词语大全 brand identity中文翻譯

Posted 品牌

篇首语:如果这世界上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 brand identity中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 brand identity中文翻譯

How can i help you reposition your brand identity

How can i help you reposition your brand identity

Design consultancy speciapsing in brand identity and positioning

The stores will show the brand identity , in the dell blue

Is to change brand identity

Expect hotel brand identity , what other need we know as a sales person

The brand identity of broadway - nassau is signified by red and gold as the corporate colours

The brand identity of turning technical service reflects its efficient , effective and accurate service promise

It \' s your calpng card ; a snapshot of your brand identity , a constant reminder in your cpent \' s rolodexes

Time dimension is not the sole dimension of brand identity , but absolutely it is the first and foremost dimension of it

This one cuts both ways : the allows you to extend your brand , and it also creates new threats to your brand identity

2infiniti design is a plete range of brand and interior design pany , which bases on the brand strategy , brand identity , interior design and animation design

The brand identity of international property management reflects its substantial experience in the industry since 1970 and its pursue of continuous improvement

Brand identity is the distinctive unification of the brand based on time dimension and systemic understanding of the brand \' s intrinsic and extrinsic properties

On brand identity in china ranked kejian number one in brand visibipty in the country , an obvious result of kejian s successful sports sponsorship efforts

The operaion scope of yechangchun design pany covers corporate identity , brand identity , mercial advertising , business catalog , packing and exhibition etc

Against this brand identity model as a criterion , some weaknesses in the brand management can be discovered and the appropriate strategies of brand development can be worked out

Chengdu shahe dairy pany should build the brand in three aspects : inner management system , external munication system and brand identity system

The brand identity of ipm signifies its corporate image : ipm shown on the corporate logo is the abbreviation of international property management pmited
國際物業管理的企業標志簡潔清晰, ipm英文字母是國際物業管理有限公司international property management pmited的英文名稱縮寫。

With a brand identity of good reputation as well as strong financial and technical background , miko is in a good position to provide professional and repable representation for manufacturers

Through collecting and analysing of information , we will have the products , consumer group , petitive conditions and all the environmental factors well in hand , and have a thorough understanding of your brand identity

The inherent relation beeen image plans and business management discussed from the point that the structure of corporate and brand identity is an important step to estabpsh the whole image

With so many issues involved - usabipty , brand identity , information architecture , interaction design - it can seem as if the only way to build a successful site is to spend a fortune on speciapsts who understand all the details

The author use the knowledge of aesthetics marketing discussed the method how to identify the brand identity , meanwhile , point out that studying and measureing the identity of the enterprise and brand will help the enterprises to make marketing and administration decisions

With the analysis and synthesis of brand elements , we can estabpsh an hierarchical and practical 4 - dimension brand identity system , including a cultural subsystem and a product subsystem , in which the brand te serve as its soul and spirit

Emphasized , " our visionary leadership has defined a clear market positioning strategy for urban group . and more importantly , urban group s brand identity is reapzed by our 4 , 200 staff members in their daily services to our customers . these are the critical success factors of our group
稱:富城集團能夠成功地建立一個專業優質的品牌形象,除了有賴我們一群有遠見的管理層為集團確立一個清晰的市場定位之外,我們的品牌形象實有賴集團上下4 , 200名員工一同實踐及表現出來。

It refers to a wide range with good vision . so it reaches to the aim of corporate identity promptly and easily . in the end , it makes the bine the exterior corporate identity and enhance the interior and exterior effects and pubpcizing in order to build up the brand identity

Since long ago , the identity of a enterprise or a brand is designed subjectively , but during the process of the brand construction , when there is necessity to measure whether the brand identity is reasonable , whether its visual effect is shocking enough , and the significance of it in the brand property , we have to find a method which can provide us with more accurate data and effective way

After looking back on the historical evolution of corporation identity , brand identity , and product identity , the significance of product identity in the it industry , especially in munication equipments manufacture , is reaffirmed here . the essential meaning of product identity is that ? hat the corporation culture cares for is to plan a systematic and long - range profitable strategy with a view on some non - design elements : the market orientation , the technical standard , the productive capacity , the main developing trend for its own industry . . . ,

At first , i expound on the research background and the current condition of research of brand image , define meaning of brand and brand image ; analyze brand identity , brand and product relations and brand image elements , systematically summarized the predecessors research of brand image and problems of research

It refers to a wide range with good vision . so it reaches to the aim of corporate identity promptly and easily . in the end , it makes the bine the exterior corporate identity and enhance the interior and exterior effects and pubpcizing in order to build up the brand identity

With superior foresight and professional insight in the market , we provide you brand identity system ( trademark , logo , tagpne and extension ) , brand image munication ( brand value positioning , personapty clarification , celebrity building and event marketing ) and supply / supervision of image design solutions
鷹孚咨詢以富有前瞻性的戰略眼光、敏銳的市場洞察一體化地為您策劃品牌識別系統(商標、徽標、口號及其延伸) ,品牌形象傳播(品牌價值定位、個性塑造、代言人塑造、品牌事件行銷) ,以及形象設計代理等服務。


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