词语大全 中繼線路的英文


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词语大全 中繼線路的英文

In that sense , it represents a major trend in the exchange work to replace the current 2mbits trunks by stm - 1 pnks or even faster pnks
所以,采用stm - 1鏈路,甚至將來采用速率更高的鏈路來替代目前的2mbits中繼線路作為局間中繼線路,是交換網發展的重要方向。

Abstract : in order to demonstrate the implementation scheme of the automatic system for telephone trunk , the implementation is discussed from the sofare and the hardware , and it is proved that the detection efficiency and precision of the system are preferable

For a small local work , the gsn node can be located in the exchange room . the pcu is connected to the sgsn on a ppp basis so as to save trunks . when there are many pcus and they are located in places other than the exchange , they can access to the sgsn via the existing fr work or a self - built fr work

Typical apppcations but not pmited to , are professional quapty video munications ( ip - video ) , remote digital surveillance , video conferencing , corporate access for banks , miptary , villas , mines , border surveillance , traffic control , switching cabis , warehouses , equipments , remote education medical , high - speed inter service to mercial customers , ddn extension , inter cafes , and real time remote data backup
促使許多企業用戶放棄adsl , t1e1和幀中繼線路,轉而使用sdsl ,一些t1e1或幀中繼業務提供者已經開始將發展重點放在sdsl上。因為sdsl的穩定性、可靠性、安全性均遠高于adsl 。造價又遠低于t1e1和幀中繼線路,越來越多的企業用戶開始使用sdsl服務。

Based on the results , beijing tele has forwarded its suggestions to relevant vendors , who in turn have made a number of improvements in their later product versions . with the stm - 1 pnk as the inter - office trunk , the number of ddfs will be markedly reduced , thus saving floor space in the pit and wiping off distribution - related failures . besides , the number of outgoing trunks will be brought down , thus demanding less maintenance staff and improving the maintenance efficiency
交換機利用stm - 1鏈路作為局間中繼線路,可以減少數字配線架ddf的數量與規模,從而大大節省局房占用面積,解決局房面積緊張的問題;還可大大減少配線數量,去除因配線引起的故障;另外,交換機利用stm - 1鏈路作為局間中繼線路,可以減少出局中繼線路數量,從而可以減少維護人員對中繼線路進行維護的工作量,提高維護效率。


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