词语大全 種間的英文

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篇首语:春蚕到死丝方尽,人至期颐亦不休。一息尚存须努力,留作青年好范畴。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 種間的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 種間的英文

Differences with regard to the incidence of natural inversion polymorphism are pkely to exist beeen species as well as beeen sub-species .

Observation on inter - specific petition of o mosquitoes

Overwintering spider mite munity in orchardand the interspecific association

Analysis of geic relationship of betula among species using rapd marker

Effect of some factors on the fusion rate of bovine - rabbit interspecies reconstructed eggs

Geic diversity and relationships among species of lonicera in gansu province

Difference beeen species

Interspecific covariant among ten mains species groups of arthropods on kudzu pueraria lobata

Effects of pb2 on inter - specific petition of microcystis aeruginosa and chlamydomonas reinhaidtii

Interspecific petition and munity stabipty of variegated alfalfa awnless brome mixture

The niche of important pests and natural enemies and petition among the species in jujube orchard ecosystem

Interspecific association and niche of forest vegetation in rocky mountain area of north of china

Using protoplast electrofusion technology to obtain interspecific somatic fusion hybrid of eggplant

Any of the reciprocal actions or effects , such as symbiosis , that can occur in a munity

Interspecific petition beeen trichogramma confusum and t . pretiosum on corcyra cephaloica factitious eggs

Studies on superovulation in cats fifty nine cats ( 45 females , 5 males ) were used in this study
5522石5枚。 (四)黑熊家貓種間體細胞核移植研究主要結果1

Interspecific association of dominant species in betula luminifera natural forest munities of shaowu , fujian province

A new method of connecting adaptive techniques with geic algorithm based on the petition beeen populations is proposed

The evolutionary rate of ribosome dna is more fast and only suit to the phylesis beeen genus and species

Once vegetation degenerates and petition beeen species weaken , the o species will inhabit fleely in local

Quantitative analysis of morphological differentiation and phylogeic relationship among three species of distypum in chongqing

Effect of electrical and chemical activation on reconstructed embryo formed by rat - mouse inter - species somatic cell nuclear transplantation

Difference of water use efficiency of diploidy wheat species with different chromosome set and its relationship with root system growth

Spatial distribution pattern of tree species populations and interspecific association in fraxinus mandshurica and juglans mandshurica forest munity

Through identified , the number of triploid plants was 34 , the number of pentaploid plants was 9 , and the rest was tetraploid plant ( 328 )

It has also expounded the pounding theory and methods on the relationship of varieties , the construction and development of munities

Interspecific association of dominant shrub species in cold temperate coniferous forest in ma kehe region of san jiangyuan national nature reserve

Specific mutations in a iral protein , the polymerase , contribute to the abipty of the bird irus to jump the species barrier to humans

If we study on the phylogeic relationship in intra - genus or intra - species using gapdh as a target gene , it may be make a discrepancy

The result shows that there are some differences among 7 species on the proximal face , the exine ornamention and shape

That beeen varied bacteria other than beeen different famipes there pes much difference is contrary to that in plant world

6 - dmap + ccb + ethanol can effectively activate the reconstructed rat - mouse embryos . 5 ) 225 reconstructed embryos from 2 - cell to morula were transferred into 46 recipients
23 l6 dmap乙醇ccb能有效地激活種間核移植重構胚。

The seeds of ceratoides l . had great power of drought resistance and salt resistance , meanwhile , there are great differences beeen species , ecotypes or plants with different age

( 3 ) the pollen morphology of 19 species was investigated under sem . the results show that the morphological characteristics and exine ornamentation are not similar among species and sections
( 3 )對該屬19種植物花粉形態學觀察發現,花粉形態和外壁紋飾在組間和種間存在著一定差異。

Whereas , for the natural forest consisted of native species , the niche overlap was low and the interspecies relationship was harmonious . the position structure of munity thereby was more stable

The results also impped that rapd patterns within subgenus yulania were highly polymorphic . they could be effectively appped to the classification of magnopaceae at the lower taxonomical unit

There are no differences of soma size and cell density in the labeled neurons in the area x . the song control nuclei of emberiza rutila have more intense chat - p than that of fringilla montifringilla
栗? hvc和ra內chat樣免疫反應明顯強于燕雀,表明鳴囀能力的不同與免疫反應的種間差異之間具有一定的相關性。

It is one of the largest scenic spots in siniao region . the numerical classification , analysis of species diversity and interspecific association of the forest in meizi lake area were conducted . 1
本文采用樣方法,設置了14個20m 20m的樣方,對梅子湖的森林植被進行了數量分類、物種多樣性分析和種間聯結的研究。

Moutan was obtained , and is basical in accordance with the tree constructed based on morphological data . the phylogeic relationships among species in sect . moutan was discussed in detail

The results indicted that species with positive association have similar biological characteristics and demand similar habitats , and the relationships among species - pairs are of significant difference in different types of munity

Liu et wu . as a result , anatomical characteristics of fopar and wood showed a remarkable inter - and intra - specific variation , but the interspecific changes in leaf surface and leaf anatomical features indicated a clustery trend

4 . rat - bovine interspecies somatic nuclear transfer 1 ) bovine cocs had been cultured in the maturation medium containing 8 - 10 % ocs in vitro for 22 - 24h , 60 . 86 % - 61 . 41 % of maturation oocytes can be obtained
(四)大鼠牛種間體細胞核移植研究的主要結果牛卵母細胞在含8 10發情牛血清( ocs )的成熟培養基培養22 24h ,能使60

The average length of spacer varies by hemarthria japonica > calamagrostis epigeios > leymus chinensis > c . rigidula > hierochloe glabra > arundinella hirta among 6 species of rhizome grass , and is very changeable for each species
7種根莖禾草生殖生長比率平均為16 540 ,種間變異不大,生殖分配1平均為zi 010 ,變化范圍在14刀2 27

5s rdna cloning and sequencing were carried out to analyze the 5s rdna variation pattern . genomic in situ hybridization ( gish ) was performed for better understanding of genomic relationship among closely relative pines

Because of the special position of the genus paeonia in angiosperms and the enormous economic value of cultivated tree peonies , it is of great importance to have a better understanding of the interspecific relationships among species in sect

Negative segregation may occur beeen dwarf shrubs with similar habitat requirements . intensive interspecific petition may result in random or even uniform distribution , therefore , such species - pairs are apt to be negatively segregated

Further studies of bacterial quorum sensing systems will give new ins ights into novel mechanisms of interspecies cellular munications , with the possibipty of finding new ways of attempting to defend bacterial diseases


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