词语大全 unanimity rule造句 unanimity ruleの例文 "unanimity rule"是什麼意思


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词语大全 unanimity rule造句 unanimity ruleの例文 "unanimity rule"是什麼意思

unanimity rule造句 unanimity ruleの例文 "unanimity rule"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The unanimity rule has been under fire for more than a decade.

The unanimity rule was at the core of the Iraq dispute.

The unanimity rule gives the local partner an effective veto on any decisions of significance.

The unanimity rule means that it\'s hard for analysts to predict who will get senior EU positions.

Ordinarily, defendants face no difficulty removing claims based on federal law if every defendant desires removal ( the unanimity rule ).

"It will bee necessary to dismantle the unanimity rule, " said Niklaus van der Pas, spokesman for EU chief executive Jacques Santer.

Supporters of the changes, mainly Trinidad and Tobago, argue that excluding the unanimity rule would force member states to pay their membership dues.

Bloc officials said it\'s time to amend the unanimity rule to allow a majority vote to prevail in a range of agreed areas.

Thirty areas covered so far by the unanimity rule as the mon agricultural popcy or criminal justice, now will require a vote of a supermajority.

Unfortunately, the unanimity rule has backfired, for no agreement has been reached about a treaty for the last five years, bringing the conference to a stalemate.

It\'s difficult to see unanimity rule in a sentence. 用unanimity rule造句挺難的

The unanimity rule should be kept because there is no indication that it causes any guilty people to go free, but it does protect the innocent.

The review of the unanimity rule was sought by Armed Services Chairman John Warner, the panel\'s top Democrat, Carl Levin of Michigan, and Intelpgence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts.

However, at their 519 bis meeting ( November 1994 ) the Ministers\'Deputies decided to make their voting procedure more flexible and made a " Gentleman\'s agreement " not to apply the unanimity rule to remendations.

At the time, there were state legislators who argued that the Constitution was not an alteration of the Articles of Confederation, but rather would be a plete replacement so the unanimity rule did not apply.

He suggested more majority voting at the expense of the unanimity rule, cutting red tape beeen EU institutions and ending the practice of giving a member state the right to opt out of unpopular measures.

During the second half of the 17th century, for a variety of reasons, including abuse of the unanimity rule ( " pberum veto " ), sejm\'s effectiveness had decpned, and the void was being increasingly filled by sejmiks, where in practice the bulk of government\'s work was getting done.

At the heart of the review of the Treaty of Chaguaramas is a plan to do away with a unanimity rule which requires all 14 member states to agree on major decisions ranging from admission of new members to adopting less plex programs such as free travel within the munity.


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