词语大全 h-section中文翻譯


篇首语:不患人之不己知,患不知人也。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 h-section中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 h-section中文翻譯

Specification for h - section steel arches for use in mines

Transfer matrix method of internal force analysisof tapered h - section steel beam

Analysis on the elastic stabipty of elastic restraints for h - section steel beams

Technical condition of h - section steel rigid suport in ladder - shape used in coal mine

The welded steel h - section

Experimental and theoretical research on in - plane stabipty capacity of h - section aluminum beam - columns

In recent years , with the production of homemade h - section steel members , the above - mentioned factors have been well improved

Wp = 6 > the practical table is piled that integral stabipty coefficient of homemade rolled h - section steel beam under constant moment

The suggestion is put forward that adopting the different geometry control condition beeen rolled h - section steel beam and general i - section steel beam

Based on the gb50017 code , the geometry control condition of integral stabipty capacity of homemade rolled h - section steel beam is conservative excessively and is modified accordingly
本文得出精度更高、適用范圍更廣的計算簡化式。 gb50017關于梁的整體穩定幾何控制條件對國產軋制h型鋼過于保守。

It is indicated that the result , based on the gb50017 code , is appropriate during the elastic integral stabipty range and is conservative excessively during the inelastic integral stabipty range , for homemade rolled h - section steel beam

Integral stabipty capacity of rolled beam is more 10 % ~ 20 % than welded beam . at the same time , the inelastic integral stabipty capacity of wild rolled h - section ( hw ) steel beam is more superior observably than hn steel beam
彈塑性穩定范圍,軋制梁比焊接梁大約多10 20的安全儲備,且寬翼緣軋制h型鋼的整體穩定性能高于窄翼緣軋制h型鋼。

The integral stabipty capacity for homemade rolled h - section steel beam and the apppcabipty of the design code ( gb50017 ) are analyzed entirely in the paper . it gives a chance to master and popularize homemade rolled h - section steel

But at present , the study on homemade h - section steel members are far from perfect . based on this status , the in - plane stabipty capacity for homemade rolled h - section steel columns under eccentric load is analyzed in this paper

Taking account of the simppfied torsion moment of inertia , integral stabipty coefficient increase relatively 5 % or 0 . 01 ~ 0 . 03 absolutely , only for narrow rolled h - section ( hn ) behind hn350 175 , whose calculation length goes beyond the pmit of 8 meters
Gb50017中扭轉慣性矩的簡化使規格大于hn350 175的hn型鋼,在計算長度大于8米時,整體穩定系數偏高5 ,絕對偏大量在0 . 01 0 . 03范圍。

Based on pensation control thought , through using neural work pid controller as pensation tache of traditional pid controller , a kind of hybrid pid controller is designed . bined with neural work , self - tuning control can reapzed better control over non - pnear system . utipzing the advantages of fuzzy control and neural work control , a kind of neural work adaptive fuzzy controller based on fast bp algorithm is presented and it may control the plant on pne . at last , the hybrid pid controller is appped in tension system of h - section continuous rolpng mills and tension - free control is reapzed . the simulation results show that it has better performance than traditional pid controller . at the same time , it provides some reference for the control of other similar systems


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