词语大全 city identity中文翻譯


篇首语:木尺虽短,能量千丈。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 city identity中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 city identity中文翻譯

Research on chongqing \' s city identity

The apppcation of city identity system in the planning of small towns : exemppfied by anfeng town

Lastly , the author proposes the mechanism of xi \' an \' s city identity maintenance

Similar question , different choice - zhang aipng and wang anyi as viewed from pterature shanghai and the construction of the city identity

Furthermore , the author further develops the theory system of city identity maintenance by introducing the conception of city management into it

A large gap exists beeen the scale of the nanjing city tourism and its recourses , so the unified city identity system needs to be done

Part i focuses on the ponent parts , characteristics and value of city identity . then the author advances the maintenance content and principles

Therefore , an essential question has been raised as to how to preserve and develop xi \' an \' s city identity in the process of urban construction

It reestabpsh historic pnks to long - neglectect natural features , creating places of beauty for visitors and local residents while often catalyzing and shaping a citys identity

Part ii begins by an analysis of the evolution of city identity maintenance theory in xi \' an since 1949 . this is followed by the questions to be faced in city identity maintenance today

And the local official \' s one - side prehension , the plaza \' s local identity fade away . therefore , an essential question has been raised as to how to preserve and develop local city identity in the process of construction

Part iii discusses the preservation and development of xi \' an \' s city identity in the planning process in xi \' an qujiang new district . at fist , the anti - planning and culture planning aimed at city identity maintenance are proposed after an analysis of the pattern of city identity in qujiang
通過曲江特色調查與格局分析,以保護曲江特色為目的提出“反規劃”與“文化規劃” ,并將其貫徹到曲江新區總體規劃、城市設計、建筑設計中。

The author discusses the characteristics of city identity by using the concept and methodology of landscape ecology . directed by the sciences of human settlements , the author then studies on the roles which city identity plays in city sustainable development . the maintenance principles and mechanism are proposed

The first one introduces the background and the questions to be studied , some conception and the framwork of the thesis etc . the 2 chapter analyses the system , structure , elements of these small towns through the theory of city identity system and " the image of city " with five elements . the 3 chapter studies the structure of sights and the embodiment of characteristic sights

The thesis makes the theory system of city identity connection with practice of plaza design of yin chuan city . the thesis then studies on how to construct humanize space and how to keep city identity with local culture . furthermore , the targat of this thesis is to give us some advices to the constrution of urban plaza

This thesis brings forward that it is necessary to develop image - building by planning and design of small towns mainly for tourism from the height of region aiming at some phenomena of desultorily constructions , monotone and simple view , buildings with no design and culture happened and happening in some of this type of towns . the author analyses the system , structure , elements of these small towns through the theory of city identity system and " the image of city " with five elements . on the basis of it , the author studies the structure of sights and the embodiment of characteristic sights and advances the emphases of image - building by planning and design at three different aspects : the region or aero as a whole , the town as a whole and the part of the town
論文針對當前重慶市許多旅游型小城鎮形象建設雜亂無章,城鎮建設面貌單調乏味,建筑缺乏設計和文化內涵,城鎮旅游接待環境條件差,提出有必要站在區域的高度,對這類小城鎮進行形象規劃和設計,運用城市識別系統cis ( cityidentitysystem )和“城市意象”五要素的原理來分析小城鎮系統結構和要素,以便能夠清楚地認識研究對象,在此基礎上分析旅游型小城鎮的景觀構成及特色體現,提出了旅游型小城鎮形象在宏觀、中觀和微觀三個層次上規劃設計的重點,并從理論上分析從實踐中總結出旅游型小城鎮形象規劃設計的一般原則、方法表達方式及手段等,最后本文運用前面的理論和方法分析了重慶市的兩個典型的旅游型小城鎮,并進一步得出結論,即旅游型小城鎮形象建設是一個系統工程,要從規劃和設計兩個角度,結合旅游的優勢,結合地方,結合自然,既有整體又有重點地對旅游型小城鎮形象進行塑造,使得旅游與小城鎮的建設和發展互相融合,協調發展,相得益彰。

The degree \' s dissertation discusses the humanize space of local urban plaza by using the concept and methodology of environmental psychology , landscape ecology and urban pubpc space design . directed by the sciences of human settlements and the standpoint of sustainable development . the regional culture is the important method of keeping city identity


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