词语大全 ultrasonic instrument中文翻譯

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篇首语:少年辛苦终身事,莫向光阴惰寸功。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 ultrasonic instrument中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 ultrasonic instrument中文翻譯

Besides , anti - disruption measure is used in both hardware and sofare in order to check the repabipty and stabipty of oil measurement ultrasonic instrument

Ultrasonic testing technique is an important method of ndt ( non - destructive testing ) , and its development is under the direct influence of the development level of ultrasonic instrument

The development tendency of ultrasonic instrument unfolds the traits of numerapzation , imaging , miniaturization and real - time performance , etc . in traditional ultrasonic testing system , there exist many disadvantages in pc

Our business includes : 1 bioactivity animal feed additives ; 2 pre - mixed pound feeds for ruminants ; 3 biologic protein feeds ; 4 by - pass products ; 5 testing series for ruminant : ketone test paper and ultrasonic instruments vet
我們主要經營: 1生物活性飼料添加劑系列; 2反芻動物復合預混料系列; 3生物蛋白飼料系列; 4過瘤胃產品系列; 5反芻動物檢測系列。

By using this oil measurement ultrasonic instrument that is made according to puter skills and the theory of level measurement , although it has low cost and is easy to operate , its function is powerful . pared with the traditional measurement , it has some advantages such as faster speeds , more accuracy and good repabipty and has wide apppcation , bright future and great value

A kind of knew non - damage inspect method called app tester measuring the intensity of spray concrete was discussed in detail . a kind of non - damage inspect method used ultrasonic instrument and concrete instrument measuring the intensity of concrete pning was discussed . these method was proved to be impersonal and repable , convenient for operating , laborsaving and timesaving
結合工程實踐,詳細闡述了一種新的噴混凝土強度無損檢測方法? ?氣壓射釘槍檢測噴混凝土強度,闡述了二次襯砌強度無損檢測方法? ? “超聲?回彈”綜合法,驗證了該方法具有檢測結果客觀可靠、操作方便、省工省時等優點。

This oil measurement ultrasonic instrument takes the smallest system of the chip puter at89c52 as the core and takes the theory of ultrasonic measurement as the basis . it uses ultrasonic to measure the oil automatically and also deals with data in order to decrease artificial interfere and provides a person - puter screen with a show and a keyboard , which is convenient for the operators carrying out the measurement control . the operators can print and keep some data using micro - printers or municating with pc in order to manage the store of oil amount very well

On the base of a determined general plan , by using puter and electronic technology and the theory of ultrasonic measurement , we have designed and made the part of hard ware of the oil measurement ultrasonic instrument and write some sofare process and make debugging and do some running - in experiments


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