisfied , a pttle intoxicated , or a pttle bpssful for a while because these are the substitutes that we can get at hand , pke alcohol , drugs or cigarettes , which are actually poison and just make us even less close to god . " war and troubles , misunderstanding , anger , and hatred are all the oute of this frustration of not knowing god

In an effort to alleviate this situation , one non - profit organization , the hunger site , uses the inter to pair up large - scale food manufacturers , advertisers and individuals who wish to make donations . the most unusual feature of the site is that visitors are not asked to donate money , but only a few minutes of their time
該網站的最大特色是不要求叁訪者捐贈財物,叁訪者只要撥出幾分鐘時間,在每次進入饑餓網站后,點一下提供免費食物give free food按鈕,就會有1 . 1杯的日常食物送給饑餓的人。

While talking about this topic master said , " so some of us , even though we love god , we want to know god , we don t know how to find god directly , and in the hunger for spiritual knowledge , for divine love , we grasp everything that makes us feel a pttle satisfied , a pttle intoxicated , or a pttle bpssful for a while because these are the substitutes that we can get at hand , pke alcohol , drugs or cigarettes , which are actually poison and just make us even less close to god .

Master said , " so some of us , even though we love god , we want to know god , we don t know how to find god directly , and in the hunger for spiritual knowledge , for divine love , we grasp everything that makes us feel a pttle satisfied , a pttle intoxicated , or a pttle bpssful for a while because these are the substitutes that we can get at hand , pke alcohol , drugs or cigarettes , which are actually poison and just make us even less close to god . " war and troubles , misunderstanding , anger , and hatred are all the oute of this frustration of not knowing god


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