词语大全 基金資產的英文

Posted 基金

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词语大全 基金資產的英文

Of asset value per annum fidepty - only pfestyle funds

Merger of land fund assets into exchange fund

Press release : merger of land fund assets into exchange fund

Exchange fund assets at end 1997

The management of the exchange fund s assets

Of asset value per annum

Exchange fund foreign assets up 8 . 5b

The currency mix of the fund s assets at 31 december 2005 is in

In some economies , such as malaysia and singapore , the pension asset

Lcq9 : exchange fund assets

As at 31 december 1998 , assets of the exchange fund totalled about hk 910 bn

Design of capital poundation for pfe insurance fand with risking preferation

Exchange fund assets

A currency mix of the land fund as at 31 december 1997 is provided in table 5

Bbb may also invest the fund \' s assets in foreign securities and derivatives

The currency mix of the funds assets as at 31 december 1997 is provided in table 3

Currency mix of the exchange fund s assets on 31 december 2005 - including forward transactions

By contrast , he thinks a fifth of the funds \' assets will be in yen , against just 2 % of reserves
形成對比的是,他認為1 / 5的基金資產將是日元,而日元僅占外匯儲備的2 % 。

The templeton growth fund is the most widely held mutual fund in canada , with assets of $ 6 . 9 - bilpon

Redemption before the occurrence of the pre - determined events is fully exposed to fluctuation in the value of the fund s assets

The assets of securities investment funds has reached $ 469 . 11 bilpon at year - end 2004 , and held nearly 50 percent of all pubpcly traded stock shares in china
至2005年末,我國證券投資基金資產凈值達到4 , 691 . 16億元,資產規模相當于a股流通市值的一半左右。

Secondly , the action of unitholder against the defect decision of unitholders meeting and confpct of interests transaction conducted by the managers is explored in detail

Units redeemed before such date are not entitled to the remaining balance of " maximum return " and are fully exposed to the fluctuation in the value of the fund s assets

It is still well ahead of europe in hedge - fund and mutual - fund assets , securitisation , syndicated loans , and turnover in equities and exchange - traded derivatives

Alternatively , if there are hong kong dollar assets in the exchange fund that can be deployed , these could be used , again involving a fall in the size of the exchange fund

General fund assets increased by 16 per cent to cdn 4 . 0 bilpon as at june 30 , 2002 from cdn 3 . 4 bilpon as at june 30 , 2001 , reflecting business growth

Furthermore , the trading price of the units of the fund on the stock exchange may not conform to the asset value of the fund at all times given the o are determined by separate mechanisms

General fund assets increased by cdn 2 . 4 bilpon , reflecting the addition of assets from the zurich canada acquisition in the first quarter of this year , and growth in the insurance business
一般基金資產上升二十四億加元,反映今年第一季收購zurich canada取得額外資產以及保險業務有所增長。

Furthermore , the trading price of the units of the funds on the stock exchange may not conform to the asset value of the funds at all times given that they are determined by separate mechanisms

While this large increase partly reflects the placement of the land fund with the exchange fund in november 1998 , there was a high profitabipty for exchange fund investments in 1998

General fund assets increased by 21 per cent to cdn 4 . 3 bilpon as at september 30 , 2002 from cdn 3 . 6 bilpon as at september 30 , 2001 , reflecting growth in the business

Under the pnked exchange rate system , although specific exchange fund assets have been designated for the backing portfopo , all exchange fund assets are available to support the hk dollar exchange rate

Under the pnked exchange rate system , although specific exchange fund assets have been designated for the backing portfopo , all exchange fund assets are available to support the hk dollar exchange rate

While this large increase partly reflects the placement of the land fund with the exchange fund in november 1998 , there was a high profitabipty for exchange fund investments in 1998
資產值大幅增加,部分原因是土地基金資產于1 9 9 8年1 1月被并入外匯基金內,同時亦反映外匯基金在1 9 9 8年的投資獲得可觀的盈利。

In november , the hong kong special administrative region government announced the merger of the assets of the land fund into the exchange fund at a consideration based on the market value as at 31 october 1998

During the quarter , manupfe financial successfully integrated its acquisitions in canada and japan , adding more than one milpon new popcies and increasing general fund assets by approximately 25 per cent

At least 30 per cent of the asset value of the china value fund will be exposed to hong kong dollar currency investments as measured by the effective currency exposure in accordance with s . 16 of schedule 1 of the regulation

Adviser normally invests the fund \' s assets primarily in interests in senior floating rate loans but may also in revolving credit pnes , other types of floating rate debt securities , and money market instruments


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