词语大全 歸正的英文

Posted 家臣

篇首语:黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 歸正的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 歸正的英文

Why do you think he went straight

On di - and regression of value orientation of social development

But hell , if you want something done right you just do it yourself

Deviation and correction of value orientation of social development

Speaker normapzation and novel robust speech feature based on melpn transform

French reformed church

Dutch reformed church

A " daruma " is a toy that , being weighed on the bottom , rights itself if you tip it over

Upright acts will be the price of zion \' s forgiveness , and by righteousness will men be pving there

Let us then examine our pves , apgning ourselves with him as we now partake of the emblems

So in our dutch denomination , when i was 6 years old , i had to go our repgious education called catechism

2 timothy3 : 16 - all scripture is god - breathed and is useful for teaching , rebuking , correcting and training in righteousness
提摩太后書3 : 16 -圣經都是神所默示的、于教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義、都是有益的。

" why don \' t you just go back whence you came , " the general could say , " and persuade all those people to return to their loyalties as true subjects of their country

All scripture is inspired by god and is useful for teaching , for reproof , for correction , and for training in righteousness , so that everyone who belongs to god may be proficient , equipped for every good work
圣經都是神所默示的(或譯:凡神所默示的圣經) ,于教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義,都是有益的;叫屬神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。

This question is answered this way by the apostle paul : " all scripture is given by inspiration of god , and is profitable for doctrine , for reproof , for correction , for instruction in righteousness
關于這個問題,使徒保羅是這樣回答的: “圣經都是上帝所默示的,于教訓,督責,使人歸正,教導人學義都是有益的,叫屬神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。 ”

What ’ s more , if the left - right structure character being written radicals apart , the segmentation algorithm will mistakenly segment one character to o . to resolve this problem , the paper proposes an approach to recognize continuous handwriting chinese characters using level building and dynamic time warping algorithm
針對現有識別系統的這些弱點,本文提出將分層構筑( levelbuilding , lb )和動態時間歸正( dynamictimewarping , d )算法相結合( lbd )的聯機手寫漢字串識別方法。


词语大全 矯正的英文


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词语大全 芒寒色正造句_芒寒色正中英文解释和造句

芒寒色正  mánghánsèzhèng芒寒色正的意思和解释:指星光清冷色纯正。也借以称颂人的品行高洁正直。芒寒色正的出处唐·刘禹锡《柳河东集序》:“粲焉如繁星丽天,而芒寒色正。”

词语大全 芒寒色正造句_芒寒色正中英文解释和造句

芒寒色正  mánghánsèzhèng芒寒色正的意思和解释:指星光清冷色纯正。也借以称颂人的品行高洁正直。芒寒色正的出处唐·刘禹锡《柳河东集序》:“粲焉如繁星丽天,而芒寒色正。”

词语大全 矫邪归正造句_矫邪归正中英文解释和造句

矫邪归正  jiǎoxiéguīzhèng矫邪归正的意思和解释:矫邪:纠正邪恶、邪念。归正:归于正路。改正错误,走上正道。矫邪归正的出处《晋书·吕光等载记论》:“向使矫邪归正,革伪

词语大全 矫邪归正造句_矫邪归正中英文解释和造句

矫邪归正  jiǎoxiéguīzhèng矫邪归正的意思和解释:矫邪:纠正邪恶、邪念。归正:归于正路。改正错误,走上正道。矫邪归正的出处《晋书·吕光等载记论》:“向使矫邪归正,革伪

词语大全 谏正的意思是什么

【谏正】的意思是什么?【谏正】是什么意思?【谏正】的意思是:谏正jiànzhèng谏诤;规劝。  ●《汉书•鲍宣传》:「唐林数上疏谏正,有忠直节。」  ●《后汉

词语大全 令正的意思是什么

【令正】的意思是什么?【令正】是什么意思?【令正】的意思是:令正lìngzhèng 1.  古代官名。掌文告辞令。  ●《左传•襄公二十六年》:「子大

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【检正】的意思是什么?【检正】是什么意思?【检正】的意思是:检正jiǎnzhèng 1.  端正的操行。  ●《晋书•陈舆传》:「舆虽无检正,而有力致

词语大全 六正的意思是什么

【六正】的意思是什么?【六正】是什么意思?【六正】的意思是:六正liùzhèng 1.  春秋晋统帅三军的六卿。  ●《左传•襄公二五年》:「自六正、