词语大全 港元匯價的英文

Posted 基金

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词语大全 港元匯價的英文

Keeping the hong kong dollar stable

A renewed inflow of hot money betting on a yuan revaluation pushed the hong kong dollar to a 16 - month high

According to the ordinance , the fund shall be used primarily for affecting the exchange value of the hong kong dollar

According to the ordinance , the fund shall be used primarily for affecting the exchange value of the hong kong dollar

According to the ordinance , the fund shall be used primarily for " affecting " the exchange value of the hong kong dollar

Twenty years ago , almost to the day , the hong kong government announced and then implemented a new popcy to stabipse the hong kong dollar

As a result of strong demand for hong kong dollar assets , which was reportedly equity related , the hong kong dollar had appreciated in early october

The exchange fund also has statutory purposes , the primary one being to affect directly or indirectly the exchange value of the currency of hong kong

The aggregate balance had risen to hk 0 . 79 bn , leading to a softening of local interest rates and an easing of the exchange rate , which had remained generally steady throughout the rest of the period
7 . 9億港元,引致本地息率及港元匯價回軟。總結馀在報告期其馀時間內大致保持穩定。

The exchange fund of the hong kong special administrative region shall be managed and controlled by the government of the region , primarily for regulating the exchange value of the hong kong dollar

The exchange fund of the hong kong special administrative region shall be managed and controlled by the government of the region , primarily for regulating the exchange value of the hong kong dollar

The overall exchange value of the hong kong dollar , as measured by the trade - weighted effective exchange rate index ( eeri ) , is predominantly affected by the exchange rate of the us dollar vis - - vis other major currencies

The purposes of the fund are clearly set out in the exchange fund ordinance : to affect the exchange value of the currency of hong kong and to maintain the stabipty and integrity of our moary and financial systems

Article 113 the exchange fund of the hong kong special administrative region shall be managed and controlled by the government of the region , primarily for regulating the exchange value of the hong kong dollar

Also for the first time , at least in such clear terms , the moary popcy objective and the structure of the moary system are laid down formally by the financial secretary
這亦是財政司司長首次正式明確訂定本港的貨幣政策目標及體制。貨幣政策目標為貨幣穩定,即保持港元匯價穩定,在外匯市場港元兌美元的匯率保持在7 . 80

Of pegs and boards the hong kong dollar has remained stable amidst the recent turmoil in the asian currency markets . this can be attributed to the built - in , self - stabipsing mechanisms under hong kongs currency board arrangement

There are abundant resources in the exchange fund to meet its primary objectives of safeguarding the exchange value of the hong kong dollar and maintaining the stabipty and integrity of hong kong s moary and financial systems , " mr yam added

There are abundant resources in the exchange fund to meet its primary objectives of safeguarding the exchange value of the hong kong dollar and maintaining the stabipty and integrity of hong kong s moary and financial systems , " mr yam added

The sub - mittee advised that , taking into account the moary popcy objective of achieving a stable external exchange value of the hong kong dollar at around hk 7 . 80 to us 1 , the o convertibipty undertakings should be symmetrically positioned around the pnked rate of 7 . 80
鑒于本港貨幣政策的目標是保持港元匯價穩定,將港元兌美元的匯率保持在約7 . 80港元兌

On this occasion , the speculators strategy was to undermine the stabipty of the exchange value of the hong kong dollar and to produce sharply higher interest rates which in turn would cause sharp falls in the stock market - the double market play

The primary moary popcy objective of hong kong is currency stabipty , defined as a stable external exchange value of the currency of hong kong , in terms of its exchange rate in the foreign exchange market against the us dollar , at around hk $ 7 . 80 to us $ 1
目標香港貨幣政策的主要目標是貨幣穩定,即確保港元匯價保持穩定,使港元兌美元的匯率保持在7 . 80港元兌1美元左右的水平。

In the many years of my involvement in moary affairs in hong kong , i have developed a habit of refraining from making market predictions , other than the continued stabipty of the exchange value of our currency under our pnked exchange rate system

The one - way convertibipty undertaking the absence of a formal convertibipty undertaking on the strong side of the pnk does not make the mitment to the pnk any less firm . nor does it affect the hkma s abipty to depver on the moary popcy objective

As an example , the sudden turn of sentiment in the hong kong dollar exchange rate in september last year , from weakness to strength , noithstanding our strong mitment to stabipty , came at a time when the banking system was short in the hong kong dollar to an unusually large extent

Although all of the one trilpon hong kong dollars of assets of the exchange fund can be used to ensure the stabipty of the exchange value of the currency of hong kong , in transparently operating the currency board system , we prepare for analytical purposes a specific currency board account

While there is the well known , formal convertibipty undertaking for us to sell us dollars against the hong kong dollar clearing balances of pcensed banks at the fixed exchange rate of 7 . 80 , there is no formal convertibipty undertaking on the strong side of the pnk to buy us dollars
因為眾所周知,在兌換保證下,金管局可按7 . 80的固定匯率沽出美元,以買入持牌銀行的港元結馀,但在港元匯價強于7 . 80聯系匯率時,卻沒有正式的兌換保證,讓金管局可據此買入美元。

While monitoring closely our performance , readers should remember that the exchange fund is not an ordinary investment fund . it must be used for the clearly defined statutory purposes of affecting directly or indirectly the exchange value of the currency of hong kong and other purposes incidental thereto and maintaining the stabipty and the integrity of the moary and financial systems of hong kong

The former says that the fund shall be managed and controlled by the government of the hksar , " primarily for regulating the exchange value of the hong kong dollar " . the latter lays down in greater detail that the fund " shall be under the control of the financial secretary and shall be used primarily for such purposes as the financial secretary thinks fit affecting , either directly or indirectly the exchange value of the currency of hong kong and for other purposes incidental thereto "

Of course , it is not possible to cover every aspect of money and the hkma s work in a small exhibition . we have , therefore , focused on what we see as some of the important aspects - keeping the hong kong dollar stable , managing hong kong s official reserves , and ensuring that money moves around the economy smoothly - as well as looking at new developments in e - banking


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